View Full Version : IMPOSTOR using my tags

07-27-2003, 12:09 PM
Well Scorpion or whatever his/her name is at it again. :loser:
Around 2:30am US/EST on Sunday morning 7-27-03 he/she was using
IP address is He/she called his server SPWA and this bugger was faking my tags, not really my tags but a copy. There are a few differences you can spot that distinguish this fake from my real tags
This bastard has been causing trouble to SPWA for a while now. :loser:
He/she is perpetually creating servers with SPWA names and also using unauthorized tags, and copying several SPWA member name tags. :down:
The problem is he/she run a server with alot of swimmers, spammers and using cheats. In addition they trashtalk on other servers using our SPWA tags. In this particular case ... my freakin' tags!!

I got an IM from SPWA WhoopAss asking why DaFosia from Villains was upset with "me" for spamming and causing trouble in this game. He went on the server later and thought it was "me." It wasn't me, I got kicked from Scorpion's server as soon as I got on, and tried several times under other names to get back in without success.
Anyone who plays me in a game knows I don't cheat, trashtalk or cause trouble on anyone's servers. It's just not my style. I usually greet when I come in to play, I maintain good humor and compliment other players for "good shot" or GG. I enjoy having fun in the game and I play fair.
So please be aware there is an impostor using my tags usually on a server from Japan/Indonesia and they speak Portugese natively and broken english the rest of the time. One of their trademarks is they swim alot and it's cannons all the time. The server goes by various names like "come on" or unfortunately "SPWA" and often in the 180 -280 ping server group.
I usually avoid his/her server, but was really pissed when I look and there are my freakin' TAGS in use! :angry:
It's really unfortunate because I have been playing since February and have done my best to maintain an attitude of good sportsmanship. Even in the early days when I was getting fragged every second of every minute.
At SPWA we don't tolerate trashtalk or disruptive behavior.
This kind of impersonation can be detrimental to a clan or individual player and is really the lowest form of unacceptable behavior.

07-27-2003, 02:04 PM
Good to see that you ran it through spellcheck in Word. :P

07-27-2003, 03:44 PM

07-27-2003, 05:11 PM
Anyway..... :devil:

Thanx Brian for letting us know. :thumbs: I will keep my eye out and let SPWA know of any more occurrences.

I have gotten to know you enough that I am certain myself that you would never trashtalk etc. etc. It's too bad that this is happening to you and your clan and I hope this ends soon.

I enjoy fragging with you Brian......see you in the servers. :wave:

07-27-2003, 07:18 PM
Thanks Sepra :thumbs:

Damnit, it's bad enough to have a crappy day at work and when the day is done, kids are in bed and all you want to do is hunt someone down with the mini-gun and then ya gotta deal with this nit-wit :wacko:

The reason I started playing SS is because my wife works second shift, nothin worth a damn on TV, and my kids are little so I'm not going anywhere at nite..It would be nice to play a game just for the sake of playing a game, not to have to deal with small minded people with a personal vendetta against me ( I could get that at work ! :P )

Anyway, I don't know what this guys problem is nor do I care.. All we're saying is,ANY of you could be the next infatuation/target at any time.. Just be aware of this situation..

That's all

07-27-2003, 08:14 PM
Hey did you know that there are rams horns coming out of your head? :P

07-27-2003, 08:45 PM
hmmmm, ban the ip blocks, there is no such thing as ip change at will.
if you ban enough blocks, they will be gone.
secondly any server they start is likely to have a high ping
for us in the states. i don't know where most of you are based,
but if the same is true, then you should be able to avoid them.

oh, and just in case, I will pay extra attention to fragging you spwa guys! :devil:

:thumbs: :thumbs:

07-27-2003, 09:04 PM
Ban the following from your server and the problem should be fixed for you.

07-27-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Slice@Jul 27 2003, 04:14 PM
Hey did you know that there are rams horns coming out of your head?** :P

Shhhhh..... don't tell anyone..... :shifty:

07-27-2003, 10:27 PM
Thanks Outlaws WhoCares, good tip since all the Japan IPs seem to be in the 61.196.* range :thumbs:
JIMINATOR your right about the ping, I am in NC/USA and their ping is usually in the 200's.
I appreciate the help, and sorry about this mess. Most of you that have played me know I don't pull that kind of garbage.
This is a shot from AllSeeingEye.

07-27-2003, 10:29 PM
oh, btw, I had played a few spwa's the other night,
they were no good, but they didn't trash talk,
was that them?



07-27-2003, 10:35 PM
OK ... very funny JIMINATOR :w00t:
Hard to tell with this impersonation business. The impostors are going to other servers and one of their trademarks is swimming, using bindings and other stuff. Most times they won't trashtalk because they speak Portuguese and very limited English.
In all fairness though ... anyone can have an offday but there are some darn good SPWA players :thumbs:

08-09-2003, 05:38 AM
You live in NC??
Whoa, I do too...
I had a imposter once, I knew a well hacker, had him to hack that imposter, I forgot his name, It was me someone else, and the imposter...
Also a imposter doing my bros clan, really p***es me off...

08-09-2003, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS WHOCARES@Jul 27 2003, 04:04 PM
Ban the following from your server and the problem should be fixed for you.
missing an octal there bud :rolleyes:

Who is Brian anyways? :WTF: Did you just change your name or something, becuause you have a lot of posts and I have never seen you before. :hmmm:

08-09-2003, 07:12 AM
lol Brian, you suck anyway so why you trying to catch impostor? he plays better than you for sure :P :lol:

08-09-2003, 07:29 AM
:rofl: ok that is all I have to say is :rofl: http://www.outlawsrulez.com/smile/signs/iamwithstupid.gif

08-09-2003, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Chyliniak@Aug 9 2003, 03:12 AM
lol Brian, you suck anyway so why you trying to catch impostor? he plays better than you for sure  :P  :lol:
Brian may not be as good as you Chyl :loser: but he's a damn nice guy! :thumbs:

:hmmm: Why so rude? :loser:

Anyway, I suck but if somone was using my name with fake tags, I'd be pretty pissed off too. Try to put yourself in someone else's postition before you act like an @ss.

08-09-2003, 01:29 PM
Thanks Sepra !! :thumbs: :cool:

08-09-2003, 01:48 PM
I've been to Jawa Barat (West Java) and to Bandung :happy:

Bandung is a city where most universities of Indonesia are

of course the city also has thousands of internet cafés...

08-09-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Chyliniak@Aug 9 2003, 08:12 AM
lol Brian, you suck anyway so why you trying to catch impostor? he plays better than you for sure :P :lol:
just cos you got your ass kicked out of SPwa

Lamer try playin the games i play i whip you in them

:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
