View Full Version : Half-life 2 Delayed

07-30-2003, 03:27 AM
Frome ve3d:

Yup. It's official. Half-Life 2 will not be released on September the 30th. Vivendi Universal Games has stated that it will be released later this year. The rough time stated is "holiday 2003." Of course there's no guarantee that the game won't slip into 2004.

Now that Doom is also announced for next year I guess that gives us all time to upgrade our cards.

07-30-2003, 03:38 AM
Hold it, hold it, hold on there.....WTH is this about D3? I hadn't heard any of this yet, friggin' bummer. It seems there are always some snags, but I was hoping that HL2 was all-but 'in the can', as we had been hearing. I was really looking forward to HL2, as I should be able to enjoy all the juicy graphics with my current setup, whereas D3 might be another story. But, to tell you the truth, I was half-worried that if D3 caused me to need a faster card, that I might have to wait until next year and the ATI R420 and NV40 are out.

Planet HL (http://www.planethalflife.com) has an update on that, but it looks like the next projected time will be Xmas:

"UPDATE: There is a mail (supposedly) from Gabe Newell where he's quoted as saying, "First time I've heard about this," but until we hear an official statement from Valve to the contrary, we're going to believe Vivendi. Given the amount of lead-time required to publish a game like HL2 and everything else we've heard about the game's progress so far, this delay isn't that shocking."

07-30-2003, 03:42 AM
Doom 3 isn't officially delayed because they never announced a date, but in a conference call a couple of weeks ago, the publisher said it will appear in the fourth quarter of their financial year. Unfortunately, the fourth quarter of their year is from Jan - Mar 2004.

07-30-2003, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by SALvation@Jul 29 2003, 09:42 PM
Doom 3 isn't officially delayed because they never announced a date, but in a conference call a couple of weeks ago, the publisher said it will appear in the fourth quarter of their financial year. Unfortunately, the fourth quarter of their year is from Jan - Mar 2004.
Hmm, maybe I misread that as being this year, but Phobos Lab and a couple of other places had it as a 2003 release, not mentioning quarters, fiscal or calendar.

Wait, here's what the Doomworld unofficial FAQ has:

"When will Doom 3 be released? (Back)
As the game has barely started production, there is no set release date, but knowledge of the average game development cycle seems to suggest a release date sometime in 2002."

So much for net info.

THAT BITES!!!!!!! On both of those, I was hoping that HL2 would be released on time, as they've been developing it for quite a long time, with none of the tiring hype-and-vapor that has made the Duke Nukem release interesting only for morbid curiosity of knowing when it was finally released, if ever. Plus, I was sure they like to have HL2 out there and gobbling up gamer's passions before D3 hit, to have a jump on it.

Drunken Warrior
07-30-2003, 05:36 AM
I won't believe anything untill I see it loading in my computer :jammin:

07-30-2003, 05:55 AM
thats really unfortunate.. i hate delays

07-30-2003, 12:24 PM
NOOOOOOOOooo! :bandhead: :bawling:

07-30-2003, 01:01 PM
I won't believe anything untill I see it loading in my computer 

Damn Right :thumbs:

Gun Element
08-02-2003, 04:25 AM
Dood! That is not cool, NOT cool :bandhead: