View Full Version : Rise of Nations

Death Engineer
07-30-2003, 06:31 PM
Has anyone tried the Aging Madness - Age 2 challenge under tools/extra on Rise of Nations? I have yet to find a consistent way to beat it. I got lucky once with the ruins bonuses, but can't count on that. My strategy thus far is as follows:

Research Civic immediately and build 3 citizens. The first two build farms as soon as they come out. The third builds the next city (as soon as civic finishes researching and you have resources, until then, he cuts wood).

Somewhere in here, you have to research commerce.

After the city is built, I try to build a farm with the builder, and then take a wood cutter off to make another farm. Then it's home free to Science, Military, and finally the Age upgrade.

Unfortunately, it normally takes me about 20 sec. too long for the drill. Let me know if you can find a consistent winning pattern.


07-30-2003, 08:11 PM
No time to play and my system is down for good but you are on the right track because it was like almost in that way with Age of Emipre and etc.

Death Engineer
07-31-2003, 05:48 PM
I actually figured it out. It looks like you don't need to upgrade the Science and Military to upgrade to the next age. Thanks to Chaaz for helping me figure out my ignorance. :online2long: