View Full Version : A-Rod! What a Joke!!

07-31-2003, 04:55 PM
If you're a baseball, or a pro sports fan, read this A-Rod = ass (http://my.netscape.com/corewidgets/news/story.psp?cat=51401&id=200307310956000158859)

Most of what's wrong with pro sports can be seen here. IMO.

Time for my rant:

Before the Rangers' 9-2 win over Boston on Wednesday night,
Rodriguez - in the third season of his record $252 million, 10-year
contract - said he would consider a trade because of all the

From I-Rod

`It's just something that, being my third year here, you want
to see improvement, and I don't know if we have improved over three

``It may be a year or two
down the road. And, obviously, I don't want to be the one that
handicaps this team.''

This ass clown takes a 252 million dollar contract, highest ever at the time, and then bitches because the team can't win :blink: How are they supposed to pay for anyone to play with him?? He doesn't want to handicap the team, why doesn't he just say he hates losing and can't take the preasure that since he gets paid so much, fans blame him when the team loses! And IMO, they should.

Does anyone remember MJ taking pay cuts and deferring sallary so the Bulls could add some quality role players??

Somebody please wake these guys up! If you want to win, it takes commitment and sacrafice. even if it means money! maybe if I-Rod gave up a few million, the team might be a little more competative and he can make the money back in play-off pay and endorcements.

07-31-2003, 05:56 PM
Your dead on right PE :thumbs: These guys need to spread the wealth around if they ever hope to be on a contending team in their careers.
There's too much "Me" and not enough "We" going on.

Sorry but i've gotta brag on my favorite team. Something the Braves have always been able to do is plug-in another module to fill positions after letting "Super Star" players like Tom Glavine and others go elsewhere and yet somehow they have been able to contend or win their div. every year. It's almost a given that the Braves are gonna be there and that helps them keep players.

Example: I think the Braves are gonna have a hard time resigning Javy Lopez next year after the year he is having. LINK (http://atlanta.braves.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/atl/news/atl_news.jsp?ymd=20030728&content_id=449348&vkey=news_atl&fext=.jsp&c_id=atl)

The offseason perseverance paid off as he is now hitting .324 with a Major League-best 1.136 OPS (on-base-percentage plus slugging percentage). His 70 RBIs rank third on the team and put him on pace for 109 this season. He is also on pace to hit 43 homers this season.

Sounds to me like he's already begun to market himself :oooo:

"All I know is that I feel very good this season and want this to continue throughout my career," Lopez said. "The most important thing is I feel good about myself."

As I see it, He's got 2 choices:
1 Be greedy and go elsewhere.
2 Get what he can from the Braves and remain on a winning team.

07-31-2003, 07:59 PM
what's wrong with a guy who wants to win? he takes the money cuz they offered it... i mean sh1t if i was a great player and a team offered me that much then i'd take it... anyone would. and he gives enough of the money that he makes to childrens and multiple other charities... he doesn't keep all of that money. he's also my fav player so maybe i'm defending him too much, but oh well. you cant blame him for wanting to win, but i see where you're coming from PE about giving up some money to hire better players.

07-31-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Strider@Jul 31 2003, 03:59 PM
what's wrong with a guy who wants to win? he takes the money cuz they offered it... i mean sh1t if i was a great player and a team offered me that much then i'd take it... anyone would. and he gives enough of the money that he makes to childrens and multiple other charities... he doesn't keep all of that money. he's also my fav player so maybe i'm defending him too much, but oh well. you cant blame him for wanting to win, but i see where you're coming from PE about giving up some money to hire better players.
I'm glad you got that last part. There's a trade off for everything in life my friend. When I saw that he inked that deal, I knew the Rangers weren't going to win anytime soon, just too much cash. Too bad too. I've been to The Ballpark At Arlington and it's a awesome stadium with great fans, I had a hell of a good time there.

But when the Mets thought of signing I-Rod, they balked because he wanted so much they thought it would offend other players like Piazza.

Don't get me wrong, I-Rod is one of the best players ever, but if he really wanted to win, he'd put some of that money asside and let the team get some decent pitching.

One of the problems in society as a whole these days is everyone puts themselves first, especially when it comes to money.

07-31-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil+Jul 31 2003, 08:09 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pure_Evil @ Jul 31 2003, 08:09 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Strider@Jul 31 2003, 03:59 PM
what&#39;s wrong with a guy who wants to win? he takes the money cuz they offered it... i mean sh1t if i was a great player and a team offered me that much then i&#39;d take it... anyone would. and he gives enough of the money that he makes to childrens and multiple other charities... he doesn&#39;t keep all of that money. he&#39;s also my fav player so maybe i&#39;m defending him too much, but oh well. you cant blame him for wanting to win, but i see where you&#39;re coming from PE about giving up some money to hire better players.
I&#39;m glad you got that last part. There&#39;s a trade off for everything in life my friend. When I saw that he inked that deal, I knew the Rangers weren&#39;t going to win anytime soon, just too much cash. Too bad too. I&#39;ve been to The Ballpark At Arlington and it&#39;s a awesome stadium with great fans, I had a hell of a good time there.

But when the Mets thought of signing I-Rod, they balked because he wanted so much they thought it would offend other players like Piazza.

Don&#39;t get me wrong, I-Rod is one of the best players ever, but if he really wanted to win, he&#39;d put some of that money asside and let the team get some decent pitching.

One of the problems in society as a whole these days is everyone puts themselves first, especially when it comes to money. [/b][/quote]
btw, it&#39;s A-Rod (alex rodriguez). I-Rod is Ivan Rodriguez :thumbs: :P

07-31-2003, 10:00 PM
I-Rod was a joke, you know, no I in team?? Sorry, I forgot about Pudge, didn&#39;t mean to disrespect Pudge.

But A-Rod is a I person all the way, so I-Rod

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
08-01-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Terminathare@Jul 31 2003, 05:05 PM

Young / Lucky / Money = (Jeter / Yankees)

Young / Lucky / Money = (Jeter / Yankees)

and HUNK= (Jeter/Yankees) :jammin:

08-01-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Jul 31 2003, 10:00 PM
I-Rod was a joke, you know, no I in team?? Sorry, I forgot about Pudge, didn&#39;t mean to disrespect Pudge.

But A-Rod is a I person all the way, so I-Rod
oh lol, we looked at that different ways. :cool:

08-01-2003, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Dixie Chick+Jul 31 2003, 08:04 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS Dixie Chick @ Jul 31 2003, 08:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS Terminathare@Jul 31 2003, 05:05 PM

Young / Lucky / Money = (Jeter / Yankees)

Young / Lucky / Money = (Jeter / Yankees)

and HUNK= (Jeter/Yankees) :jammin: [/b][/quote]
Young / Lucky / Money/4 Rings = (Jeter / Yankees)

:w00t: :drink: :wave:

Hi Dixie :wave:

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
08-01-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil+Jul 31 2003, 09:20 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pure_Evil @ Jul 31 2003, 09:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -OUTLAWS Dixie Chick@Jul 31 2003, 08:04 PM
<!--QuoteBegin--OUTLAWS Terminathare@Jul 31 2003, 05:05 PM

Young / Lucky / Money = (Jeter / Yankees)

Young / Lucky / Money = (Jeter / Yankees)

and HUNK= (Jeter/Yankees) :jammin:
Young / Lucky / Money/4 Rings = (Jeter / Yankees)

:w00t: :drink: :wave:

Hi Dixie :wave: [/b][/quote]
Hi Pure Evil&#33; :wave: :thumbs:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-04-2003, 04:30 AM
The best thing the Seattle Mariners ever did was, getting rid of Griffey and RodrigA&#036;&#036;&#33;

08-04-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS high ping camper@Aug 4 2003, 12:30 AM
The best thing the Seattle Mariners ever did was, getting rid of Griffey and RodrigA&#036;&#036;&#33;
:w00t: :rofl: :w00t: :rofl: :thumbs:

solid snake295
08-04-2003, 09:03 AM
i stopped watch baseball when Bo Jackson retired.... it was a sad day in sports :(

solid snake295
08-04-2003, 09:38 AM
haha, just kidding, i never liked baseball :shifty:

- every time i tried to edit my first post (because i cant spell
"watching"), my internet explorer would die and close it self :WTF: :hmmm:

Mr Clean
08-06-2003, 06:23 AM
Here is why you are all wrong:

1) If the Rangers could not afford to build a team around ANY player making 25 million a year, then they should not have offered him that contract. It was a piss poor decision by the owner to make that offer. He said he wanted to build a winner and signing A-Rod was a first step....what a twit.

2) The average career in baseball is about 12 years. The first four or five of that you can&#39;t sign for any real money because your locked in to whatever team you came to the Big Leagues with. If you are going to take care of yourself and your family you have to grab the money. A-Rod has a HUGE extended family, and in traditional Latino fashion he takes care of all of them. 250 million is a lot of money, but the federal government gets almost half of that, and a lot states make professional athletes pay some income tax if they play a game/games in that state during the tax year (it&#39;s actually an incredible rip-off, but that&#39;s for another day). He is 29 now, he&#39;ll be 36 when his contract is up. Say he can&#39;t play any more after that and he lives to be 86. That is FIFTY YEARS of retirement he has to pay for. That&#39;s a long time. Why wouldn&#39;t any of us sign his contract. He would have been a fool not to.

2a) A-Rod has been one of the best players in baseball since he signed that contract. There is no way you can say his play is causing that team to lose.

3) The Rangers having a piss poor team is not A-Rod&#39;s fault. Why shouldn&#39;t he want to be on a winner? Every pro sport places a certain emphasis on winning when looking at a player&#39;s career in comparison to his peers. He wants to win a championship. EVERY player wants that. His attitude on winning is no different than any other professional athlete. The Super Bowl/Stanley Cup/World Series/etc is the pinnacle, not how much your contract is worth. If the Rangers didn&#39;t have idiots running their scouting department maybe they would have drafted better players. Their pitching "prospects" are a sad lot. He is in an organization that fails to win. So wanting a trade to a winning team is understandable to me.

4) The Atlanta Braves are the Yankees of the National League. Although Atlanta has one of the best farm systems in baseball and you have to give them credit for that, they have bought player after player in free agency and were able to do it because Ted Turner was footing the bill. They outbid other people durring the whole decade of the 90s (unless the Yankees outbid them). You don&#39;t hear about it like you do about the Yankees because the Yankees are in a media capital (NY) while Atlanta is not (even if CNN is headquartered there). That imbalance in "buying" power is thsingle biggest problem with the game today...

There....I feel better now.... :oooo:

08-06-2003, 01:51 PM
I&#39;m suprised by your point of view. but my point wasn&#39;t he shouldn&#39;t have taken the contract, just shut the f up about losing unless you&#39;re willing to sacrafise to get there, and he&#39;s not willing.

And I&#39;m soory, not all athletes care baout winning, how many players bst their asses the year before they become free agents then slack off once they get the fat contract? The NHL is full of them..