View Full Version : Sam Tactics #1

08-04-2003, 02:56 AM
Since a couple of you have been asking, I'll teach some of our tactics so all of you can become better prey. It gets boring creaming everyone so we'll make you better so you can make us better.

This will be the first thread in a series of tips to help you out. This thread will be dedicated to tips before you even enter the game. So here we go...

1. Set your controls so that you have easy access to certain weapons and features. Personally, I use up and down arrows for moving, left and right arrows for moving (not turning) left and right. Mouse1 for shooting, Mouse2 for shotgun, Mouse3 (pressing wheel) for jumping, and the wheel for scrolling through weapons. The only other thing I have set is the right CTRL button for my knife. That is my setup.

Having this setup makes it very easy to switch to a knife to run fast, jump, switch to shotgun in mid-air, turn, and take you out. Sirc knows this move

It is important to have your knife and your shotgun mapped to easy keys. As you'll learn later, those are the only 2 weapons you need to win any map. The other weapons are just for show most of the time.

2. In the controls, in the section in where you can specify what to do when you grab a new weapon, set that to "only if stronger". That way when you are running from me and you run over a pistol or chainsaw, you don't switch weapons and slow down.

3. Pick a dark skin (optional). The kleer skin makes it very easy to hide in the shadows. Personally, I like to switch between the cowboy and kleer, and the occasional black man.

4. Make sure your mouse sensitivity is correct. There is nothing worse than missing a kill because you over aimed. Personally, mine is set at 34%. You can also raise your gamma up so that you can see those bastards in the dark skins.

5. For cable and DSL users, there is a .ini file you should edit for smoother connections. It is in the /scripts folder. I forget the exact name but it is similiar to cabledsl.ini. Edit the file so that you minBPS is 4000 and your maxBPS is 6000. Everyone on the server will thank you.

6. To really get you adreneline flowing, grab some hard rock music and play it instead of the Sam music. Just start Winamp before you play and turn the Sam music to 0%. Nothing like gibbing you to some Union Underground.

7. Grab The All Seeing Eye from http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/. This allows you to track players and servers without opening the game. This is how the MERCs always know where you are.

8. When using ASE, it will show you the ping of other players on a server. If they are all at 300-400, but it pings 100 to you, don't go in. You will be just as bad when you get there.

Those are the pre-game tips that I can give out without having to kill you for knowing them. Feel free to post your own pre-game tips or your own setups. More threads will follow this one on different topics.

<<(:: + MERC + ::)>> //// SALVATION//// +[HC]+

CLICK HERE FOR PART 2 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=18621)

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-04-2003, 03:16 AM
Nice. :thumbs:

08-04-2003, 03:34 AM
Thanx Goober and SAL i&#39;ll be needing those&#33;

08-04-2003, 04:01 AM
THAT ASE IS BAD&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

all seeing eye will continue to cause lag to all sam server . just think if 20 people have it running and pinging the sam servers.

Fred Bear
08-04-2003, 04:26 AM
thanks&#33; I&#39;m always lookg for some good sam tips

08-04-2003, 10:09 AM