View Full Version : Serious Sam Tactics #2

08-04-2003, 02:57 AM
Welcome to the second class in the MERC ciriculum. This thread will explain all about weapons and where they are best used. I won't delve too much into strategy as that will be saved for a future course. So please take your seats...

1. Knife
The knife is the second most important weapon in fragmatch. The second you spawn in a map you should switch to your knife. If there is no prey around you should be running with the knife. The knife allows you to run faster, jump higher, and if you get someone in the back they die in 1 shot regardless of health or armor. There are times when MERCs will use nothing but the knife for entire maps. It's that useful.

As I mentioned before, you jump higher with the knife. You jump MUCH higher if you jump while running up a ramp with a knife. This is extremely useful in Little Trouble where you can actually jump over the celing and come down in completely different parts of the map.

Some other secrets with the knife is that you jump on the roofs in Yodeller with it. This is how you can get the serious damage in the map and also the heart on top of the windmill.

*side tip* You will get a kill added to you score if you kill the Santa when he runs around the map.

Another secret with the knife is in the basement of Skull and Bones. Using the knife you can jump and hang upside-down on the ceiling. Hidden up there are 2 switches that are traps for either room in the basement. Hitting the switch will cause a cage to roll down and a barage of grenades on your prey. You don't get a kill for this but the prey does lose 1 kill.

Using the knife in The Hole allows you to take the two elevators near the lava and pick up the invincibility at the top.

2. Pistols
These weapons are absolutely useless in fragmatch. Never use these. If you have no weapon, switch to your knife.

3. Shotguns
The most important weapon in the game. The single barrel is fairly useless but the double barrel is where its at. One shot from the d-barrel can take out a prey even if he has a ton of armor and health. The trick is that you have to be very close to the prey so that every part of the blast hits him.

Many times, people will go 1-1 with a MERC using shotguns. They will take shots as they are running towards us as we don't fire a single shot. What they don't realize is that it tasks a couple of seconds to reload and a MERC always has a ton of armor. As they are taking 5-10 off per shot we just run towards them without firing a shot. As we meet, we fire a single shot and their gibs are dripping down the wall. This is when we are most accused of cheating. Prey don't realize that when they are shooting us from far away, only a couple pieces of their blast are hitting us. They see one shot from us and they are gone. So take some damage to get close. Time your shot so it is while they reload and make sure you are on top of them.

4. Tommy/Mini gun
These are fairly useless in the game. The tommy gun is fast but requires perfect aim, something that is very hard in the standard fragmatch game because of lag. The minigun is better, but the time it takes to fire up is not worth it.

If you insist of using the minigun, kepp barely pressing the fire button over and over. The gun will warm up but never actually take a shot. When you see you prey just hold it down and you will fire instantly.

Another draw back from these is they use ammo very quickly. If you don't get your prey and run out of bullets, you are a sitting duck.

5. Rocket launcher
The rocket launcher can be a very deadly weapon. Some of the best players use this exclusively, but you have to be careful as it can be easy for newbs to kill themselves and deduct kills.

The trick to the rocket launcher is to never aim right at a person. The splash damage from the rockets is more than enough to take prey out. Always aim at the floor near them. Make sure you don't aim so close that you injure yourself. Just pick a nice spot on the ground near them or where they are running and fire away. Walls work good also but you will have better luck on the floor as they prey has to be right up against a wall for it to work that way.

6. Grenade Launcher
The grenade can be an effective weapon but it is also the easiest to kill yourself with. This weapon is best used for firing around corners and carpeting the floor. The first way is to fire around corners so that your grenades riccochet around corners and nail your unsuspecting prey. The other way is to just fire away carpeting the floor in front of you. When carpeting, aim the grenades directly at your feet so they do not bounce to far. You won't kill yourself and the grenades won't bounce away.

7. Plasma gun
The only time the plasma gun should be used is with serious damage. Only a few shots from it will kill your prey and it is very easy to rack up multiple kills with it. The drawback are that it is hard to aim and that it gives away your position. Again, only use this with serious damage.

8. Sniper
The only people that use the sniper rifle in SE are suckers. First, there are only a couple of places to camp in each map. Second, when you fire, everyone on the map can hear you. Combine this with the first point and as soon as you fire, a MERC knows where you are. The easiest of kills is a camper. Add the online lag causing a hard time aiming and what you have is a newb fresh from Unreal and asking why he is getting his ass handing to him.

9. Cannon
Cannon whores are almost as bad as campers. You are considered a cannon whore if you grab more than 1 ammo with it. Nobody can resists mowing people down with it, but if you are running around only using that weapon, you become personal prey of the MERCs. It is very easy to dodge the cannon. Just listen to it fire up, before it shoots, just move left or right. It's a good feeling to knife someone to death as they are trying to cannon you. That's usually when the profanity starts.

So that is a basic description of what you should use and when to use it. If I missed something feel free to add it. I'll be back later...

<<(:: + MERC + ::)>> //// SALVATION//// +[HC]+

08-04-2003, 03:18 AM
I like everything but the pistols comment. I have actually run out of ammo with my shotty and have taken out great players with my pistol from across the map. I am not saying to go up against somebody with a pistol, but it is not useless, especially if they can&#39;t see you and don&#39;t know where the fire is coming from.

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-04-2003, 03:21 AM
I agree. I use my pistols quite a bit.

Fred Bear
08-04-2003, 04:38 AM
Thanks for the tips. I do agree about the pistol though.

08-04-2003, 08:33 AM
great story. :thumbs: :thumbs:

but made nice kills with the pistol, close or from far the damage is equal.

waiting for more. :wave: