View Full Version : THE NIGHT OF CLOSE MISSES: The Write Up!

Burn the Witch
08-05-2003, 03:44 AM
To sum up: we lost, but we played well, we again managed to take them to a 3rd round by winning, surprisingly Flux 2.

We started evenly with them on Flux 2, but they soon took the lead. We stayed within about 6 kills of each other, and 4 minutes before the end of the game they started playing super defensively. I dunno what happened exactly but one of us gave the call for a full attack, so I activated my adrenaline and went in, I think another of the team had adrenaline active, and we beat them up pretty good. We levelled until they were 1 kill ahead. Then sl8, after a whole load of bitching that he sucks at Flux 2 goes on a killing spree and we take the lead with 1:02 seconds to go (i remember this stuff). We go super defensive and win the level by a margin of 3 kills.

ZeLL got d/c in this so his final score shouldread 13-15 kills.

Burn the Witch
08-05-2003, 03:47 AM
That match was alot of fun, but from here things take a very DARK turn.

Campgrounds starts like before, we camp the shock and flak, and its obvious they are doing the same thing. IMO the teamplay wasnt as strong as it was on Flux2, and we killed each other a fair bit at the start. We caught up to within a few kills, but in the last 3 min they had a massive second wind. It seems one of their players was especially good at this map. I forgot the screenies but I think ZeLL had one.

Final Score : Lost 110-87.
(23 difference)

Burn the Witch
08-05-2003, 03:49 AM
We kept it together good on Grendel for ages, neck and neck, but in the end they broke us and then managed to keep us apart, gaining control of the map. Pretty frustrating, but their tactics were pretty good and they are a friendly bunch of guys/gals, and I would like to play them again.

If this sounds like its written in a fatherly way, then thats just coincidence. I am satisfied, if not overjoyed with my own performance and I think everyone tried their best, GG's guys we are inching closer. :devil:

He Is Legend
08-05-2003, 04:27 AM
Very GG's

I love playing with you guys!!

We make a good team in my opinion, but anyway, awesome and outstanding teamwork

Cant wait till next ladder match

08-05-2003, 05:02 AM
excellent job guys it was a close one. :wootrock:

Black Rose
08-05-2003, 07:50 AM
GG´s guys :thumbs: :wootrock:

You all are great players, http://www.my-smileys.de/hat_3.gif
be very proud of your teamplay :wootrock: :thumbs:

08-05-2003, 10:13 AM
Great work guys! :jammin: :wootrock:

When I saw the maps they chose I wasn't pleased, but I'm impressed as hell that you took Flux! And Grendelkeep is sniper heaven. :bandhead:

Just remember the old days when we get beat by 50 or 60 in ladder matches.. Now we're winning maps and hanging close in others. But it all comes down to teamwork and we're getting there!

Twitch has been there from the start, that may be why it sounds a little fatherly too. I know that's how I feel...but then again, I'm old enough to be the Father to most of {DS} :online2long:

Almost there guys.. :thumbs: :jammin:

08-05-2003, 10:54 AM
Got a e-mail from War Mongers clan leader, thought I'd share..


Just a note from the War-Mongers here. We enjoyed our match tonight, win or lose, we always enjoy playing and you guys were very good sports and very fine players.

Drop by our irc anytime to chat or maybe scrim or just hang out.

We look forward to a rematch down the road.

Good Fragging..........

War-Mongers clan

Nice to earn respect too guys, this is the second e-mail like this that I recieved from a OGL Ladder match. Keep it going guys! :cool:

08-05-2003, 12:14 PM
Wow...again, I am impressed and proud by what we are doing.

Sl8, see what all your whining got you? A win...I told you you would be fine.

Anyway, that is great to see. If I am correct, that is three matches in a row that
has gone to all three maps, and they have all been fairly close. Even the 'old man'
team of me, Pure and Pimp are able to take it to the wire.

You guys should be proud of how you did and how the clan is becoming solid competition.

Now it is getting fun! :devil:

GG's you guys! :jammin:

08-05-2003, 12:44 PM
GGs :thumbs:

08-05-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Dissectional@Aug 5 2003, 12:14 PM
Sl8, see what all your whining got you? A win...I told you you would be fine.

ok ok...BUT you should of stayed on and played grendelkeep for me..since my aim was way off. I got a new mousepad and I didnt play a game in like a week before that. Flux...they controlled the inside and we controlled the outside. We had to go in a few times but once we got the lead it forced them to come out. . What really annoyed me in this match was that there was no ttm....my eyes were like strained on grendelkeep trying to find the dark red guys and after i find them...trying to hit them. Plus I didnt practice timing powerups without the timer before that in a while. Overall it was fun...and I hope we play a rematch against them on our server with no flux or grendel and some ttm. I do have a ss of the 2nd game..ill work on getting that up.

Mr Clean
08-05-2003, 08:35 PM
GG all

08-05-2003, 10:23 PM
here is the screenie that twitch missed.

over all I thought the entire 3 games were even. my brain processed an even amount of frags for each team even though it didn't turn out that way.

we are getting closer and closer to these wins guys, I think our only problem is we need better camping spots.
the first round in flux 2 was perfect. The RL area was good because we had sight of double damage and lg, so they could only come from 2 directions leaving us to have more control compared to taking control of the inside where you could get attacked from all sides.

keep it up fellas and gg :thumbs:

08-06-2003, 02:10 AM
Very good fellows !!!! Sure beats getting whopped by 50+ points :thumbs: :thumbs: