View Full Version : combo practice mutator!

08-06-2003, 12:06 PM
this is a repost from what i posted on our gummi forums but i thought you guys would be interested too and since you arent all members on our board, here it is:

yo fellas check what i found when i was cruising the beyondunreal forums the other day....its a shock combo practice mutator that you can use in instant action. basically you get a drone that you can place anywhere on the map and it will just fire alt shock balls at any given random pattern that you specify when you config the mutator!!! all you do is fire up some instant action, set the mutator and then you can configure it to however you want the drone to fire...you can also move the drone around a map so you can practice it at different places! version 2 (which i am posting the link for here) also includes an option to have it launch translocator beacons and you can practice shooting them with your LG!! i havent tried it yet, but will be trying it now since i will be home today....i will give you all a short review when i get done testing it out....


to the mutator itself:

to a thread on the BU forums about it (some tps about how to set it up here):


to a couple threads on the Atari forums where the developer posted it (more tips, the link to this thread is also posted on the BU forums, first post i think):

http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showt...threadid=308996 (http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=308996)

http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showt...threadid=309505 (http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=309505)

08-06-2003, 12:19 PM
sounds good :)

but im searching for a shock combo mutator which only counts the combo deaths and not the ball and shock kills( i think that would be great for practise)

08-06-2003, 01:03 PM
well! here is my verdict on the mutator, i only practiced a little with it on grendel. i put the drone on the big platform by the 100 shield and had it fire while i was at the top so i could hit them...first of all i think the balls move a little quicker than typical alt fire so they were pretty hard to hit at first...then i got the hang of it after just standing there for a while and figuring out where to aim..from there i went on to doing some lift jumps and comboing and also just jumping around hitting them....granted i didnt hit a large majority of them but i was close on all...all in all it is a good mut with some great potential for practicing!

a couple hints on the settings for the mut...first of all when you set the mut you have to click on it then a config mutator button appears. click on that button and you can make changes to the firing rate and the pitch (angle at which it fires). since there was no real explanation of what these mean in the readme i just messed with them...i THINK that firing rate is how many seconds between each ball, therefore the higher the number the slower the alts will come at you (i used 3) then there is the firedev which is how much it can change. i entered 1 so the balls would come at either every 2-4 seconds...you can mess around with them...as for pitch, 16384=90*. so if you sue that it will shoot them straight up. 8192 would be 45* and so on. you can choose a pitchDev as well which works the same way as fireDev. say if you enter 8192 as the pitch then enter 2000 as the pitchDev then it will vary by as much as 10.99* (yeah i did the math im a dork)....anyway, i think this mut is great and i will definitely be using it more....to change the location of the drone just switch to the drone gun (looks like the link sorta) and fire, it will pick it up and then you can place it anywhere you want...keep in mind that the direction you are facing is the direction it will fire...have fun fellas!

forrest - not sure what you mean by deaths, ,in this mod there are no other people but you and all it counts is consecutive combos hit, combos hit, and your accuracy, still good in my opinion so you can get the feel for it

08-06-2003, 01:56 PM
Thanks for all the info guys! I will definately be looking into this since combo's are such a key to winning clan matches and killing campers!

Thanks for taking the time to hook us up. :thumbs:

08-06-2003, 08:41 PM
looks like something I'm gonna try right now..........thanx red

08-06-2003, 09:40 PM
Thanks for all the tips on how to set that thing up red. This will really help with the combo. Here's a little screenie for you guys. It's like a skeet launcher :rofl:

08-07-2003, 12:51 AM
Hey man! Nice shot! :thumbs:

a little Filter for you guys. ;)

08-07-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Aug 6 2003, 08:51 PM
Hey man! Nice shot! :thumbs:

a little Filter for you guys. ;)
That would be a good tune to run with a demo :thumbs:

08-07-2003, 09:50 PM
that sounds like a lot of fun