View Full Version : Anger issues for Whymee/Drunken Warrior

08-06-2003, 03:16 PM
Wow, someone was pissed. :blink:

LINK (http://forums.seriouszone.com/showthread.php?t=32185)

08-06-2003, 03:20 PM
LOL. :rofl:

08-06-2003, 03:23 PM


08-06-2003, 03:24 PM
EZ Marz.

08-06-2003, 03:39 PM
I think the man had a great point, croeteam left you peeps high and dry! :down: :down: :down:

I look at all the UT 2k3 patches since sept and the Sam patches and shake my head.

SSSE2 good luck, I'll wait a long time before I drop $$ on that, looking at the track record.

08-06-2003, 04:24 PM
:rofl: If you're gonna leave for GM might as well do it in style. :drink: :cool:

08-06-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Morpheus@Aug 6 2003, 12:24 PM
:rofl: If you're gonna leave for GM might as well do it in style. :drink: :cool:
:w00t: :rofl: :drink: :thumbs: :thumbs:

08-06-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Aug 6 2003, 10:39 AM
I think the man had a great point, croeteam left you peeps high and dry! :down: :down: :down:

I look at all the UT 2k3 patches since sept and the Sam patches and shake my head.

SSSE2 good luck, I'll wait a long time before I drop $$ on that, looking at the track record.

I thought the part when they were talking about updating the site, since nothing was new, since the April Fools Day joke. Which I was sorta hoping for to happen :D

08-06-2003, 04:55 PM
:blink: :w00t: :thumbs:

08-06-2003, 05:27 PM
I'd normally pop in here and say something, but after I talked to Goran yesterday, all I can do is sit and wait and say I will definietly drop my money on SS2.

08-06-2003, 06:00 PM
ahahahahahahaha :rofl:

08-06-2003, 07:05 PM
Seriously! = Reaped. :shifty: :P

08-07-2003, 12:17 AM
I really don't think he should have been banned for that. The fact is that Croteam is much slower in producing patches then most of the mainstream games.

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-07-2003, 12:46 AM
I'll be the first one at the store to pick up SS2. Hell, I might even take that day off of work so I can learn the maps so I can own you all that night! :devil:

08-07-2003, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Aug 6 2003, 08:46 PM
I'll be the first one at the store to pick up SS2. Hell, I might even take that day off of work so I can learn the maps so I can own you all that night! :devil:
yeah, but you'll also be the first one in line to download the first of many ironic patch releases for second encounter. :rofl:

08-07-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Aug 6 2003, 08:46 PM
I'll be the first one at the store to pick up SS2. Hell, I might even take that day off of work so I can learn the maps so I can own you all that night! :devil:
LOL, except there won't be any servers running it yet. :P

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-07-2003, 01:48 AM
I don't have to play multiplayer to learn the maps. I don't think it will take Slash long to have a server running. :cool:

08-07-2003, 02:53 AM
god do i hate that site. and i fi ever get to meet that *** rodzilla, i am going to beat him to a pulp. even the people at that forums are a bunch of morons. all they do is defend croteam without any explanation or facts. yu get banned if you have the balls to speak up. rodzilla is monkey and has the intelligence of a pea. i give 2 :thumbs: :thumbs: to whymee and wish i was there to help him in that ignorant forum. oh wait, i couldnt because i got banned first :lol: . if there is ever a sam convention, rodzilla better not have a name tag on.

08-07-2003, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Aug 6 2003, 10:53 PM
god do i hate that site. and i fi ever get to meet that *** rodzilla, i am going to beat him to a pulp. even the people at that forums are a bunch of morons. all they do is defend croteam without any explanation or facts. yu get banned if you have the balls to speak up. rodzilla is monkey and has the intelligence of a pea. i give 2 :thumbs: :thumbs: to whymee and wish i was there to help him in that ignorant forum. oh wait, i couldnt because i got banned first :lol: . if there is ever a sam convention, rodzilla better not have a name tag on.
Now don't hold anything back Brother! :blink: :w00t: :wave: :thumbs:

08-07-2003, 03:06 AM
sorry, i went a little over the edge again :bandhead: . but i just hate him. and his little dog too.

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-07-2003, 03:26 AM
Next time tell us how you really feel. :rofl:

08-07-2003, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Aug 6 2003, 10:06 PM
sorry, i went a little over the edge again :bandhead: . but i just hate him. and his little dog too.
Cmon Bigg, the dog too? :rofl: :w00t: :rofl: :w00t:

08-07-2003, 03:44 AM

08-07-2003, 04:05 AM
:w00t: I can't believe there are still people in the world who think Croteam will fix multiplayer.
How long has it been since the 1.50 Beta was released?
I've never seen a dev team take this one patch to rule them all approach.Other teams like epic and ID fix what they can,when they can and keep releasing patchs until it's as good as they can get it.

Of course with support like Croteam has over at Seriously,why bother keeping your promise to finish the patch.Maybe if people would stop making excuses for them (They're a small team.they're new to game development.)and threatened to boycott the next Sam,maybe it would light a fire under their arse.

No one forced them to get into this line of work.They did a great job on the single player.Now it's time to finish what they started.There's an old saying," If you want to run with the big dogs,you can't pi$$ like a puppy."Croteam better get it in gear if they want to survive.

As far as the next Sam,what do you want to bet most of their efforts will be focused on the XBOX version.
:hmmm: That not so funny april fools joke might have been prophetic.I could definitely see Microsoft scooping Croteam up in their big net.

08-07-2003, 04:10 AM
FYI, whymeeee wasnt banned for speaking up against Croteam, he was banned for trolling (=insulting people ect.)