View Full Version : Desert Combat?

08-07-2003, 09:54 PM
Do you guys play any desert combat? its the only gametype I play since the planes are too slow for me in BF. plus DC has helicopters! I am guessing most of you do, and I was wondering, if you do play dc, what server you guys use. I wouldnt mind playin with yall a lil.

08-08-2003, 06:46 PM
Nah, I don't play it. I like the WW2 aspect of BF1942.

{ATF} DaMutha
08-09-2003, 04:24 AM
Ditto. I've tried it, but the helicopters ruin it for me. There is no balance when you face a good helicopter pilot. Perhaps realistic in present day, but not what I'm looking for in a game.

08-09-2003, 05:41 PM
I've played it, and I like it to a degree, but being a footsoldier is nearly useless. And then there's the helicopters, overpowered much? That and it's too fast for my liking, it's paced much faster than the original, takes away from the game imho.

08-10-2003, 05:17 AM
I cant handle the slowness of regular bf...try playing ctf in dc...helis become less overpowered in ctf as its not overall kills and stingers and migs/f16s own helis going for the flag or trying to capture it. I only play dc anymore.

08-18-2003, 02:25 PM
I agree on the helicopter issues, they need to be easier to fly, and EASIER to shoot down. everything else is by far more realistic, 1-2 direct shots kills a tank vs tank, 1 stinger missile would normally take down any helocopter. and the aa would normally only take a few direct hits to take one down as well, I've emptied a clip in the 4 barrel aa gun on an apache with nearly constant direct hits, and didn't hardly phase it. On the extremely few maps that don't have helo's DC is great. w/the exception of those damn docks(I just really hate that map.

08-21-2003, 05:11 AM
helicopters just take practice to learn....dont use a joystick for a heli. Once you get it there real easy to fly...use the wasd keys as well as the up down right and left keys and then its real easy to fly. Just turn the engine off before you land and make sure its not going down to fast and if you feel like its going to tip over right after you land it...just exit the heli and it will straighten out.