View Full Version : Sniper-shooting

08-09-2003, 09:26 PM
I know that the most of us hate cheaters that stay in a good place doing bad frags, like using cannon in the lava aerea of the hole without moving, or staying on the top tower in RS shooting like a mad to anything that moves with the machinegun...
1 of the villains server's rules tells to not cheating, and I agree with it. so this is the question:
How do u see Snipers?
I mean: those who go in a good place snipering all the time, are campers, cheaters, or they just play a gamestyle?

I know that we play how we want, just a question for what do u think of those... :rolleyes:

:wave: :wave:

Die Hard
08-09-2003, 09:36 PM
Hey Gonzo

Sniping, although very annoying is not cheating,
unless they jump outside the fence in Red Stat.

If you get banged a few times by a sniper it's real
satisfying to find them, creep up on them and then
either blast them with the shotty or knife them :rofl:

A good way to find them (apart from looking) is: If you
get near them you can hear them zooming in and out
with the telescopic sight. If you here that, then you know
you are close.

Just try and get a screenie before and after and then
post it here :cool:

08-09-2003, 11:57 PM
do a /plr_bonlysam=1 to turn off skins, and also turn contrast up
they will usually pick a kleer and a corner to hide in
also when they fire, you will see a split second line to them if you
are facing the right way. look one way or the other
also it doesn't hurt to nail all the alcoves and corners with rockets
when you hear the gun firing.... :devil:

08-10-2003, 12:03 AM
oh, and btw, there are only a few really good snipers,
if you zig and zag you can avoid most of the others...

Fred Bear
08-10-2003, 05:56 AM
using the sniper or cannon in the lava room is not cheating. Annoying yes, but not cheating. Now swimming, thats cheating. I think doing anything the game was designed to do is ok. Just a style.

08-10-2003, 12:43 PM
what do u mean with "swimming", Fred Bear? I Thought it means stay in the lava aerea firing with cannon :blink:

08-10-2003, 01:29 PM
If u can't manage to find the sniper play with ur ears (u hear the zoom sound when u get close) or don't respawn directly after beein killed and look in all directions maybe u'll see him! And the direction u are splattered over the ground can be a pointer where to search the sniper too!

As long as someone doesn't "swim" ( "swimming" is when someone swims in the ground so that u only can see his a$$) i wouldn't conisder it cheating no matter what weapon he uses and no matter how much he moves in game

08-15-2003, 12:17 PM
I like having a sniper around. It makes the game more challenging for me, thus making me a better player. I mean, it's not cheating if that's what sniper rifles are made for, right?

08-15-2003, 02:59 PM
I like snipers. Especially when I can sneek up behind them and knife them in the back! :rofl:

09-05-2003, 09:07 PM
I like snipers. Especially when I can sneek up behind them and knife them in the back!

i too :cool: :rofl: