View Full Version : Sam A list

10-18-2002, 07:40 PM
ok i dont know if you guys still play sam, but i want to know your A list

mine is

1 Ephemerion or G star
2 Ephemerion or G star
3 Machine
4 Bonecollecor
5 Hurricane
6 Free Styler
7 Turbocharger
8 Fast way
9 Dangerous Dan
10 Halo

I never played grantenwerfer so i dont know were to put him
same goes for bones

10-18-2002, 07:41 PM
thx uw,

but i really think u should fs and me on 1 and eph on 2...

]T3M[ The Bonecollector
10-18-2002, 07:43 PM
My a list is:

1 Ephemerion
2 Ultimate Warrior
3 Hurricane
4 Free Styler
5 Machine
6 Dangerous Dan
7 Turbo Charger
8 Fast Way
9 Halo
10 Gun Element

]T3M[ The Bonecollector
10-18-2002, 08:30 PM
Tell me guys what's your a list????????

10-18-2002, 09:07 PM
my list it

2.everyone else

Mr Clean
10-18-2002, 09:12 PM
MY Sam list would be this:

1 Walton
2 Uncle
3 Adams
4 Goody
5 Houston
6 Sosa
7 Kenison
8 I Am
9 Perkins
10 Waterston

10-18-2002, 09:33 PM
Mine would be...

Myself to the 10th power.

10-19-2002, 02:11 AM
[quote:3dfbfd51a0="Slice"]Mine would be...

Myself to the 10th power.[/quote:3dfbfd51a0]

to the 10th power with your gayness.

10-19-2002, 04:21 AM

Here is my list

1. Beer
2. More beer
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000. BEEEERRRR


The Big Cheese!!!
10-19-2002, 06:07 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I AM THE CHEESE I AM BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM #1 AT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-19-2002, 06:17 AM
[quote:d45c1674a7="The Big Cheese!!!"]HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I AM THE CHEESE I AM BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM #1 AT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote:d45c1674a7]
Will you just shut up!!! I don't want to get banned :mad:

10-19-2002, 06:55 AM
bad cheese bad!!

10-19-2002, 08:03 AM
This topic always constitutes controversy! Here's some more:

1. Free Styler
2. Dr Moerser
3. Granatenwerfer or G|Star
4. Bones
5. Ultimate Warrior
6. Ephemerion
7. Bone Collector
8. Machine
9. Fastway
10. Hurricane

As Hammer always used to say, these are simply those i have seen play a bit, and who in all likelyhood i will never beat in a fair match, this life or the next. ;) And there is virtually nothing to seperate those top 4.. or indeed perhaps most of the list.

I rarely run into Mercs.. at least not enough to judge, or i'm sure this would turn out completely different; the likes of Gun Element and Darktime or Hellraizer i'm sure would be right up top. A special kudos must go out to Hammer who i love to watch in action more than anyone on this list - he plays at mach 20! If i saw more of him, i also think Slice would be competing for a spot, ping and all.

BAD ASS B-TEAM: Best of the rest (from the late night crowd i always see.. well, late for me anyway):

1. Halo (you should prob be in the list above)
2. War Machine
3. Shotgun Maniac
4. Sasquatch (when he bothers to play seriously <laugh>)
5. Lash
6. BIGGD01
7. Goober
8. Mod
9. Sirc
10. Terminathare

And finally, here is my list of top ten things you don&#39;t say to a timebomb:


10-19-2002, 08:33 AM
Wow, this is the second time I've made it on someone's list. Heh, I'm gonna have to start playing SS again. I feel guilty now. :wink: :D

::: DARK PSI :::
10-19-2002, 03:54 PM
My A List

1. Dark Leviathan
2. Dark Leviathan
3. Dark Leviathan
4. Dark Leviathan
5. Dark Leviathan
6. Dark Leviathan
7. Dark Leviathan
8. Dark Leviathan
9. Dark Leviathan
10. Dark Leviathan

BRING IT NEWBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

Gun Element
10-19-2002, 04:12 PM
So ur saying Dark that ur good and bad? :D

10-19-2002, 06:53 PM
I will have to start playing again too. Was doing other things last night, like UT03 hehe