View Full Version : Gummis took us down...

08-11-2003, 03:23 AM
I was chatting with Red and he gave me these to post.

08-11-2003, 03:24 AM
Here's another one, looks like we got some new guys??? :hmmm: :WTF:

Black Rose
08-11-2003, 07:26 AM
:lol: :w00t: some erotic guys there :rofl:

GG´s all :thumbs:

08-11-2003, 01:51 PM
Man.. that was AWESOME playing with my brutha's last night. That was the first time that I have gotten a chance to get on TeamSpeak and play with 3 of the guys since back in the original UT days. It was a ton of fun and I can't wait to do it again.

{DS}.. I know Phobos was tough, but that's just because we are lightning gun whores :oooo: ... The other maps were great to play against you guyson, and it sure is nice to have a great group of players to play against consistantly. It's part of what makes us continue, and like, to play. :thumbs:

08-11-2003, 03:21 PM
yeah, this was our first time getting together on teamspeak during a real practice and i think it helped a lot...

id like ot say that i am noticing definite improvement in both your guys' skills (fighting as well as just otherwise smart play) and also teamwork....the gummis have been playing together for nearly 4 years now so we have had a LOT of time to work on teamwork and knowing how each other play...honestly, clans and individuals can learn skills quite quickly, which i have noticed with you guys, but the hardest thing to learn is teamwork, it doesnt come in a few days, weeks or even months...in our case, we had the skills and it took a very long time to get our teamwork down, and i still see some areas where we need work, and this is after playing together for years, on pubs, in the OGL and PG CTF ladders (both i think, someone help me out?!) as well as a bunch of LAN tourneys....so, the moral of my rambling is this...dont get frustrated if things dont always work out right, teamwork comes with experience playing together and it wont always come quickly or easliy, but trust me, if you stick with it you will definitely achieve it, im noticing it already, so keep it up fellas, these practices are great places for both of us (DS and gummi) to work on our skills and teamwork and in the end it will help us both ot a ton

GGs! :jammin:

08-11-2003, 05:05 PM
geez Red what is with you lately??? you've almost got 200 posts!!! That's only a few away from the best poster in the Gummis (me :w00t: )

08-11-2003, 05:20 PM
lol, i was upset when i didnt qualify to win anything in the xmas drawings so ive been posting away so i can win something this year!

08-11-2003, 06:06 PM
GG's! :thumbs:

I always wanted to say that :P

08-11-2003, 06:13 PM
no wonder we were getting our asses beat.

next practice i think we should use rw more there wasnt enough teamwork.
gg gummis once again you guys gummied us. :thumbs:

08-11-2003, 06:22 PM
lol, me Z and gold all viewing this topic at the same time!

08-11-2003, 06:24 PM
Word, GG's yo.

Yeah, TeamSpeak rocks...it would be nice if there was a way to get better quality sound out of it, and to let more than one person talk at the same time without it sounding like junk, but overall, it's super-excellent. I always play better when I totally drop a gelatin-bomb on someone and I hear Red in my headset saying "Holy **** Z! That was tite!" :w00t:


08-11-2003, 09:57 PM
{DS} needs to seriously consider TeamSpeak. We used to use Roger WIlco, but the quality of it just really isnt there compared to TS.

Here are some tips for you guys.

1. Play with no music. Music is awesome in UT2K3.. but it serves as a distraction from being able to hear people. With no music I can hear when a person pics up a specific weapon (it makes the nopiuse of the weapon when anyone picks it up).. I also can hear ppl shooting much better with no music.. and with the sorta surround sound-ish style it has.. I can hear if they are to my right, left etc.

2. Play with the details down REALLY low. A lot of ppl dont do this, but it is something that really helped me. Again.. like with sound.. UT2K3 has some AWESOME graphics.. but all they do is distract you from your opponent. I have EVERYTHING on as low as it can go EXCEPT Characters.. I have that on the HIGHEST it can go. This way the players show up good. For example.. on Grendelkeep.. it rains.. well.. not on MY Grendelkeep. By turning all the details off or down to low or lowest.. it makes all the flashy rain, sparks, glows, etc off... making it easier to see/hit your opponent.

3. Turn your sensitivity down. I use 1.0. Most of the GB's are working to get themselves down to that low if they arent already there. Most of the top gamers use around 1.0 as well. It seriously helps your aim after you spend a couple weeks getting used to it.

4. Get a good mouse/mousepad. This of course costs money :/ But I can tell you.. Getting a good quality Mouse (Logitech MX500) along with a good mousing surface. (FuncPad or RatPad) can increase your game by a bunch. Playing with a ball mouse or an old optical mouse the freaks out when you move it fast (remember.. if you go to 1.0 sensitivity.. you will be moving the mouse faster and more) is no good. Good mouse, good mousepad.. you will love it :)

Again.. all of these things will take a bit of time to get used to, but after a month of playing with all of these things consistantly.. you will see improvements in your game... or your money back! :thumbs:

Other than these things.. its just all about playing/learning maps/getting aim down.. but that all comes with practice. THe things I listed are things you can do to improve your game that you may not have thought about. Heck I didnt know to do these things till good ppl told me. :WTF:

I just want to make sure that you guys have the tips that we have. That way you aren't having to race us in a regular Ford Taurus.. when we are in a Nascar Ford Taurus.

Don't get frustrated if you incorporate these things and you do worse than you used to at first. This is to be expected. Give it time, and you will be in love.

Good Luck!!! :wootrock:

08-11-2003, 10:56 PM
also....make sure you move around when in an open area. I noticed quite a few times on phobos that the {DS} guys would "peek" out from up top and since they didn't move much, it was easier to hit them. Just keep moving. You'll see the best guys moving back and forth constantly....just makes them harder to hit.

and yes TeamSpeak owns sliced bread :wootrock:

08-11-2003, 11:41 PM
yeah what they said... and don't forget that my teamspeak server is always up and running if ya'll wanna give it a test run... I think Pure's got all the information for it

08-12-2003, 02:58 AM
wow guys, I'm impressed with your helpfulness!

Thank you all verry much!

08-12-2003, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Aug 11 2003, 09:58 PM
wow guys, I'm impressed with your helpfulness!

Thank you all verry much!
:lol: impressed with OUR helpfulness!?!?! :rofl: if it wasn't for you guys letting us use your kick butt server and practice with ya'll every week we wouldn't be as good as we are either... Thank YOU for all your generosity and helpfullness!!!! :thumbs: :wootrock: :jammin:

Mr Clean
08-12-2003, 03:25 AM
GGs, and good tips by the Gummis!

08-12-2003, 03:52 AM
nah, they want their fresh meat to be a little bit harder to kill....

lol, j/k

i was experimenting with ut2k3 today, and damn there are a ton
of weapons to learn, and combine with all the secret moves and
secret this and secret that... anybody who kicks ass must be really good.

i salute all of you! :thumbs:

08-12-2003, 03:58 AM
on a side note, i would be willing to meet with any of you guys on your server and just practice with you on whatever you want (if you want) as long as i am available and have the time to play, just let me know. i am willing to let you fellas take a look at my user.ini file if you want too so you can see how i have my controls set up...

but i totally agree with what smooth said on all of his tips. well except maybe musci, i have it on but the music volume is turned very low in my settings...other than that i definitely recommend turning your other settings down, actually i didnt realize it rained in grendel until right now when i read smooths post!!! mouse and mousepad are a must!

smooth used to pick on me about this but in UT99 i had my mouse sensitivity set at 8.5!!!! and to tell you the truth in UT99 CTF it was alright for me, but i have noticed that in UT2k3 DM that i HAVE to have it lower to increase my accuracy, expecially with the LG....i am now using a sensitivity to 1.5 and i have noticed a huge increase in my LG accuracy....

so definitely give some of those tips a try if you want to improve your aim or whatever and if ya have any questions give one of us a holla

08-12-2003, 10:30 PM
8.5! :lol:

hahah Red.. go look at the beginning of my movie. The first map that pops up is Grendel. Complete with the rain :P

For the video I turned everything up real high so it would look good. But when I play... its all down to nothing.

08-13-2003, 11:19 PM
GG's all :thumbs: