View Full Version : worm

08-12-2003, 12:08 AM
beware people there is a very nasty worm that was launched this morning ..


08-12-2003, 12:38 AM
you mean this 1?

http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?...=ST&f=8&t=19142 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=19142)

08-12-2003, 03:07 AM
I'm very surprised I got hit by this. I never open attachments or install weird programs. I'm not behind my firewall right now because of my temp dialup, but I'm still clueless as to how I got hit. Scanning and going through the cleanup process now.

08-12-2003, 03:41 AM
yeah this worm messed up alot of computers here in calgary we signed in 60 or so computers today and expect anouther 500 before the end of the week ,,
it really shows that when microsoft says its critical update (they mean it )
just to let you guys know you dont have to format and the fix is pretty easy ..

mod :wave:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-12-2003, 04:59 AM
Thanks Mod......I hope I don't get it........my PC is already sick. :)

08-12-2003, 05:25 AM
sorry to hear that sal if ya need help just ask .

my techs have helped me alot today learned a bunch as it was happening at work.

mod :wave:

Fred Bear
08-12-2003, 05:45 AM
keep those virus def's up to date!!!! I check for updates everyday.

08-12-2003, 07:14 AM
its not a virus its an exploit.

08-12-2003, 07:16 AM
yeah this was a window open for all to seee and they exploited it with a worm

mod :wave:

08-12-2003, 07:17 AM
np high ping anytime i may be busy but i can usally make time.

mod :wave: