View Full Version : Should I be learning a trade?

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-12-2003, 04:09 AM
If so which one do we need?

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-12-2003, 04:15 AM
I think Dirtgod is doing some tailoring.

08-12-2003, 12:44 PM
Yep im tring the talior thing so i can make my own cloths....... :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-12-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS DirtGod@Aug 12 2003, 08:44 AM
Yep im tring the talior thing so i can make my own cloths....... :thumbs:
He's making me some magical undies that are +2 protection against skid marks. :thumbs:

08-12-2003, 12:47 PM
:lol: you sick bastard!

Death Engineer
08-12-2003, 04:07 PM
Just make sure that you understand what you're getting into. I wouldn't suggest anyone doing fletching for now since we don't have any scouts.

Like Term said, crafting is boring and tedious, but the payoff comes when you can make uber gear like the stuff I gave machine last night. It costs a ton and takes a long time. But the first couple hundred levels of crafting are fairly painless. Give it a shot. But remember...you can't change your mind about which trade you pick. So pick carefully.


OUTLAWS The Machine
08-12-2003, 08:52 PM

08-13-2003, 12:30 AM
I would also suggest getting somewhere around a 10-15 gold bankroll before starting.

That is assuming you will be getting your ranks by doing crafting tasks, where you are told to make an item for someone, then go deliver it.

If you want to power craft, meaning just making stuff and either /salvage it or toss it, you are gonna need hundreds and hundreds of gold to get anywhere good.

Once you hit 500 skill in your craft, you will be able to make the siege weapon parts as well as some special items.

I went through weapon crafting, up to around a 600 skill, and up to around 400 in most of the other trades (armor, tailor, etc) I made about 350 gold just running errands making weapons.

Also note that the edges of each skill level (195-205 skill, 295-305 skill etc) are pretty rough, so require patience. The higher your skill, the harder it gets. I could get a skill level every weapon in the 100's, by the time I was in the 500's, I'd go an hour or even more sometimes without getting a single skill increase.

So yes, it's fun, you can make some amazingly excellent stuff, but it requires time, patience, and some cash.


Death Engineer
08-13-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Terminathare@Aug 13 2003, 12:19 PM
Bingo...come join us :thumbs: :wave:
The dark side is calling!

OUTLAWS The Machine
08-13-2003, 03:33 PM

08-13-2003, 05:46 PM
come teach us the ways of the force......:)

08-14-2003, 12:27 AM
Bah, I emailed Mythic and they won't transfer Grenthor over to Igraine. I ain't gonna go through all that friggin mess again, so I'm not gonna re-open my account.

I figured they wouldn't... but....



Hee hee, I tried to make Bastards larger, but couldn't figure out how to do it. Maybe someone smart will tell me someday.

08-14-2003, 12:28 AM
Oh, the other option of course is for each and every person to stop what they are doing, and start all over again on Nimue server, just to get to see me. It's very nearly worth it. :lol:

08-14-2003, 12:30 AM
You really should start on the Igraine anyway. It's not as if you could group with our low level guys anyway even if we joined Nimue. What lvl are you?

08-14-2003, 12:47 AM
Heh, I was actually only 24. I got so amazingly fed up with the whole RvR thing, which is what I had been looking forward to.

For those that don't know, RvR is where you go into battle against players from the other realms. There are battlegrounds you can go into, that are restricted by level, where you can start to get a feel for RvR.

I was stoked looking forward to it, then finally hit 21 and could get into the first battleground area (Levels 20-25 if memory serves). All that would happen is we would run into a group from another realm, the spellcasters from that realm would cast a spell (Mez) that would make you stand in place, unable to move. The others would then just stand there and casually beat me into a pulp. The whole time I would be unable to do anything but stand there. The casters could get the spell off from father away than even my crossbow could reach. It totally sucked, and I quit gaining levels.
Then I finally got bored with weaponcrafting, so quit and cancelled my account.

The only thing that even kept me in after I got totally fed up with RvR was the other players, especially the guild I was in at the time, Via Caeli. They rocked. We would put on siege craft demonstrations once a week for anyone and everyone that wanted to come see. We'd build a different siege engine outside that church/abby whatever outside Camelot. We'd make the thing out of our own supplies, buy all the supplies for it, and let anyone who wanted get a chance to play/fire with them. It did a lot for getting Albion better at the whole siege thing... and ultimately played a part in getting Albion back on top on Nimue (At the time, Midgard owned all 3 friggin relics and most of the outposts. :bandhead: )

08-14-2003, 12:48 AM
Oh, and yeah, I wouldn't have been able to group with people... the only real reason I thought about re-opening my account was to get a chance to run around with you guys, and also to make everyone really kickin weapons. :P

08-14-2003, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by Bingo@Aug 13 2003, 07:48 PM
Oh, and yeah, I wouldn't have been able to group with people... the only real reason I thought about re-opening my account was to get a chance to run around with you guys, and also to make everyone really kickin weapons. :P
Don't think about it, just do it :D