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08-14-2003, 01:32 AM
Eagles mate for life, so this near-sighted eagle goes out to look for
mate. He finds a Dove. They go back to his nest and they make love.
was fantastic sex.but all night long this dove says "I'm a dove,
make love. I'm a dove, let's make love." Well the eagle just can't
this for the rest of his life so next morning he kicks her out of his
nest. Then on for the quest of another mate. He runs into a wren. He
takes her back to his nest and makes love to her. Again fantastic sex
but all night long this wren says "I'm a wren let's do it again. I'm
wren let's do it again." Well the eagle is getting really irritated
next morning he kicks her out of the nest.......Being very cautious
thinks) he goes out to look for another mate.....He finds the perfect
mate:::::a Duck. So again he takes her to his nest and makes love to
her. You'll never guess what this duck said all night
"I'm a drake you made a mistake. I'm a drake you made a mistake"

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
08-14-2003, 03:47 AM