View Full Version : the system

08-14-2003, 06:01 AM
well, here are some pics, conclusion at end...

i picked up a asus p4c800-e, an intel pentium 2.4c, and 2*512 of corsair pc3200 xms memory, and a gainward fx 5900 128
(saving for months, btw).
the motherboard was bad, it would continually cycle to the flash bios screen, and no way to bypass
techsupport announced that i should be getting post messages (the board talks)
and that wasn't happening, so it went back.
The memory in my new system.... well, maybe it was trying to run at that memory speed, it was flaky...

08-14-2003, 06:03 AM
the asylum card is awesome, on the 1800+ athlon system,
if i set the resolution at 640*480, speed, it gets some 260 fps,
quality gets 230 fps...

08-14-2003, 06:06 AM
another view....

the problem with newegg, is if you have to return anything, you are pretty much screwed for two weeks....

after getting the new system up, i see that it is flaky with the memory also ...grrrr....

the prior board may have nuked it or something.... going back.... maybe get some 3700 instead...

08-14-2003, 06:08 AM
external view of the case. it has a ton of fans, and was $49 with no powersupply.

removing drives and stuff isn't as easy, but i rarely do that anyway.

08-14-2003, 06:09 AM
Nice man. :thumbs: Did you try bringing the power for the fans from the top rather then the drives?

08-14-2003, 06:13 AM
benchmarks? well, they aren't going to mean much right now.
when i had the ddr400, i could overclock it by 25% to 3.05 ghz...
memory was flakey, though,

so i had to use 1 * 512 of pc2700.
running at 2.4 ghz, it did like 4030 on the default 3dmark

setting overclock to 30% though (3.15 GHz) it did 4350.

obviously the results are not that great, but then again
i am using 1 * 512 @ 266 mhz, and not 2 * 512 * 400.
I think the numbers will pick up when i get some good memory...

08-14-2003, 06:14 AM
Looks :jammin: Jim! :D

08-14-2003, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Aug 14 2003, 02:09 AM
Nice man. :thumbs: Did you try bringing the power for the fans from the top rather then the drives?
lol, the case is kind of a mess, I have 6 fans to power....
there is no really good solution for that many wires...

08-14-2003, 06:39 AM
the translations always trip me out...

08-14-2003, 06:43 AM
I know I would read it twice before clicking.

08-15-2003, 12:04 AM
hmm, last benchmark was running at 3.12 ghz, 266 memory bus for some 4350 3dmarks.
i recalculated mhz * multiplier * bus and determined that i could run the memory
with a 320 mhz bus @ 2.89 ghz. I reran the test and came up with 4350 3dmarks again.
so the increased memory bus speed (54mhz) made up for the decreased cpu (230 mhz) speed...
i wonder if it can be notched up another 320 mhz... :baby:

08-15-2003, 12:44 AM
Sorry to interrupt but, where can I get this 3D benchmark program?

08-15-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Spike@Aug 14 2003, 08:44 PM
Sorry to interrupt but, where can I get this 3D benchmark program?
Go here Futuremark.com (http://futuremark.com/download/?3dmark03.shtml). ;)

08-15-2003, 12:52 AM
Jim have you clocked up the graphics card at all? I am really surprised how low you are scoring. You should be getting much higher scores with that system.

08-15-2003, 12:52 AM
Thanks! :thumbs:

08-15-2003, 01:31 AM
that would be a real nice system if it ran properly

08-15-2003, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Aug 14 2003, 08:52 PM
Jim have you clocked up the graphics card at all? I am really surprised how low you are scoring. You should be getting much higher scores with that system.
nah, i am not messing with the card, and it is not an ultra, which will have a higher speed.
The limiter here is my memory, which is running at 1 * 266 or now 1 * 320 mhz.
with the proper memory, it should have 800 mhz of bandwidth to play with, along with 2x the memory,
and 3dmark is a whole bunch about memory bandwidth with all the textures and stuff,
so i am not too concerned...

08-15-2003, 01:47 AM
You should install coolbits and just try clocking it up a little just to see how high you can get it. Then when done running the bench just change the clock speeds back to default.

08-15-2003, 02:00 AM
Cool rig JIM!
Hope u get ur problem fixed! :thumbs:

08-15-2003, 02:00 AM
i think you need to move the snake up to the top of the case but other than that, KICKASS!

08-15-2003, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Aug 14 2003, 09:47 PM
You should install coolbits and just try clocking it up a little just to see how high you can get it. Then when done running the bench just change the clock speeds back to default.
ummm, ok, i ran coolbits, and it determined from 400/850 to 450/949.
i reran 3dmark, and it gets 4824, so that was a pretty hefty little improvement.
i may need it in the future, but not now. i could try to run it more, but i tend to
be on the conservative side, esp when the stuff cost so much. i'll retest
when my pc400 memory comes in...

08-15-2003, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Crism@Aug 14 2003, 10:00 PM
i think you need to move the snake up to the top of the case but other than that, KICKASS!
hey, that's actually a good idea. it's an antec powersupply,
and the cables are much longer than i am used to... :jammin:

08-15-2003, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR+Aug 14 2003, 10:24 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JIMINATOR @ Aug 14 2003, 10:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Slice@Aug 14 2003, 09:47 PM
You should install coolbits and just try clocking it up a little just to see how high you can get it.&nbsp; Then when done running the bench just change the clock speeds back to default.
ummm, ok, i ran coolbits, and it determined from 400/850 to 450/949.
i reran 3dmark, and it gets 4824, so that was a pretty hefty little improvement.
i may need it in the future, but not now. i could try to run it more, but i tend to
be on the conservative side, esp when the stuff cost so much. i&#39;ll retest
when my pc400 memory comes in... [/b][/quote]
I went up as high as 500MHz on the core and 950MHz on the memory. I have seen people clock them up over 600 and 1GHz respectively. I know what you mean though, once you get that first screen flicker or lockup it freaks you out. :P

08-15-2003, 03:11 AM
a new coolbits tells you how far the card can go?

08-15-2003, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by Crism@Aug 14 2003, 11:11 PM
a new coolbits tells you how far the card can go?
Not that I know of. You pretty much chance a lockup or screen flickering once you go beyond the system and cards capabilities.

08-15-2003, 03:36 AM
umm, i used the autodetect button, it took about a minute & that did the trick
i don&#39;t know how conservative it is...

08-15-2003, 03:43 AM
It may be close but I bet you can go higher without problems. ;) I didn&#39;t use that button when OC mine.

08-15-2003, 12:18 PM
mine doesn&#39;t have the autodetect on it, where can i get it?

08-15-2003, 12:21 PM
try downloading the latest drivers. If it isn&#39;t there, then it must be a feature
of the new cards. doing it by hand works also. test the memory
and then the cpu to find the highest combination, and then turn them
both down about 10 mhz....

08-15-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Aug 14 2003, 12:39 AM
the translations always trip me out...
This is a c/p from an e-mail from an Asus tech:

Thank you used our products very much, welcome you to make valuable suggestions more,
we will make great efforts to accomplish better.

That looks great, man, I&#39;m sure it screams&#33;&#33; :jammin: :jammin:

08-16-2003, 12:46 AM
nice system jim :thumbs: , do you notice a big difference in speed in this computer then your old one. also you are switching from Athlon to pentium how does it feel coming to the speed side :devil: . (is that video card better then mine (9800 readon) just wondering, the video card looks cool)