View Full Version : Couple places for ya to check out

08-15-2003, 02:39 AM
You've most likely already heard about these, maybe even been there.

Once you get a few people up around lvl 10 or so, make sure and check out Mithra's Tomb.

It's a great place to start getting into some really, really hairy battles. :devil:

Make sure you have maps, and make sure you get a feel for the place. Stuff tends to really get a bead on ya and in about 5 seconds you can go from fighting one decent critter to suddenly being surrounded by nasties.
However, there are a lot of nice items to be found there, either for resale or to use.

When you get to around 15 or so, check out Tepok's mine. Start easy at the top, pulling one or two little critters and knocking 'em down. When I was playing, this place tended to stay fairly deserted, so it was excellent exp. No real drops at the top though.
Once you get up to around 20 or so, you can go a little deeper, go through the early stuff and down a tunnel to a room with some stairs. This is where you start getting goblins.
If you have a way to pull, this is an EXCELLENT place to camp out for days at a time. Pull one over, knock it down. Lots and lots of great drops here, and a nearly endless supply of critters.
A word of warning... don't start getting big balls and charge the platform. Before you know it, stuff 2-3 times your level will come charging out and stomp your entire party into grease balls. I've had several total party wipeouts from us thinking we were bad enough to pull it off without bringing down the house. :lol:
One other word of caution about Tepok's... infrequently, Tepok himself comes out to clean house. Just stay WAY the hell out of his way, and you should be okay.

Just thought I'd toss those out for ya.


08-15-2003, 03:10 AM
Cool, i have only been to Tepok's mine once a few weeks ago when I was around 16. My entire party was eradicated pretty quickly. I need to give it another shot. :thumbs:

08-15-2003, 03:13 AM
Darkness Falls is my favorite hunting ground.

08-15-2003, 03:21 AM
Yeah, the biggest key to Tepok's is learning to master pulling single critters.

Critters are fairly closely packed together, so if you aren't good at pulling, you will quickly get swarmed.
Just make note of where you step, watch when the critters suddenly turn, then don't cross that line ;)

I never really did check out Darkness Falls. It had been fairly new then, and I was still wanting to get some more realm points for a few realm skills I was wanting for real RvR.


OUTLAWS The Machine
08-15-2003, 05:01 AM

08-15-2003, 06:50 AM
:wootrock: Yea, lead us! I will stay in the back of the pack, auto pilot rules, and Term is a good pilot too :D