View Full Version : Dorks of the day..

10-19-2002, 05:50 AM
Me and my brother where just playing in a room called MAX-PAIN, And there where these two guys in there called CANONLORDS- DR LOVE and TROPHEY BOY,

SO anyways When we got in the room Canon had like a 12 Frag Lead, He had killed me many time about 12 until i figured out his camping..

So anyways needless to say I ended up winning the game, So this guys starts mouthing off.. [b:d056b1d083]He called me a "Scrub"[/b:d056b1d083] I thought Scrub? Is this a TLC song "No Scrubs" He kept calling us Scrubs LOL!!

His pal trophey boy would just sit up by the gernade launger and spam so that it was hard for anyone to get to CAMPER CANONLORD-DRLOVE who just sits by the canon..

So I ate my spinach and i kicked his ass..

And the rest is history..

[b:d056b1d083]ACK ACK!![/b:d056b1d083]


10-19-2002, 06:06 AM
it was pretty damn funny all he could say was scub or you guys a loosers and then his buddy comes in and starts camping and he sucked at it hahaha the onley way this guy gets anywhere in the game is to use the cannon hahha shows his true skills :lol:

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-19-2002, 06:31 AM
Sounds like a camp-a-thon. LOL

10-19-2002, 06:56 AM
that is a big pic, just don't use it as an avatar!

10-19-2002, 07:02 AM
Dr. Love, ahhhh, reminds me of the day I actually played Serious Sam 2. I think it's been a month or so.

10-19-2002, 07:02 AM
why don't you play anymore?