View Full Version : Dude, what the...........

10-19-2002, 06:51 AM
I try to visit the forums, and I get an error creating new session!

Sal, are you messing agian?? I know Optimus had the same thing happen to him too. I was in the middle of a UT03 match, and here comes this private message.

Just want to know what is going on. Thanks!

10-19-2002, 05:36 PM
I haven't seen this error. When did it occur?

10-19-2002, 05:46 PM
If the error was

Critical Error:

Error creating new session

I found out there is a major bug in phpBB that will be fixed in their next major version. There is a temporary hack you can do to fix it which is described here:


We shouldn't see this error anymore.

10-19-2002, 06:56 PM
Yea, that is what I saw. Think Optimus saw it too. I was on msn messenger and he asked if I could get on the forums and I said yes, but he couldn't and then a little later he could. Same thing that happened to me.

Did you get the email I sent ya Sal?

10-19-2002, 07:23 PM
phpBB : Critical Error

Error creating new session

Thats what she said..


10-20-2002, 12:21 AM
Yup same here, Sal is hacking away at it lol

10-20-2002, 12:55 AM
lol i got that too last night right?

10-20-2002, 04:09 AM
Ya last night around this time..


10-20-2002, 04:24 AM
i got it also, i taught i was banned, lol

10-20-2002, 06:40 AM
lol, sometimes I wonder if Sal knows what he is doing lol

10-20-2002, 07:56 AM
I also got that error when I tried to log on a while ago.

10-20-2002, 07:59 AM
hmmmm, best thing you can do, copy the message and send it to an admin or Sal. Then they can look into it. But unless others are having the same problem, it would to appear that it is something on your end.

10-20-2002, 03:11 PM
That message shouldn't appear anymore. What happens is everytime a unique user comes to the forums, member or guest, they start a session which is stored in a sessions table. Some genius decided to limit the sessions table to 550 rows. So naturally, when 550 unique people come to the forums, it fills up and can't create anymore. Hence, the error you saw.

Some guy edited the code so when the limit is reached, the table increases and empties. Sorry for the inconvenience.

10-20-2002, 07:22 PM
Thanks Sal!

With all this work, never get to see ya on the servers :(

10-21-2002, 03:47 AM
Good work!!! :lol:

10-21-2002, 03:49 AM
i got it a lot of times...but the second time i try it works

10-21-2002, 04:46 AM
hope you aren't getting it anymore!

Mr Clean
10-22-2002, 03:53 PM
[quote:5e70c40dff]hope you aren't getting it anymore![/quote:5e70c40dff]

Why...is he sore?.... :D

10-22-2002, 04:07 PM