View Full Version : Perfect Dark

08-16-2003, 09:59 PM
Anyone here remember this N64 sleeper hit!
It came out during the final months of N64's existance and to this day is MY FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIME!

It based off of the GoldenEye engine used to power TimeSpilitters2 and of course the FPS that started it all GoldenEye!

The games single player had plently of fun missions, and there was a short segment in Area51 where u got to ride a hovercycle!

But the MultiPlayer (Combat Simulator) WAS MY FAV PART! It had limitless options with over 30 weapons i think!

The FarsightXR being my fav (a weapon capable of seein and shooting through walls)! Great game that was, and since Rare sold out to MS, we'll probably be seeing Perfect Dark Zero for XBOX and not GC! :bawling:

Gun Element
08-17-2003, 02:31 AM
This is why I got the xbox, no GC games.

It Just sucks that it does this stuff to GC consumers. :bawling:

08-17-2003, 09:32 PM