View Full Version : My thoughts on the A-Lists

10-19-2002, 08:05 PM
1. Sam simply doesn't have the following it used to. Many of the guys here are not at the top of their game simply because they don't play much anymore, so the A-Lists don't have that much meaning to me anymore. These "Since the bulk of the player base is gone, these are the best now" threads don't make much sense :)

2. UT??? LOL There's no way in hell you can make an A-List in UT. There are too many players and way too many variables. If I rocked tonight against 19 other players, and Machine rocked yesterday against 19 different players, who wins? LOL

That's why I don't post these things anymore. Why worry about it?

Just my thoughts on the subject, but call them something other than A-Lists! That's my registered trademark!

Hehe j/k on with the fun.

10-20-2002, 12:24 AM
yea, there are some really good players on UT!! Maybe I just make myself that easy of a target lol

10-20-2002, 06:12 AM
I agree with you to a point, Hammer. My list reflects those i have seen play from demos (mostly in which i have participated) and has nothing to do with wins, deaths, or otherwise. Just my personal opinion on their movement, tactical awareness, and whatnot. Obviously much better than going off straight figures as you can see when someone was killed by chance, fluke, or whatever. Hell, even this isn't accurate as demos do not show the dreaded lag. Regardless, it's totally subjective. And of course no one person could track ALL players in this manner anyway.

Given this, an A List even in the games prime would always prove innacurate anyway. We all know this. I think the only thing separating the top 50 players is the methods they use in dealing with large crowds of players, especially as far as power ups go. And of course the aforementioned lag. Individually there's practically nothing in it. Thus given that the "A List" has no more validity now than with 300000 people playing, they are as fun to do as ever, as long as no one takes offense, given every single user should have a different list.

Therefore i like your idea of calling it something else. Maybe something as simple as "My TOP TEN". <thumbs up>

Can&#39;t wait for that patch. I want to see more of you clowns in action. <sneers at UT3>

Alternatively, if you could all move to Australia, that would be just swell.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-20-2002, 01:41 PM
That's a good point Pathos. Calling the list "My Top Ten" makes sense.
(I will edit this post later.....adding some smart arse remark, too tired now) :)