View Full Version : Southpark

08-20-2003, 04:55 AM
Interesting article for all the fans of the show :w00t:
ive always meant to make a thread about it but never had the time to get around to it

"South Park Republicans are true Republicans, though they do not look or act like Pat Robertson. They believe in liberty, not conformity. They can enjoy watching The Sopranos even if they are New Jersey Italians. They can appreciate the tight abs of Britney Spears or Brad Pitt without worrying about the nation's decaying moral fiber. They strongly believe in liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, and free markets. However, they do not live by the edicts of political correctness. "

Southpark Article (http://www.holtorf.com/Ray/south_park_republicans.htm)

08-20-2003, 12:08 PM
Nice thought...

Everyone likes to anylize the governement. I look at the general overall situations in the US. to put it simple, Both Bush administrations had high unemployment and piss poor growth, both worried about the globe and forgot about the homeland economy.

On a personal level, durring both administrations a strnge coincident, I lost pay and hours :hmmm: so did many of my friends.. Do I blame GB, :hmmm: just pointing out a fact.

During 8 years of the democrats (Clinton) we've seen unemployment drop, wages go up and work increase, economy thrive.

You can look at either administration and pick it appart, everyone likes that. But I look at My life, my familly's life, the overall quallity of it and judge by that. people will say that's living in a bubble, sorry it's my life and my familly and what matters to me. :drink:

So to make it simple, Republicans and life under them :down:

Democrats :thumbs:

Do I vote on a party line? never!

Dark Reign
08-20-2003, 01:08 PM
Yeah, I can say that watching that show made me see how stupid some things that Dems usually push (i.e. Gays in Scouts, The Deathcamp of Tolerance, etc.)

But still, as said in the War on Iraq episode, without us tree-hugging pussy protesters and liberals, then everyone would hate America, not just the president.