View Full Version : SSSE server blues! please read...

08-28-2003, 10:24 AM
A friend of mine asked me to assist in finding a company that will rent a SSSE server. No luck, but I remembered one company that used to and I e-mailed them a request and here's their reply:

The problem with the Linux dedicated server for Serious Sam 1 as well as the Second Encounter is they only allow "Linux Clients" to connect to the server. We used to have it on our signup, but the majority of the people that play the game play it on "Windows". If all of the people you expect to play on the server will be playing on Linux, we can host it.

Hopfully "Icculus" the creator of the Linux port for the game will fix this problem, but we have not heard anything on it. The developer's site is http://icculus.org, and the developer is Ryan C. Gordon. Maybe if more people would email him about the Linux port of them game not supporting Windows clients, he may do something about it. Just us and maybe a few other hosting companies may be the only ones asking, and he may not see the benefit in the effort. :( We keep bugging him though. :)


If anyone knows a company that will rent a SSSE server at a reasonable price, please post a link.

08-28-2003, 10:29 AM
I think Jag has looked around for one too. I don't think there are any to be found. :bawling:

08-28-2003, 01:24 PM
Server Extreme is a pretty cool name though!
Although i don't quite understand the Linux factor, wasnt Sam developed for Windows?

08-28-2003, 02:18 PM
slice had found a company to host for sam.
he no longer plays, so they have switched to other games though...
you may want to pm him

08-28-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Aug 28 2003, 10:18 AM
slice had found a company to host for sam.
he no longer plays, so they have switched to other games though...
you may want to pm him
From what I understand, he was paying a lot of cash for that server, much more than you would for a UT or Q3 server. But I will inquire.

08-28-2003, 02:24 PM
Just curious, what are you trying to do? Run different maps or
different settings? has the sam bug gotten to you? :thumbs:
You teach me UT, I will teach you Sam, lol...

08-28-2003, 02:40 PM
You can rent one for $119 a month. The only downside is you have to use Radmin to connect and the program is only free for 30 days. Then you have to buy it for $35.

08-28-2003, 02:40 PM

08-28-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Aug 28 2003, 10:24 AM
Just curious, what are you trying to do? Run different maps or
different settings? has the sam bug gotten to you? :thumbs:
You teach me UT, I will teach you Sam, lol...
No, I do not have the Sam bug, I play that just for laughs. A friend asked for help, so I did and I hate failure.

If you want UT help, catch me late at night on MSN and I'll give you all the help I can.

You can rent one for $119 a month. The only downside is you have to use Radmin to connect and the program is only free for 30 days. Then you have to buy it for $35.

That's what I ment by too much $$$ I hope that was a 12 player server for that price because the going rate for most games is $10 per player. But can you post a link or PM it to me please. ;)

08-28-2003, 05:25 PM
You can run whatever game and as many players as you want. It is your own dedicated box. Most game servers run multiple games on each box and you only log in to a shell to make changes. This server is your own, you can surf the web from it etc... Anyway the company is Xdrivewebhosting.com (http://xdrivewebhosting.com) Oh and you also get an 8 man ventrilo server included with the server. The ventrilo runs on another box so it doesn't use your resources which is nice.

08-28-2003, 08:02 PM
You can get good server at www.clanzone.at

Very good euro server 10mbit/s Procesor Quad Xeon

The cost depends on what thing you will chose (Maxplayers, some addons, etc etc.)

For the info, this is server is running Gaxi & Hi(gh) server for SS2 (1.05)

08-29-2003, 05:31 AM
I LAN GAME!!!! (http://www.ilangame.com/)

C'mon guys, its not hard to find it :P


The Serious Sam TSE page for I LAN GAME

Serious Sam II at ILANGAME.COM (http://black.ilangame.com/heart.php?setminor=3116)