View Full Version : Mad Hatters Request!

10-22-2002, 05:43 AM
Alright, I just made this clan. I was curious if you would host the clan. It would get the clan up on its feet and into the boards also. Not to mention it is an awsome clan name, don't you think?

Thank you in anycase.

10-22-2002, 05:46 AM
How many members do you have?

10-22-2002, 06:02 AM
I am the only one :(

I just made the clan tonite.

10-22-2002, 06:08 AM
That's not much of a clan if you are the only member.. :?

10-22-2002, 06:17 AM
as I said, i just made it. I just started it tonite. Members just dont flock in. I am trying to get the word out about it.

10-22-2002, 07:38 AM
You sound like you have potential Neo. Do some recruiting and get some more members and hope to see ya here :D If you have troubles, you are still welcome here.

10-22-2002, 10:35 AM
and maybe u can get MadHatter to join ur Clan :)

10-22-2002, 02:56 PM
[quote:abc184de88="Grimmy"]You sound like you have potential Neo. Do some recruiting and get some more members and hope to see ya here :D If you have troubles, you are still welcome here.[/quote:abc184de88]

Thank you, I am trying pretty hard. I just want to play more, and if I have a clan to run, I will play none stop all the time. SO I am looking foward to it.

::: DARK PSI :::
10-22-2002, 03:18 PM
Neo- Karma,

You are more than welcome here at GameMecca, and we will host your clan activities once you build up your clan a bit more. Get a few members with you and we will be more than happy to give your clan a home here.

Good luck in the building!

10-23-2002, 05:18 AM
[quote:7194d66bb2="Sauron"]and maybe u can get MadHatter to join ur Clan :)[/quote:7194d66bb2]

if he would like to join I would love for him to.