View Full Version : Hmm who to kill tonight...

::: DARK PSI :::
10-22-2002, 07:40 PM
I feel like slaying your pathetic hides, Mercs. Who wants to be my prey tonight!?

10-22-2002, 09:23 PM
Hey i like your new avatar DL! very sweet.

Gun Element
10-22-2002, 09:48 PM
I dont like his signature though. So big. :D

::: DARK PSI :::
10-22-2002, 10:09 PM
Thanks Raven.. and you suck Gun Element!!

I need to fix the sig.. i agree.

10-22-2002, 11:53 PM
I'm sure Dan will play.

I'll be instagibbin the noobs on UT2003 :D

Dangerous Dan
10-23-2002, 04:25 AM
[quote:ec5b7a1253=":: DARK LEVIATHAN ::"]I feel like slaying your pathetic hides, Mercs. Who wants to be my prey tonight!?[/quote:ec5b7a1253]

hehe, it was fun fraggin with ya, it was like old times... only you were the prey this time, Muahahahaha! j/k :wink:

::: DARK PSI :::
10-23-2002, 04:36 AM
[quote:ade57179f9="Dangerous Dan"][quote:ade57179f9=":: DARK LEVIATHAN ::"]I feel like slaying your pathetic hides, Mercs. Who wants to be my prey tonight!?[/quote:ade57179f9]

hehe, it was fun fraggin with ya, it was like old times... only you were the prey this time, Muahahahaha! j/k :wink:[/quote:ade57179f9]

I took a few from ya... dont think you won all. It seems I would always take a gigantic lead on ya from the start.. and just fall to pieces at the end. For gods sake on Red Station I literally had to wait like 5 minutes before I could get a damn gun. Bah! :)

Dangerous Dan
10-23-2002, 04:48 AM
no, i won all the ones we both started at the same time, i won red station, Little trouble and Lost Tomb, and Fortreress (your personl favorite :D) :wink: , i came in like 24 frags late the other 2 games, so i cant really count those. You wanna talk about not having a gun on Red Station... what do ya think i felt like when i had 0-10 at Red, LOL. I don't think you had that kinda ownage in all the starts, other than Red, i think you would typically lead by about 2 or 5... or at least untill i shot you off your grove :wink: .

Anyways, you havnt really played a lot lately, so you just need to iron out your hindges, and get rid of the rust. Try using no crosshair, and no gun... thats how i always play, i find it works much better :).

::: DARK PSI :::
10-23-2002, 04:59 AM
[quote:3834eb10ec="Dangerous Dan"]no, i won all the ones we both started at the same time, i won red station, Little trouble and Lost Tomb, and Fortreress (your personl favorite :D) :wink: , i came in like 24 frags late the other 2 games, so i cant really count those. You wanna talk about not having a gun on Red Station... what do ya think i felt like when i had 0-10 at Red, LOL. I don't think you had that kinda ownage in all the starts, other than Red, i think you would typically lead by about 2 or 5... or at least untill i shot you off your grove :wink: .

Anyways, you havnt really played a lot lately, so you just need to iron out your hindges, and get rid of the rust. Try using no crosshair, and no gun... thats how i always play, i find it works much better :).[/quote:3834eb10ec]

I only stated that I owned in red station. And in all games we were evenly matched until the end. You only would win by a few kills .. except in Litttle Trouble were you busted ahead tremendously at the end.

As for the first game.. I only had 5 when you entered! ;) I won that one.. you stunk! :) j/k

And you are a rocket spammer! so there.. :)

Yea.. I hadn't really played in over 4 weeks. It felt good to match skills again.

Dangerous Dan
10-23-2002, 05:09 AM
dont forget the one that i won in the lost tomb, you had somehting like 21 when i finished :wink: , and in that map i primarily use the shotgun :wink:.

As for my spam in little trouble, i dont see how else you can play that map... it goes like this: shotguns in the hallways, rockets on the walkways, and shotguns for planer fighting... i find it works like a charm :wink: :mrgreen:

Will you be back tomorrow night for a few good old frags, it was fun actually beating you, unlike the old days, hehehe :wink:

10-23-2002, 05:26 AM

rockets and shotguns?
If you aint pumping some grenades here and there you just aren't playing right....grenades rule....I'm not kidding :twisted:

Dangerous Dan
10-23-2002, 05:29 AM
lol, yeah, i often forget to use them, Death Engineer knew how to use the it pretty well, he could get some free kills with it when didnt have anything else most of the time :).

::: DARK PSI :::
10-23-2002, 05:43 AM
[quote:c7555ad6e4="Dangerous Dan"]

Will you be back tomorrow night for a few good old frags, it was fun actually beating you, unlike the old days, hehehe :wink:[/quote:c7555ad6e4]

I am old and not as sharp. Be fearful, for my skill will come back fast.

Dangerous Dan
10-23-2002, 05:44 AM
i know, thats why i'm enjoying these vics while i still can, :(

10-23-2002, 04:09 PM
Ya good game to you guys in LT. Man I don't think I had that many deaths in a long time. :P And Dark didn't forget how to use the grenades. ;) He got me like 4 times with em. Then I got blasted 4 in a row by Dan with the shotty after respawning. :twisted: It was lots of fun though! :mrgreen: