View Full Version : quake 3 optimized for amd

09-08-2003, 07:50 PM

if you use an athlon chip, you may want these :thumbs:

09-08-2003, 08:51 PM
Well i'll be ordering my proc soon for my new PC!
Thanx BIGG! :thumbs:

09-08-2003, 10:57 PM
Cool find Bigg :thumbs:

Since I have my FPS capped at 125 max in my config I don't think they would help me or would they?

09-09-2003, 12:25 AM
yes, they will help because they are the latest dll's and will not hurt to try.

AMD chips to use 3DNow, not SSE. Little do people know the 3DNow! code is completely broken in Quake3. It does not help at ALL.

The Pentium 3 and 4 chips however are both detected as "Pentium 3" chips, which automatically uses SSE which DOES work in Quake3

and gives a significant FPS boost. These DLLs don't enable SSE but do help with Athlons.. and if SSE was to ever be enabled in Quake3 for

Athlon processors they would blow Pentium 4 chips out of the water even more. In the tests I ran a P4-2.53 @ 3.32GHz, 175/700fsb lost to

a "stock" Athlon XP 2700+(2166MHz, 166fsb) using these dlls

Death Engineer
09-10-2003, 07:21 PM
As long as your system is capping at 125 (which is optimal for quake), I don't see a reason to start messing with dlls.

While I agree that optimized code that takes advantage of your specific chips instructions will improve the speed of the game, if you're already capping it to begin with, what's the use?