View Full Version : Help us decide

09-13-2003, 12:34 PM
Ok me and Bain have a few question and concerns be4 we could decide to test DAoC!
(Questions may have been answered somewhere else be4)

1. Do we both have to pay the monthly fee to be online at the same time!
2. Who of the guild will be online when we are (mainly between 6 and 11pm gmt+1)
3. Would we have to pay the US company if playing on the US server or could we pay the company here in germany ( would be slightly less to pay if we could pay here :P )
4. I read somewhere that if u pay for more months at once it will get cheaper! A listing of that would be nice! (too lazy to search for myself :P )

That's all for now

If we get answers to those question it would be easier for us to decide wether we test it or not!

Thx in advance

Sauron and Bain

Death Engineer
09-13-2003, 12:43 PM
Sauron, here's da info:

1. Do we both have to pay the monthly fee to be online at the same time!

Yes. In fact, you even have to have separate copies of the game. There is no way around this one. :(

2. Who of the guild will be online when we are (mainly between 6 and 11pm gmt+1)

The time you mentioned is the most popular for our guild. There are anywhere from 5 to 12 people online normally during that time (probably more as we go along).

3. Would we have to pay the US company if playing on the US server or could we pay the company here in germany ( would be slightly less to pay if we could pay here  )

I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I would think that to play on the US server (the ones we play on), you would need to pay here in the US. The cheaper cost is probably to play on the European servers.

4. I read somewhere that if u pay for more months at once it will get cheaper! A listing of that would be nice! (too lazy to search for myself  )

I believe it's $13.95 / month if you go month to month. $12.95 / month if you pay for 3 at a time and $11.95 / month if you go all out for 6 months.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

09-13-2003, 12:50 PM
Thx for the info DE :thumbs:

09-13-2003, 02:00 PM
Being Diablo fans you guys would really love this. :jammin:

09-13-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Slash@Sep 13 2003, 09:00 AM
Being Diablo fans you guys would really love this. :jammin:
Yes most likely for sure they will like this game.

09-13-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Death Engineer@Sep 13 2003, 07:43 AM

1. Do we both have to pay the monthly fee to be online at the same time!

Yes. In fact, you even have to have separate copies of the game. There is no way around this one. :(

But that is they they want to both play at the same time. You have 8 character slots and you could share 4 for you, 4 for Bain and still have 1 account. Bad thing, you don't get to play at the same time :(