View Full Version : The giant huggy V98ci

09-16-2003, 08:33 AM
This was funny because the giant decided to make friends with V with a big hug.

This is me and Blaylock(Hammertime) kicking butts and I got Level 13 on that one thx to blaylock
we played together as a team. :thumbs:

This here me and term and V were together. V and me was here alone and V was disconnected
and I was alone and surrounded by monsters, so I decide to call on Term to help me out and V was
able to come back too. These guys saved my as* and a special thanks to Term
for coming a lone way from whereever he was by horse to save my butt.


Term decided to take me and V to this place by Sal and I was amazed by what I saw.
Powerfulfull creatures and term kicked butt while V help a little because he miss so many shots
and only because they were so powerful. Healing is what and all I did for term and V.

Nasty place man. . . . I for got to take a screen shot of Term and V fighting at this place.

Once again thx to V and term and blay lock for playing with me because it was fun teaming together. :thumbs:

Question where was this place Term or V?

SAS ;) :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-16-2003, 12:38 PM
That looks like the Barrows at Stonehenge. That is where I've been playing for the last week or so. You need to be at least low to mid 30's to solo in there. :thumbs:

09-16-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Sep 16 2003, 07:38 AM
That looks like the Barrows at Stonehenge. That is where I've been playing for the last week or so. You need to be at least low to mid 30's to solo in there. :thumbs:
Yeah, Term was fighting some purples (to me) and I tried to help. Couldn't even hit one! :bandhead: :bandhead: :bandhead:

We just kinda peeked in the front door and then left. :w00t: