View Full Version : Machine's guide to an Armsman.

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-17-2003, 01:39 PM
All of this is based on what I have learned and experienced.

Training: Make sure that you only pick one type of combat style – slash, crush, or thrust and train in that area ONLY. I have read that once you get into your 40’s then you can add a second style. Always keep your combat style level close to your level. If you are a level 30 armsman then you should have 30 points in your style. I use slash, which is supposed to be the best style for regular play but not as good for RvR. You should also put a lot of points into shield. This will help you block attacks. I also have some in parry which is blocking with your sword. I think I might respect that at lvl 40 and put all my points from parry into shield. The next one is controversial. I have almost 20 points in crossbow. I have read that you should keep crossbow at about half your level. The more points you put in crossbow that faster you can fire it and the more damage you can do. I talked to a lvl 50 armsman and he almost laughed at me when I told him how may points I had in crossbow but he stopped laughing when I told him that most of the time I do 100-120 points of damage against oj’s with it and can usually fire twice before a mob gets to me. BUT it is essential to have some points in crossbow because that is your only method for pulling enemies out of a group.

Next a few combat tips.
When soloing: When I solo I always pull a mob with my crossbow even if he is alone because I can do some damage to him before he gets to me. I use my special attacks exclusively if he is oj or even yellow because endurance regenerated a LOT faster then health so you want to kill him as fast as possible. Just keep in mind that if you run out of endurance you can not sprint so make sure you are confident that he is going to die before you use all your endurance on special attacks.
• When in a group you have to fight a little different especially if you have a healer or magic user with you. Your job is to take all the damage and keep the mob focused on you. If you only have one other in your group besides you then you will most of the time only get one mob, but if you have 3 or more then you will most of the time get 2. If you get 2 mobs then this is where you have to use your head a little. If you shoot one with your crossbow and you see 2 mobs coming the second on will almost always go straight for another in your party. If you have a cleric and a mage with you then you have to protect them by taking on both mobs. What I do is shoot one to pull him. That one will always focus on me to start with. Then if a second one comes I immediately target him with my mouse and slice him with my sword as he goes by. This will get them both focused on you. Continue attacking the second one and tell the others to only attack the one that you are attacking. Let the other one just beat on you until you kill off this guy. It is up to the healer to keep you alive if needed. Remember to always STICK to the mob you are attacking. I have F3 set as my stick button. If the mob suddenly turns and goes after your healer of mage then you will stick with him automatically and can continue swinging as he is running towards your team mate.

I will add more as I think of it.

09-17-2003, 06:17 PM

SAS - Friar
That is right protect me at all cost. :devil: :rofl:

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-17-2003, 06:18 PM
Healers are on the top of my list. Next come casters. :thumbs:

09-17-2003, 11:29 PM
The basic man of arms from the legends. The Armsman can use any armor and almost all weapons from his realm. Armsmen generally have more hit points and do more base damage than Paladins. Fighters become Armsmen by joining the Defenders of Albion.
Primary Stat: Strength = 70 points
Secondary Stat: Constitution = 70 points
Tertiary Stat: Dexterity = 50 points

Yo Machine,
During the beginning Char. creation of a Highlander/Fighter that is looking towards becoming an Armsman:
1 In your opinion, What are the best Char. stats in which to place the 30 bonus points?
2 I've read that spreading them out evenly over the Strength, Constitution and Dexterity is best. What's your thinking about this?
3 What's your thinking about placing some on Quickness to gain some speed as to how fast you can swing or fire your weapon? Or any other Char. stats?

09-17-2003, 11:36 PM
i'll add this.
When I group I tend to put Protect and Guard on the Wizard or the healer. Whichever I have with me.

09-18-2003, 12:29 AM
Nice detail Jandar!!! :thumbs:

Death Engineer
09-18-2003, 03:22 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS WHOCARES@Sep 17 2003, 06:36 PM
i'll add this.
When I group I tend to put Protect and Guard on the Wizard or the healer. Whichever I have with me.
Protect is good on casters or healers. But guard should be put on someone who is taking alot of hits. It basically allows you the chance to block a hit for them.