View Full Version : Couldn't sleep/Level 14

09-22-2003, 11:11 AM
I couldn't sleep, So I just had to go get level 14 :rolleyes:

I'm planning to be an armsman,
Is there any thing I should start working on as far as where to put XP points?
When can I start using a crossbow?

09-22-2003, 11:15 AM
I have mine with Slash, Shield, some in Parry and a couple in crossbow.
Plate armor and the crossbow can be used at Lev 15.
You can also use large shields at that time as well.

09-22-2003, 12:08 PM
WTG Sho! :thumbs: :jammin: :wootrock:

These are the list of poeple you can talk to Shogun who are armsman.

Jandar, Whocaresalot, Cannon Man, and Nighthawk.\

Once again wtg Sho!!!!!!!!! :thumbs: :jammin: :wootrock:

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-22-2003, 12:39 PM
Your points are looking good man. Keep training in slash every level. Shield is also a must. It helps blocking attacks. Put some points in crossbow at level 15. Not too many though. I read to keep crossbow at half your level or so. so if you are level 20 you should have 10 crossbow or so. The more points you put into crossbow the more damage you do. Also the crossbow bolts that the trainer give you suck. Buy some decent ones. There is an arrow merchant at West Downs Stables that sells bolts. :thumbs:

Death Engineer
09-22-2003, 03:01 PM
I would suggest deciding whether you want to go 2-handed or polearm by level 15. If you decide to spec in either of those paths, you will need to spec in parry as opposed to shield. (FYI: 2 handed and polearm means more damage per hit, but slower weapons.)

Also, you might consider respeccing out of those few points you put into thrust at level 20 (free single line respec).

That's my 2c.


09-22-2003, 05:40 PM
Thanks guys for the headsup :thumbs:

Right now i'm thinking Two Handed (Maybe a Big ol' Nasty Axe :devil: ) is the way I might want to go, I really don't know anything about Polearms. What does the guild need?

Ya know the strange thing about those points I have on Thrust is that I don't remember adding them or any to anything else except for Slash, Shield & Parry. When I ding sometimes a message pops up saying something about "spreading points automatically or evenly" with Accept or Decline buttons, I think that's what it says. I have been hitting the accept or yes button. Should I have just been closing the box without accepting it? :WTF:

09-23-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Death Engineer@Sep 22 2003, 10:01 AM
I would suggest deciding whether you want to go 2-handed or polearm by level 15. If you decide to spec in either of those paths, you will need to spec in parry as opposed to shield. (FYI: 2 handed and polearm means more damage per hit, but slower weapons.)

Sorry y'all I thought I understood this when I posted in my previous post, But i'm still kinda confused about this Two Handed part. :wacko:

I'm wanting to spec in Slash/Shield/Parry and don't really care about Polearms.

1 Is Two Handed another spec. that I have to have to be able to further my char?
2 I can't specialize in Slash/Shield/Parry and Two Handed with the same char or can I?
3 It's best to be one or the other right?
4 Does Two Handed have anything to do with Crossbow? Which I know I want to spec. in at level 15.

Dazed and Confused :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-23-2003, 07:41 PM
Crossbow is different. When you get to lvl15 crossbow will be an option to train in.

As far as the regular game is concerned I have heard that sword/shield is the way to go. 2 handed (for 2 handed sword with no shield) and pole arm do more damage but you can not block attacks as well. they are good if you need to do a lot of damage quickly. I think they might be better in the Realm vs Realm. DE might have more input on that.

You will get the message that you have auto trained in some abitities to meat minimum level requirements. You will get that every 5 levels or so.

Also when you get to level 40 you will then start recieving training points mid-way through a level. You get a "mini-ding" after 5 bubbles and you can then go train. I have read and heard the suggestion that this is when you should put some points in another attack style (crush, or thrust) or 2 handed.

Hope that helps.

Death Engineer
09-23-2003, 08:50 PM
Both 2 handed and Polearm specs are similar to slash, crush and thrust specs, but they are actually used in conjunction. You should only spec in polearm or 2-handed if you are going to use a polearm or 2-handed weapon. If you're going sword and board (some call it s&s for sword and shield), ignore the rest of this.

The Polearm / 2-handed spec determines your upper bound on the damage you will do. With this being said, you will still have to choose one "normal" weapon path ... ie. there are crush polearms, slash 2-handed swords, etc. The spec in that "normal" weapon skill determines your lower bound on your damage. So basically, spec in Polearm / 2-handed to get more damage and spec in Slash/Crush/Thrust to get your average damage up with less variance.

I hope that made since. :wacko: I can't even understand it and I just wrote it. Talk to me on TS if you still need help.

Also, Jandar is right about the advantages. S&S has a major advantage in PvE (player vs environment). But once you get to PvP or RvR, you will realize that you likely won't block enough shots or do enough damage to be very helpful to your group. People disagree about that that. Just speaking from what I've heard the most.


09-24-2003, 12:24 AM
Thanks for the explainations guys, Those helped. :thumbs: