View Full Version : Croteam Update!

09-22-2003, 05:01 PM
Croteam site has been updated, this is the text:

Serious Sam 2 and Serious Engine 2 progress September 22, 2003

We are getting a lot of emails recently regarding latest development of
Serious Sam 2 and Serious Engine 2, our new engine technology.

Most of our fans already know or read that, but for those less familiar, we
are in development of Serious Sam 2 for PC and Xbox for quite some time now.
To be precise, as soon as we finished Serious Sam for the Xbox, we started
the design for the sequel. Serious Sam 2 development is planned to be
finalized in second quarter of 2004, so you can expect the release also in
that period. We are currently on schedule, so I don't expect any delays.

Along with that, we decided to develop new engine technology called Serious
Engine 2. The decision not to update old Serious Engine was already made
before we finished Xbox version. We realized the difficulties of updating
the technology which is now almost 6 years old and keeping it up-to-date
with latest techology. So, we decided to start from beginning, but also to
use good parts of old engine as a basis for creating new one.

This proved to be a good decision, as now we already have new Serious Tools
in workable condition, along with Advanced Physics, Entity Compiler, etc.
For example, Level Designers are now able to create much more complex level
arhitecture, at least hundred times more polygons than in old engine, while
still having an excellent framerate on mid-range configurations. All this
will be spiced up with usage of advanced vertex and pixel shaders, dynamic
shadows and lots of other state-of-the-art features. Also, Entity Compiler
means more control over enemy AI, weapons, etc. and also it's going to be of
great help to MOD community, as you won't need to have Visual C++ any more
to create code for your MOD. These are just a few of many great things we
already have in Serious Engine 2.

Along with the game and engine, we are also planning to release a technology
demo/benchmark in the near future, showing what Serious Engine 2 is capable
of. We hope that you'll be _amazed_ with what we are doing.

I won't go into more details at this stage, as we plan to have updates
regularly, where you'll find out what's going on in more details.


Roman Ribaric

09-22-2003, 05:02 PM
:wootrock: :wootrock:

Death Engineer
09-22-2003, 05:06 PM
::cough:: ::hack:: .... (sucking air in)

I thought I wouldn't make it....

EDIT: For those wondering, holding your breath for the next croteam update is NOT a good idea.

Die Hard
09-22-2003, 05:21 PM
Fantastic news :wootrock: ...but we have to wait
until the middle of next year to get the
game :bawling:

Thanks for the posty Sal

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-22-2003, 05:27 PM

09-22-2003, 06:06 PM

Death Engineer
09-22-2003, 06:42 PM
Ouch. Beat by 30 min by a monkey man! :P

09-22-2003, 06:47 PM
:thumbs: Nice!