View Full Version : DAOC addiction

09-22-2003, 10:33 PM
The overwhelming drive to level.

geeze, I'm starting to scare myself. :wacko:

Mr Clean
09-22-2003, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Slash@Sep 22 2003, 04:33 PM
The overwhelming drive to level.

geeze, I'm starting to scare myself. :wacko:
I would be scared too......

Except I know EXACTLY what he is talking about :lol:

I need help....

09-23-2003, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Slash@Sep 22 2003, 10:33 PM
The overwhelming drive to level.

geeze, I'm starting to scare myself. :wacko:
Yeah I hear you!! I use to play Everquest for 2 years and it was very addictive as well. It is or was (not sure about now) a lot harder to level in back when I played it. They had what you call HELL levels which took forever to get through. There was about 5 HELL levels that I can remember. It took sometimes 3 months to get through a HELL level. But it was fun as hell back then. When I quit I had a Level 55 Wizard almost 56. I sold my account on Player Auctions. I started the bidding off at $125 and it ended up selling for $329. So I did pretty good got some money back out of it. But I am glad I kicked the habit because I had no life back then...Of course I still have no life but the point is..Uh, damn what is the point. Hmm I guess the point is I will never have a life!! :lol: I can also remember going on raids with the Guild that was cool as hell. One time we took 60 of us and we were all at least level 54. Most of them were lvl 60 which back then was the highest level you could get...well I can remember fighting some bad ass dragons that kicked all 60 of our little butts. It would sometimes take a few hours for all of us to get our corpse back. I also remember one night when I died at midnight and finally got my corpse at 3am that morning (had to have the kids at school and me at work that morning also) anyway I had a dream that night that I was actually in the game standing on that mountain that we died on. It was one wild ass dream!! So I know what you guys are experiencing with that game..those kinds of games rock!!


OUTLAWS The Machine
09-23-2003, 01:12 AM
Wordna(Slash) has nightmares. :P

09-23-2003, 01:24 AM

I just remembered what got me to stop playing everquest!! I was 38 at the time (41 now) and there was this girl at work who was 19 and she and I started dating... :lol: So if you want to quit playing the game go out and get a 19 year old!! They seem to be more fun than online games for some reason. Well I thought so at the time but not real sure now. Now that I think about it I should of just stuck with the game..she went back to her husband anyway! :drink: