View Full Version : Am I on the right minstrel track?

09-24-2003, 01:21 PM
The guide is hard to understand......Minstrel Link (http://daoc.stratics.com/content/guides/guide_minstrel.shtml)

09-24-2003, 01:22 PM

09-24-2003, 01:23 PM

09-24-2003, 01:24 PM

Death Engineer
09-24-2003, 01:47 PM
Ok Ada. I'll be frank with you. Minstrels are dang hard to play. But can be very fun as I'm sure you've already found. I have a minstrel at level 22 and here's a few tips I've been given from high level minstrels over and over again:

1. Keep your instruments spec at your level!!!! No exceptions. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200...etc etc. This is very important because as you level up, your role in groups will become very supportive. You will be needed to mez (mesmerise) mobs. If your Instrument spec is low, mezzing will be tough.

2. Don't waste points in steath. While minstrels have the ability to stealth, it doesn't really contribute much to the class. You can't play speed song (or any other song, for that matter) while stealthed. And you don't have enough points to spec in stealth and a weapon spec. So just don't do it. :P

3. Group group group. Minstrels will find it very tough to solo, especially at higher levels. Up until 22, it hasn't been too bad, but the downtime is rough because of how much power and endurance it takes for each fight.

Now in general, from looking at your screenshots, you need to go see a healer (red constitution is the hint). Ask someone in the game where the nearest one to you is. This will help you survive longer. You will need to see a healer each time you die and are forced to /release (meaning no one rezzes you).

The only other thing I'd like to see is your spec screen.

As a suggestion for your hotkey bars, make one for playing songs (heal song, speed song, power song) and have buttons to switch between your right hand weapon and the instrument in the same spot on each bar. Make another bar for fighting with your instant shouts and weapon styles.

Most of all have fun and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. :thumbs:

09-24-2003, 02:02 PM
Thank you! :thumbs:

09-24-2003, 02:06 PM
Ada and I can group can't we? I'm at lvl five. :WTF:

09-24-2003, 02:13 PM
I have this small mission to go and fight the spider in the black mountains and get an eye to take back to some bloke in Cotswold - I have attempted it many times but always get killed by something first. I die very easily - I am thinking that I should start again and be a wizard the same as Oz so that we can help each other learn. I have spent many nights staying up late and not levelling - if I dont get sorted I will get very frustrated.

How about I start again - reading that Minstrell stuff is really heavy going. Then I would love to group with you Sepra - our houses can get dirty togther! At least our kids will know that creeping crud isn't good for you lol! :w00t:

DE - suggestions on the easiest type of character to play?

Death Engineer
09-24-2003, 05:13 PM
Easiest to learn is likely a fighter. Either an armsman or a paladin. It wouldn't hurt to start one of those. Don't delete your original character tho. With 8 slots, you've got room to try a few.


09-25-2003, 08:46 AM

when you get the chance get on TS ok.

Also to get to the spider, I will help you do that task ok.

If you plan on starting over let me know ok.

I will have a group together for the low level players to pickup at least two levels up
and you are welcome and sepra.

I will make arrangements with you guys ok.

Also begin a group around your level and help each other doing the task or quest and killing monsters.
That should help to speed up but mostly learn from each other.

Again TS when you have the time tomorrow ok.

Also I will be having a TS server for more people to join in which i will see by friday.

BTW does anyone know the port number for TS?
I can check later but in case someone would know off hand.

Thx all

09-25-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Terminathare@Sep 25 2003, 09:20 AM
D.E.'s port# = 8768
Thx Terms I should have known but again brain dead. Doh!

09-29-2003, 12:45 PM
I've been incredibally busy and havent played anything in five days. I'm also catching up on missed topics :bandhead:

That sounds great Sas. The last time I played, I had just gotten my bow and learned how to use it. So far, I'm enjoying my Scout character but defenitly need different arrows. Both my trainers gave me a bunch of arrows but they are short distance only and I have to work really fast to use my bow then switch to melee before they get me. :wacko: I need to invest in some longer distance arrows. :wacko:

Ada, I'm still on lvl 5 where I haven't gotten a chance to play. Let me know when your ready, and we can set up a time to group together. I've been playing on my own so far and think it would be fun :thumbs:

EDIT: I just read your ding 10 thread and we're far apart now in levels. Seppie needs to get playing again :bandhead: :bawling:

OUTLAWS The Machine
09-29-2003, 01:07 PM
The arrows or bolts trainers give out are crap. Buy some good ones. Or have Clean make you some. :thumbs:

09-29-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Sep 29 2003, 01:45 PM

Ada, I'm still on lvl 5 where I haven't gotten a chance to play. Let me know when your ready, and we can set up a time to group together. I've been playing on my own so far and think it would be fun :thumbs:

EDIT: I just read your ding 10 thread and we're far apart now in levels. Seppie needs to get playing again :bandhead: :bawling:
Sep - I went from level 6 to 10 in one night with Sas - just watching him so I am sure he would let you tag along and do the same.

Death Engineer
09-30-2003, 10:40 PM
I'm assuming this thread was reported on accident. Am I right Ada?

Email contents:
Death Engineer,

You have been sent this email from OUTLAWS Ada via the "Report this
post to a moderator" link.

Topic: Am I on the right minstrel track?
Link to post:
http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?...=0&#entry366633 (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=111&t=22059&st=0&#entry366633)

Sep - I went from level 6 to 10 in one night with Sas - just watching
him so I am sure he would let you tag along and do the same.



The GameMecca Forums team.

Never had this email before, so not really sure what to do. :wacko:

10-01-2003, 10:28 AM
I am SO sorry DE - I think I clicked on the report in stead of reply button and I didn't know what to do to rectify it.

Again - sorry! :oooo:

Death Engineer
10-01-2003, 04:18 PM
LOL. No problem. I was as confused as you.

/ignore this and previous 2 posts. :P