View Full Version : QBind

09-25-2003, 03:00 PM
Guys check this out. this will help with binding keys and stuff in this Alliance
Mod or any other. I only uploaded the one for Win2k and XP but I can
get the other if requested.

QBind (http://www.gamemeccamaps.net)

Qbind linky (http://www.planetquake.com/clandestyne/qbind.asp)

What is it?
QBind is an advanced script editor for Quake Engine games that allows scripts to be edited the way most of us are used to. QBind is aimed at advanced users who want total control of how their config is structured. However, beginners will find it very easy to use if setting up a config for the first time.

What does it do?
QBind allows you to quickly and easily setup bindings and edit scripts with a familiar text editor interface and built in virtual mouse and keyboard. QBind does not alter your config in any adverse way - you make all the changes. It's as easy to use as notepad with the added features of a graphical mouse/keyboard display and text coloring for all the game commands. QBind also does not "shelter" you from your config like many other binding programs. It doesn't create or require special files or force you to change the way you do things.

How do I use it?
You can use QBind to create bindings within your config in one of two ways: Using its built in features or the "old school" method of typing them in by hand. You can also edit all the other aspects of your scripts such as aliases, vstr's and grahphics settings.

I don't need that. I use notepad and I do just fine.
Using QBind is just like using notepad, only much better and easier. You edit your config in exactly the same way, only with added features. You can see at a glance exactly which keys are bound/unbound and all the commands are color coded within your config for easy recognition. This also helps you to spot errors before you launch the game and wind up having to restart it because you accidentally typed "bimd" instead of "bind". Additionaly, notepad does not handle configs for Quake III very well because they do not contain a carriage return/linefeed pair at the end of each line. This can make them almost impossible to edit (Click here for a demonstration). QBind also puts all the game commands at your fingertips by providing dropdown lists with all the commands/cvars/items/weapons and keynames. You'll never have to worry about remembering the name of a key or command again.

09-26-2003, 01:42 AM
Here's Qbind for 9x/Me/NT4

Qbind 9x/Me/NT4 (http://www.gamemeccamaps.net)

;) :wave:

09-26-2003, 07:32 PM
Man that look like it will be way easier to use than Notepad, Thanks Frag :thumbs:

Screenshot (http://www.planetquake.com/clandestyne/images/shots/shot_qbind.jpg)