View Full Version : SPWA

09-28-2003, 03:04 AM
Just to let everyone know, SPWA clan is a hit target for fakers who like to use our tags, names, and server names and then go do eveything bad like camping, spamming, trashtalking, and serious sam dirty play (extreme use of Powerups, swimming).

I'm saying this now because i've recently bumped into a guy who said that everyone hates SPWA. Also, many people are not friendly to SPWA anymore, for i dont know what reason. I'm sure many of you have seen our members swimming (a form of cheating in serious sam), camping, spamming, and trashtalking, and i know you have been offended, but let me say THOSE GUYS ARE FAKERS AND NOT REAL SPWA MEMBERS. EVEN THE SERVER ITSELF IS FAKE. I know I myself have been sabotaged by a faker with my exact same name with tags.

Let me point out, the biggest things SPWA focuses on are good attitude and fair play, skill is just a bonus. It is strictly AGAINST our clan rules to cheat, play dirty, or trashtalk. spam may happen now and then though, for some of SPWA members their pings are high at some servers, many of us use dail-up, so spam would be the only way to frag.

this sabotage has gone too far, i'm speaking out now once and for all cuz i'm fed up. Please understand.

09-28-2003, 03:18 AM
i dont hate spwa at all. i think you are a fun clan. in fact, just last night i had allot of fun with lazer, jin and ace. we played for quite a while and played allot. i thin k they had a lot of fun playing a game called "frag the cf". it was at the map "go hunting" and the game went like this. i used speed feet and the first one to snipe me dead 5 times won the game. great fun. what im saying is i like the memebers of your clan that i have met, and have no problem with them. i cant speak for the rest of your members but im sure they act the same (well i hope at least).

just my 2 cents. :thumbs: :drink:

09-28-2003, 03:28 AM
thanks jive, you too man i hear you are a good player.

Oh yes, if anyone suspects a sabotage please report it to http://www.spwa.net/forums/

09-28-2003, 03:54 AM
I remember you from when I first started and I have seen some of the players that started when I did move onto joining your clan. You got nothing but respect from me. Honestly, I don't think it matters if you have posers. Everyone knows SPWA has all respectable members. So its obvious they are a fake is they are a jerk. :thumbs:

09-28-2003, 04:25 AM
yeah man, i think everyone is is cool with spwa and knows the deal.
ya'll are great guys. some are a little cannon heavy sometimes, but that is cool.
it is fun to take ya out with a shotty... :) but yeah, sorry it is happening
to you, but not really much you can do about it.... really though I don't
know that i have seen any of that. i play mainly on the outlaws,
and i think a lot of the problem people may be from japan? high pings
for them....

09-28-2003, 09:21 AM
well it seems that they usually jerk around when around eastern time, and their servers always from japan and have low pings for most asians like me. I guess it's the asians who encounter them more. (they'd have to wake up/ stay up until 6AM to catch the western traffic)

Sometimes i see them wearing warriors tags and playing dirty, dunno if those are really warriors or the warriors clan is also being faked. For either reason, i've heard people say "i hate warriors". :WTF:

09-28-2003, 07:44 PM
Hey yo. Hmm ok SPWA. Yeah i even was sabotaged by some FragJunky, he was calling me a cheater, because i was owning him alot.
I think it was faker.

Anyway, i cant post at SPWA, because i am banned for creating a spwa forums. I don't know if you knew that, but check some oldest posts, you will see a empty box, at the left. You can find that in some old topic, in post. There where is post, at the left is some empty user info, where is nothing. He banned my ip and removed account. Thats the reason i hate some of the first SPWA's. And guess because of who they got so many members and so good forums. ME !.

I don't have any documents, because i trusted Psycho and others like Brian Boru. I gived a Mod for TUW and Rivers, they will tell you, that i created the forums for this spwa clan. Even i was in that clan.

OK i think its enough.

09-28-2003, 07:48 PM
I don't hate SPWA. I enjoy playing you guys. I've never had any problems with any of you. :thumbs:

09-28-2003, 08:15 PM
VASH your Avatar Rules :thumbs:

Die Hard
09-29-2003, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Sirc@Sep 28 2003, 08:48 PM
I don't hate SPWA. I enjoy playing you guys. I've never had any problems with any of you. :thumbs:
:thumbs: ditto

09-29-2003, 03:27 AM
I love the SPWA clan. Everyone there has my full respect and your clan values are comprable to CF's. I have heard of these imposters and I know SPWA wouldn't behave in a bad manner :thumbs: :wave:

BTW Vash created his avatar and has done others. His work is incredible :w00t:

09-29-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Sepra@Sep 28 2003, 07:27 PM
Vash created his avatar and has done others. His work is incredible :w00t:
:w00t: other avatars? ME LIKE!!!!

09-29-2003, 10:18 PM
:thumbs: Very well said, Vash !! :cool:

Nice to see all the support everyone has given us throughout this little problem of ours...

:wootrock: :wootrock:

09-30-2003, 04:27 AM
Great going vash letting this come to all clans here in GM, This will help on boosting awarness for all of the clans to spot all fakers with our name tags or some other clan tags and get rid of them for good in our servers and other servers :thumbs:

09-30-2003, 04:52 AM
Why are people targeting SPWA anyway? You guys seem to have more problems with this than other clans do.

Frag Junky
09-30-2003, 11:42 AM
Hey yo. Hmm ok SPWA. Yeah i even was sabotaged by some FragJunky, he was calling me a cheater, because i was owning him alot.
I think it was faker.

Never have I , or Never would I trash any player. I appreciate the fact that you recognized it was not me. This is a perfect case of a fake.

To everyone else, Thank You. I have nothing but respect for all of you. It is great to see these fakers are only wasting their time. We call these players Oxygen Thief's because they are not worth the time to do any thing about. We really do not care what they do, because we know and so do others that what they do is just not SPWA.

Why we are being targeted by fakes, I have no idea. Never have I heard of any SPWA member trashing or putting down someone in a game. Our SPWA Selection process is very strict. We only recruit new members that fit the SPWA Profile. Skills can be taught, attitude can not. The only thing I can figure out is it is someone we turned down. True SPWA play for the fun of the game, and to be with good friends. Winning is only a bonus.

Death Engineer
09-30-2003, 10:52 PM
I would like to go on record as saying that major pup whoring is a fine practice and I support it all the way. :thumbs:

Also....did someone say fake tags? :shifty:

10-01-2003, 01:57 AM
if u support pups, would that mean u are a pupboy?? :hmmm:

10-01-2003, 02:43 AM
lol, if you have to ask, you have never seen him play...

10-03-2003, 06:47 AM
thanks guys for your support, we really appreciate it. i will support you just the same if anything goes wrong.

BTW Vash created his avatar and has done others. His work is incredible

Thanks for the free advertisement Sepra!

other avatars? ME LIKE!!!!

see?, i already have a client! :rofl:

sure why not, i'll make you one, but i cant make too fancy stuff tho cuz i'm only armed with paintshop. however, i only have sufficient time from oct 20 onwards. :unsure:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-09-2003, 02:14 PM
I've never had a bad experience while playing on your servers. You're a great bunch of guys....(and girls, if you have any in the clan :) ).