View Full Version : HALF LIFE 2 : MONTHLY FEE!

Burn the Witch
10-04-2003, 02:15 AM
(this has been written by Burn the Witch as a proper article, not just a forum post, please take time to read it)

Much of this information has been taken from the official Valve site, and PC Gamer UK, a link to which can be reached from here : Daily Radar (http://www.dailyradar.co.uk)

I stress that the majority of the news here is not my own work, but I wrote the article myself.

This contraversial new information just released by Valve, and also circulating throughout the internet suggests that to play Half Life 2 Online, players may have to activate a monthly subscription.

Firstly, what is STEAM? Steam is, according to Valve:

"At its core, Steam is a distributed file system and shared set of technology components that can be implemented into any software application".

Half Life, CS, Day of Defeat and all other Half Life mods have recently had STEAM integrated into them, Valve like using the term that these games are part of the "Steam Community". Basically, Steam is Valves way of making patches and additional content far more accessible and easier to download.

The last quote on Steam Powered.com (http://www.steampowered.com/) tells of a far darker intention to the network:

With Steam, developers are given integrated tools for direct-content publishing, flexible billing, ensured-version control, anti-cheating, anti-piracy, and more.

This doesn't look good, and essentially, doing this Valve might have shot themselves in the foot. Not many people are willing to pay a monthly fee of around $10+ to play a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, which automatically means you have a dedicated server capable of holding thousands of players, being maintained by a large team who's salaries are paid out of peoples monthly "contributions", leaving a small percentage of the funds as profit for the company, so the chances of them paying $10 a month or there abouts are fairly slim. Also, Half Life 2 would presumably only have a few official servers, the rest being maintained by other people. Also, there would be no guarantee of new content or patches on a monthly basis.

Gabe Newell of Valves reply to the rumours were vague at best. While admitting such plans were still under consideration (but this is admitting they are existing plans) Gabe admits that Valve are considering releasing not one but THREE different versions of Half Life 2 to the public. One that does not contain any multiplayer, a more standard version, and finally one with lots of bonus content, for the more "hardcore" among us.

Playing Multi player Half Life 2 with STEAM is where contraversy arises. Valve are planning for 2 methods in this area, with Valve planning to let players download two versions, a normal version where players can download patches, and another, which lets players obtain patches, mods and add ons as soon as they are released. This could cost players up to $9.95 a month.

Valve Production Manager Erik Johnson stated recently "the next release of STEAM will be the first step towards converting the entire Half Life user base to STEAM". Does this mean those who don't wish to use STEAM will be unable to play Half Life 2 online at all? In essence this means if you don't pay -- you don't play.

STEAM itself has not started incredibly well, with an unstable few weeks, and more problems continuing to arise.

10-04-2003, 02:43 AM
:down: I realy hope the future of gaming is not going to be monthly fee related :WTF: That would just plain suck!

Thanks for taking the time to post that for us BTW!

10-04-2003, 02:57 AM
there are different plans. You can buy half life 2 and play online without steam. Steam is just another way.

10-04-2003, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Oct 3 2003, 10:15 PM
Gabe admits that Valve are considering releasing not one but THREE different versions of Half Life 2 to the public. One that does not contain any multiplayer, a more standard version, and finally one with lots of bonus content, for the more "hardcore" among us.
guess which version will likely be coming with the ati package....

oh well, what a total rip. I guess it is all about the benjamins....

10-04-2003, 05:06 AM
I was thinking of quitting ragnarok online for halflife, and this is what i get.

Fred Bear
10-04-2003, 08:00 AM
I think that an online subscription is the same as pay per view cable. Just how many times do they expect me to pay for it? I will never pay to play online subscription games I think that is just plain stupid. Buy my game then pay me to play it, oh by the way pay your IP too. Yea right! :mad:

10-04-2003, 01:56 PM
What can i say?
I'm POed!
Thanx for the info Twitch i appreciate it!

10-04-2003, 05:36 PM
If it ends up being a pay for play game, it will not end up in this house.

:mad: :down: :down:

10-04-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Tip@Oct 4 2003, 12:36 PM
If it ends up being a pay for play game, it will not end up in this house.

:mad: :down: :down:
Unless it happens to be called DAOC!!! :P

Burn the Witch
10-04-2003, 06:14 PM
And I am reviewing DAoC for GM this comming week. :devil:

10-04-2003, 08:17 PM
Can only hope that that idea completly TANKS !! You're right Jim, it is all about the Benjamens.....Hopefully the demand for this will be miniscule.

10-05-2003, 12:48 AM
That would totally blow if HL 2 had that fee.
Just not too cool. :down: :down: :down: :down:

10-05-2003, 12:54 AM
It's pretty funny how you guys kinda just found out about this. No one understands how deep the story goes better than the CS community. Valve backstabbed WON with Steam, they replaced WONid's with Steam ID's. Therefore, they took (taking) WON out of business. The only reason WON was making money was because their servers were being used for WONid checks. The ID's that were banned because of cheating violations weren't able to play. But now Valve finally realized how much money they could be making in such a huge business. So they became total asshole eating Bill Gates mongrals and released Steam. Steam is by far the most buggiest glitched out peice of **** program ever written, litterally I'm not exagerating...It's worse than Windows 95.... When they had CS 1.6 beta, Steam actually worked and no one had any troubles. But when they released the FINAL version of Steam...Oh god, it would litterally make you lose your internet connection for 5 minutes exactly. This happened to so many people, CS'ers actually made a petition to boycott steam from taking over CS. Not to mention the riot sheild that totally ruined the game with it's many glitches. (Being invulnerable) and what not. Oh and their also making LAN's pay 10$ a month for EVERY COPY OF STEAM THEY HAVE ON EVERY COMPUTER! I am in a LAN clan (undefeated BTW) and we LAN once every month, but now we can't because Steam hasn't released the software to LANs yet, so we're forced to play an outdated version of CS!!! That means 15 comps at a LAN is 150$ a month!!!!! VALVE IS A PEICE OF **** AND I HOPE THEY DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH!!!!

thanks for reading :)

sEv ^ Ninja Dropkick <Andy>

10-05-2003, 03:40 AM
**** cs, where&#39;s my TF2?&#33;

Death Engineer
10-05-2003, 05:03 AM
I would have to disagree with the statement that "not many people are willing..." to pay monthly fees for MMORPGs. Check out the subscriber base of just DAOC, EQ and SWG alone. And there are many more.

However, I don&#39;t think that the FPS genre warrants a pay-to-play setup. Good article.


10-05-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by MR. SLiK@Oct 4 2003, 10:40 PM
**** cs, where&#39;s my TF2?&#33;
I can&#39;t wait for TF2 :D

Burn the Witch
10-05-2003, 10:06 PM
Aye, lots of players pay for MMORPG&#39;s, but in 2003 that is still a small % of the gaming community. I am NOT against it for a MMORPG, hell I have played DAoC,DAoC:SI, EVE, AC1, AC 2,AO,AO:NW but for an FPS its ridiculous.

The point about STEAM being only one option is a fair point, but the real point is how easy will it be to get the updates without STEAM? And will certain obvious releases become STEAM exclusive? DoD2, CS 2 etc. etc.

10-06-2003, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Snip3r@Oct 4 2003, 08:54 PM
It&#39;s pretty funny how you guys kinda just found out about this. No one understands how deep the story goes better than the CS community. Valve backstabbed WON with Steam, they replaced WONid&#39;s with Steam ID&#39;s. Therefore, they took (taking) WON out of business. The only reason WON was making money was because their servers were being used for WONid checks. The ID&#39;s that were banned because of cheating violations weren&#39;t able to play. But now Valve finally realized how much money they could be making in such a huge business. So they became total asshole eating Bill Gates mongrals and released Steam. Steam is by far the most buggiest glitched out peice of **** program ever written, litterally I&#39;m not exagerating...It&#39;s worse than Windows 95.... When they had CS 1.6 beta, Steam actually worked and no one had any troubles. But when they released the FINAL version of Steam...Oh god, it would litterally make you lose your internet connection for 5 minutes exactly. This happened to so many people, CS&#39;ers actually made a petition to boycott steam from taking over CS. Not to mention the riot sheild that totally ruined the game with it&#39;s many glitches. (Being invulnerable) and what not. Oh and their also making LAN&#39;s pay 10&#036; a month for EVERY COPY OF STEAM THEY HAVE ON EVERY COMPUTER&#33; I am in a LAN clan (undefeated BTW) and we LAN once every month, but now we can&#39;t because Steam hasn&#39;t released the software to LANs yet, so we&#39;re forced to play an outdated version of CS&#33;&#33;&#33; That means 15 comps at a LAN is 150&#036; a month&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; VALVE IS A PEICE OF **** AND I HOPE THEY DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

thanks for reading :)

sEv ^ Ninja Dropkick <Andy>
Thanx snipper&#33;
Now im actually glad Valve got hacked, and i also understand why&#33;
:thumbs: Haven&#39;t they forgoten that the videogame industrystill focuses on kids&#33;

10-08-2003, 11:54 PM
I don&#39;t think it will go over very well with the FPS community, but it&#39;s not surprising. I&#39;ve always hated Sierra for their extra efforts to get more money from their customers. Years ago, before ISPs were everywhere, a group of my friends got on the Sierra Gaming Network, &#036;12.95 per month, as it let us play bridge with a buddy who went to the east coast for school. A few months in, they announced that the rate would be going to &#036;50 per month, but that we were &#39;grandfathered&#39; in at the lesser rate for a year. We all thought they sucked for expecting people to pay &#036;600 a year to play some fairly meager games, like card games, and dropped immediately out of spite. Gougers. Also, I won the game Red Baron in a Bridge tourney, and the install disk had a three install limit&#33; A hidden .bat file locked it down, and I quickly got around it, but I thought it was really lame to try that.

10-11-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Oct 4 2003, 02:43 AM
:down: I realy hope the future of gaming is not going to be monthly fee related :WTF: That would just plain suck&#33;

Thanks for taking the time to post that for us BTW&#33;
I agree completely...not that I will be able to run it smoothly :bandhead:

10-13-2003, 10:30 PM
Paying for a HUGE multiplayer RPG world is on thing....but paying for a FPS....that&#39;s just not right I won&#39;t do it. :wacko: