View Full Version : today = bad

10-06-2003, 01:33 AM
now that the day is over and i can sigh up some relief let me explain how my day went.

wife wakes me up 8am because my season started today (football league)

wife wakes me up at 8:30am (that's right didnt wake up because went to friends house last night and watched boxing and then i treated them to diner afterwards--got home 2:30am)

wife wakes me at 9:30 and tells me get up or you will miss your games (i got up suited up and grab kleats and ran out door)

10:00 get to field to meet teammates and some stretching before game which starts at 10:30

we had two games

1st game a very young and fast team. our team is sucks and didnt score at all. not only that, some players did not show up so most had to play iron man (off and def)

2nd game--young team but older than the team we played before except the players were alot stronger. again we got killed scoreless and i felt every hit on this one. also again playing iron man.

games are over at 1 pm and i need to get home because sears were to be coming 2:30-4:-30 pm and i needed to disconnect the sink in laundry room and the old washer and dryer.

as i am getting in my car and then driving home i thought to myself --damn i am in alot of pain. i mean i really was and actually am still hurting. hell, my hair hurts. this became somewhat depressing to me as i used to be in azzkicking shape and use to dominate on the field but this was not the case today regardless of it being first games. i could and probably will after this get my butt back into the gym and start dieting the way i use to to put my size back on.

i get home and i moan as i get out of truck into house. i opened the door and my wife and daughter are standing there with grins on their faces looking at me. i lowly say i got my azz kicked by the younger guys today. my wife says to me laughing,"you are not in the same shape as you were honey" i looked at her with a grueling face and said well neither are you and that's the fact. well i didnt say that but hell i was dissappointed with myself and i am going to use this as a turnaround point to return to the health status i was a few years ago.

it's 1:45 and i have alot of work to do. i start disconnecting the washer and dryer and now i need to get the sink disconnected. i do not have the right size tool to unscrew the water pipes going into sink so i have to use pliers. i get the first one off which was hell and then started with the second pipe which did not budge. i decide to unscrew the lug/bolt from the main pipe so i can pull this thing out and with the pliers i take the bolt of easily. this is when all hell broke loose. the soder must of worn off and with all the messing around with it it just shot off the other pipe. at this point there was water shooting from every where. i was stressing because a flood was started and could not manage to hold the pipe back in until someone could hear me from upstairs. i was soaked with in seconds and was actually being drowned. i was screaming for someone to bring me a bucket and my wife than heard me and runs down and stairing at me (at this point i was just pissed and soaked) and she was asking me what should she do as i am screaming get a bucket. i then managed to get the pipe in for about 30 seconds before the pressure was to strong to hold back. as i am holding this thing into place to prevent damage my wife and father in law are trying to shut the main off but could not turn it. just then my friend jim walked in with his pc which i told him i would fix for him if he came over earlier in the day and ran in shut the main off. he then laughed at me as i just dripped soaking wet. i was relieved once the water stopped.

i cleaned everything up, called a plumber to fix it which he came quicky and did and two guys came from sears to deliver washer and dryer. they set it up and i tipped them 20 bucks and two cokes and wished them a good day. i fixed friends computer and he left.

i watched the remaining qtr of the redskins loose to the eagles as i ate. and now i sit here typing with a few fingers because i think i broke the middle one during game.

i will enjoy my sleep tonight :thumbs: :wacko:

10-06-2003, 01:37 AM
:thumbs: Welcome to the end of the road, neighbor !! :P

10-06-2003, 01:39 AM
:funny.gif: Soory Bigg, don't really mean to laugh, but that was a pretty amusing read. :rofl:

Hope things go better for you tomorrow. :thumbs:

10-06-2003, 01:44 AM
one thing.....SCREW WORK TOMORROW!

call in man, you NEED a day off!

10-06-2003, 01:51 AM
sirc--my friend jim said he would of paid to watch me during this. i guess it is funny now that it's over. thank god it's over :blink:

crism, i wish i could take off but i work for myself :bawling:

10-06-2003, 01:53 AM

10-06-2003, 02:07 AM
Damn, it would've taken me all day just to type that!

Thanks for making my life look OK my friend!

Here's to you Bigg's :drink: :drink:

:wave: hope your week improves!

10-06-2003, 02:12 AM
My day was equally hard:

11am - wake up and watch NFL pre game on ESPN

12pm - watch pregame show on Fox

1pm - watch football

4pm - watch 2nd football game

7pm - watch hockey

10pm - flip between football and Cubs game

...who knows how hard the rest of my day will be? Don't even get me started on my Saturday. :P

10-06-2003, 02:13 AM
that sounds like a rough day, :wacko: but maybe you will win next time! :thumbs:

Gun Element
10-06-2003, 02:15 AM


10-06-2003, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by Yianni@Oct 6 2003, 02:13 AM
that sounds like a rough day, :wacko: but maybe you will win next time! :thumbs:

10-06-2003, 03:29 AM
Hey Bigg, Interested in a cool tall glass of...............................................w ater?

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-06-2003, 03:38 AM
That was a great story Big. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for posting it.
You have a great sense fo humor. Thanks again. :)

10-06-2003, 03:41 AM
Bigg, trade ya anyday right now. If traded, you now own $92,000 on a 2003 Itasca motorhome, but you can't take it further then 50 miles from where you live with out something going wrong. Tranny problems again, this is the second transmission in the POS!

Continuing, I read up on the laws, this thing is a lemon right? Well according to the dealer, lemon law doesn't apply to RV's, so they say, will be talking with a lawyer tomarrow. Dealer won't let me return it, but then again, if I drive up through their lot and up there ass, well insurance should cover most, aslong as I total it, which should be hard to do :devil: :angel:

To make things a little better, this was bought brand new, had 300 miles on it. Took it to a friends place the day I got it, 120 miles away, then next weekend took it to FL on vacation. On the way back, got 20-30 miles south of Birmingham, AL where the first tranny went out. Second tranny got it back to IA, 20 miles away to a camp ground, and then maybe another 30 to a private party. Try to take it 120 miles again, and no passing gear.

On top of that, the furnace was set on 70 over night, wake up at 5am and it is 54 degrees in there, furnace running, but no heat what so ever. Have propane and electric heat both, can select what you want to use.

So, when you want to trade? Tomarrow I am good. Come pick the POS up and I will take your buckets of water :D

Grimmy=UB3R L33T pi553d :dry: :mad:

10-06-2003, 03:57 AM
damn grimmy, i remember when you posted that you were looking to get that thing as we chated about it on msn also. that sucks big time and will suggest you take the biggd approach to that sort of thing.

first you follow the person who sold it to you home. when he gets there beep the horn to let him know you where he lives and actually wave at him.

2nd--on a weekend drive by and stop over there and only knock on the door when if his car is not there.

3rd when his wife answers say hello to her and tell her she is very pretty and that they have a nice home and tell her you were just dropping off a message for her husband

4th--message-should be it's not nice to rip people off and then just leave

5th--goto shop and demand they take the pos back

and if they do not

6th grab the guy at his house stick him in your trunk after you pounce on him for a while. and drive him 100 miles away in the woods where no one is around.

7th--what do you think #7 is.

also you should post the guys name here and the number he can be reached at and i am sure there will be a few to call him. i know i will.

10-06-2003, 04:26 AM
Your married and have a daughter? You looked like you were 22 in your pics. :hmmm:
Sorry man, that sounds like a bad day. :(

10-06-2003, 05:28 AM
One Question Bigg.

Are you Moist though? :rofl:

On a serious note now. I hope you feel better

solid snake295
10-06-2003, 05:42 AM
wow, im glad im so lazy. i quit my job so i could sleep in untill 4:00 pm, i sit at my 'puter most of the day and watch TV at the same time (multi-tasking :thumbs: ).
my work out includes driving to tim hortons and getting a coffee, the excercise part is standing around for an hour talking to friends :lol:
then i got home, more computer and tv untill 4:00am.

im so lazy :rofl: :drink:

10-06-2003, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by solid snake295@Oct 5 2003, 10:42 PM
wow, im glad im so lazy. i quit my job so i could sleep in untill 4:00 pm, i sit at my 'puter most of the day and watch TV at the same time (multi-tasking :thumbs: ).
my work out includes driving to tim hortons and getting a coffee, the excercise part is standing around for an hour talking to friends :lol:
then i got home, more computer and tv untill 4:00am.

im so lazy  :rofl:  :drink:
Where does teh income "come" from?
Multitasking.. Sounds tuff.

solid snake295
10-06-2003, 05:57 AM
i sell my body on the streets :w00t:

lol, actually, i have no idea where it comes from! i dont mooch from anyone, im usually the one lending money.
as long as my wallet is full, im happy, lol :drink:

Black Rose
10-06-2003, 07:22 AM
:w00t: :rofl: what a story Big, I can really imagine how you were stressed in this situation :rofl: sorry for my laughing but itīs funny to read. :)

Seriously I feel sorry for you and hope you will be fine today :wave:

10-06-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Oct 5 2003, 09:57 PM
damn grimmy, i remember when you posted that you were looking to get that thing as we chated about it on msn also. that sucks big time and will suggest you take the biggd approach to that sort of thing.

first you follow the person who sold it to you home. when he gets there beep the horn to let him know you where he lives and actually wave at him.

2nd--on a weekend drive by and stop over there and only knock on the door when if his car is not there.

3rd when his wife answers say hello to her and tell her she is very pretty and that they have a nice home and tell her you were just dropping off a message for her husband

4th--message-should be it's not nice to rip people off and then just leave

5th--goto shop and demand they take the pos back

and if they do not

6th grab the guy at his house stick him in your trunk after you pounce on him for a while. and drive him 100 miles away in the woods where no one is around.

7th--what do you think #7 is.

also you should post the guys name here and the number he can be reached at and i am sure there will be a few to call him. i know i will.
Well Bigg it's for sale, let me know your offer. :)

There is no following, I will just show up at there work, and say this is how it is, or I go sane and bolistic! I have been trying to contact a good friend of mine, who works for a lawyer that I have had in my deffence a couple times, to find out the law and go from there. This was bought from a dealer who's had much business from me. They better be able to move it, and give me something that is reliable. I don't care if I have to buy a desile to pull the dam thing, it will be cheaper then paying for the lemon that sits in my yard right now!

The dealer will fear me, for I haven't even gotten to voice myself yet. My roommate is the only one that has voiced, and I have bitched to him what is going to happen. He knows business law, told me a little about things, but sorry, **** hits the fan, consumer is always right, it's an unwritten rule that is pretty much abidied by. I was sold a lemon, it was fixed and still is a lemon, therefore now it is the dealers problem, $100G problem, and I can get my new toys! :w00t:

I was screwed from the beginning, couldn't even go to FL n back, without something happening. Costs me $1300 out of my pocket, which the manufacture hasn't replied yet, been over a month since they were contacted.

Me=still uber pi55ed!!!!!! Dealer fear me, for there I am, no holds barred! Eat it, to deal with it, Grimmy way, the only way, the way of life and reality! Time will tell what happens. :devil: I got my strings, and I am a pulling, uberly!! :jammin: