View Full Version : Anyone see surviving Nugent?

Fred Bear
10-08-2003, 06:36 AM
On VH1 they had a show called surviving Nugent. he dosnt live far from me and this show was total stupidity. I've met him on several occations and he's nothing like this. Wild and out there, yes, But why does he let his mouth run so much?surviving Nugent (http://www.vh1.com/shows/dyn/surviving_nugent/series.jhtml)

10-08-2003, 06:42 AM
i haven't seen the show. i am sure he is a fairly moderate character
in real life, but with a lot of views. when it comes to media, they like
stuff to be spiced up to generate ratings, the wilder and crazier, the
better. so i am sure they push for the more extreme and bizarre
behavior, and the greater the chance of making headlines, the
more likely the show will survive.

10-08-2003, 09:46 AM
i got to met the guy in person and got his autograph! i got a picture of me and him but in the pic it looks like he is giving me the finger and telling me to piss off. very funny and nice guy! one benifit of working at sportman's warehouse! :jammin: