View Full Version : Tortuga Pirate Hunter

10-13-2003, 09:24 PM
Game Notes:
Experience the huge world of "Tortuga", with its 16 very different
scenarios either as a buccaneer in service of his Majesty or as a
feared pirate. Your riches will expand through successful piracy,
theft of ships, plundering of towns or completion of missions
from the town governments.

But make haste, and be wary of the treachery and mutiny that can
reduce all of that to nothing.

You start the game with a small reserve of money and a basic ship,
which is suitable only for the smaller prey and voyages to
discover the rest of the world. To gain in strength you need to
get larger, stronger ships, which would make the conquering of
cities a real possibility.

Successful raids on transport, trade and military convoys as well
as on pirates provide the funds for the much needed faster, more
agile ships as well as the well-equipped battleships.

Accepting missions from your local Mayor will help you gain riches
for yourself and for your crew, who are eagerly awaiting their
share of the treasures.

The entire game world is filled with traders, pirates and buccaneers,
as well as huge transport convoys. All you have to do is select the
right targets and adversaries. Be careful though, lest the hunter
become the huntedà

Each action you take has consequences on all four nations in the game.
Upon attaining higher notoriety the player will receive the
opportunity to undertake missions from the Mayor as well as purchase
Letters of Marque. Special missions are also available to help the
player reach his initial goals in the game.

solid snake295
10-22-2003, 11:55 PM
that sound pretty good! was there a release date on it?

pirates are awsome :yohoho: HAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

10-22-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by solid snake295@Oct 22 2003, 07:55 PM
Stop! You're getting me aroused! :lol:

solid snake295
10-23-2003, 12:10 AM
:rofl: say it! HAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!