View Full Version : Hanging out my shingle

10-15-2003, 01:51 PM
I am now open for business :wootrock: I have reached a point in alchemy where I can make some useful stuff. For guild members I will make items at cost. This should be about half the cost a merchant charges. I can't make everything an alchemist can make but here is a list of some stuff.

All dyes. I merchant charges 30g for the most expensive colors I can make them for 16.5g. Check out colors here
Dye Colors template (http://camelot.allakhazam.com/Dyes/index.html)

Poisons. Stat Buff Potions. Healing Potions. Special Potions. Magical Potions. Trophy Potions.

The best part of being an alchemist is being able to add charges and effects to armor and weapons. I'm able to do these for lower levels, I think up to level 40 items. It'll be a while before I can do the high level stuff. It's getting expensive and leveling is very slow now.

If you would like something or would like to try an item, let me know and i'll make it and place it in the guild vault.
For an idea of what potions do you can check this link.
Alchemy Guide (http://www.midnightsojourn.com/effects.html) :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-15-2003, 01:56 PM
Wow, Sweet. I need a Hammertime credit card. :jammin:

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-15-2003, 01:57 PM
Which endurance potions can you make?

10-15-2003, 02:19 PM
Man it seems like I have to get new armor every 3 or 4 days now, Glad to hear you can make dye. Congrats podner! :thumbs:

Noob question: Who can use the potions you make? Sure would be nice to have something to keep my endurance up. :oooo:

First one of you that makes a Viagra comment gets a swift kick in buttocks :D

Death Engineer
10-15-2003, 03:31 PM
Hey. Good to hear you're doing well in Alchemy man.

What kind of procs can you add to a wizard staff for crowd control? Is there a stun or mez charge? If not, what kind of charge would you suggest adding to a wizzy staff?


10-15-2003, 03:40 PM
Mez would be sweet!

10-16-2003, 03:12 PM
I haven't used the endurance potions, only the power and health potions. I will make a few of each and you guys can try 'em and let me know what's useful. I've got a little extra gold so I won't mind making a few of each potion for people to try. That way we can all get feedback and determine what is really useful.
I have used the instant power and health potions but have had no need to use endurance. I would get 230 health and 90 power back instantly, this was about 1/3 of the bar for me at level 40. I found them useful for soloing.
The other type is buff potions, these rejuvinate for a period of time. Endurance doesn't look that great it says 3 for 2 minutes. Don't know how to interpet that. I'll make some potions and put them in the vault. To use them you place it in your quick bar (menu bar), hold the 'e' button down and then click the item.

Elexir of Endurance is for the instant pick me up.
Elexir of Invigoration is the buff potion.

Also, I've found that if you're going to solo take about 10 with you and it will reduce your downtime pretty good. You use them fairly quickly so they shouldn't hinder your loot gathering. They cost about 2 gold apiece.


10-16-2003, 03:31 PM
With the procs for weapons or armor you can't do spells. They either cause direct damage or cause some type of effect on you. For example you could embue an item into your leather or armor that would actually generate health for you when hit or actually cause damage to the monster hitting you. The health regeneration looks pretty cool but is very high level and the ingredients are rare drops from high level mobs.
Also, you can only embue procs into player made equipment.

If you haven't seen the effect of a direct damage add to a weapon or armor it's pretty cool, you'll see an explosion and the get a message saying you hit for an additional 50 points of damage.

The down side to these adds are that they have to be recharged after so many uses (like 10). Thats why you will see a recharger in various towns. An alchemist can also recharge items alot cheaper than the nonplayer characters (NPC).

Hope this helps. (did I mention I could make dyes?)


10-16-2003, 10:21 PM
He hooked me up with a sweet potion that restores health.

I will take 10 of those please.