View Full Version : Question AGAIN!

10-18-2003, 12:06 AM
I'm in the process of doing a quest. I was sent to see a hunter at a guard tower so I went to speak to him. He told me about two bandit brothers and that I needed to kill one of them and bring back the bandit's ear to him. Soooo, I found a brother at the near bandit camp and I killed him. I picked up the loot and went back to the hunter. He told me the same thing he originally stated so I was confused and thought maybe I killed the wrong bandit. :WTF:

I went back to the camp and made sure I killed the right bandit and when I picked up the loot it only had money in it. I then checked my journal to see that the instructions said in there and my journal was blank. :WTF:

I tried going back to the hunter to have him repeat the instructions and no task was relayed into my journal. I killed the bandit he told me to two times and I got no ear. When I go back to speak to him he talks to me like it's the first time I've been there even after I've killed the bandit he told me to. :hmmm: Does anyone know why this is happening? (I hope you understand this jibberish)

10-18-2003, 01:43 AM
:hmmm: It's been a while since I have done a task. Did you check your backpack to see if the ear was in?? I am assuming that you had it. What you might want to try to do, talk to him (will bring up the window) and then get the ear from your backpak and hand it to him, and see what that does. This is just like when you buy a ticket for a horse, how you give them the scroll, that is what you do with the ear.

Try that, and see what happens. Was this a task that you went to him and typed /whipser task and he gave it to you? If that is the case, you have 2 hours to complete the task, or you fail it and have to get another one. If it is something you got from your trainer, then not sure what to tell ya other then try giving him the ear.

Hope something like that helps ya out. Let me know how ya turn out. ;)

Death Engineer
10-18-2003, 05:27 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're just doing a task. One that can be done several times. Each time you perform the task, it resets the NPC (non-player character) and it seels like it starts over.

Quests are different. You can see what step of a quest you are on by opening up your journal. You can also list the quests that you have finished by typing /quest.


10-18-2003, 08:14 AM
Sep all of the quest for scouts are detailed HERE (http://camelot.allakhazam.com/class.html?realm=Albion&cclass=9)

I'm with DE, It sounds like it's a task that you are doing.

10-18-2003, 12:01 PM
I guess i'm confused as to what's a task and what's a quest. A quest is something only a trainer gives I'm taking it.

I did check all the pockets of my backpack and there was no ear in it even after I killed him twice. Now that I see the reward is only 55C, the bandit is keeping his ear :P

Thanx guys

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-18-2003, 12:55 PM
A task is what you get from a guard when you do a /say task or /whisper task.

A quest is given by any NPC just by talking to him.

Tasks are a fast way to get XP and money. You get about a half a bubble for each kill task that you complete plus some money.

Quests give you items and money and sometimes XP. Be sure to do your epic seris quests because they give you good items and great XP in the higher levels.

You can not do tasks after level 20.

10-18-2003, 01:12 PM
Ok, then I guess it was a quest. :WTF: I've never typed /say task or /whisper task. I've always just talked to people and they say they could use me bla, bla, bla and I've done the request.

No wonder why I always get items vs XP. :bandhead: Now I'll type /say task from now on. I did get a cool magic cloak from my last quest though :cool:

I still dont know why the bandit only dropped money instead of his ear but for 55C i'm not gonna figure it out.

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-18-2003, 01:30 PM
not all guards will give you a task. it might taks a while to find one. But when you do find a guard that gives you a task, you can keep going bak to him until you level. Then you have to find a different guard to get tasks from. Usually you can get one from the guards at pkb.

Death Engineer
10-18-2003, 03:05 PM
Sometimes if you click on the right person, they will just give a task to you. It's not like the tasks Jandar described though. They just describe something to do and you can do it or not, doesn't really matter.

The bandit ears is one example of this. There are others, but most of them are aimed at faily low level (1-5) players trying to make it up to the big league to choose their class.


10-18-2003, 04:48 PM
If only you had said - I had loads of ears! I sold them. keep killing bandits and you will eventually get an ear. The ones near the road are good - on the way to salisbury.

10-18-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Oct 18 2003, 07:01 AM
Now that I see the reward is only 55C, the bandit is keeping his ear :P


Dang that brought tears to my eyes :D