View Full Version : 1.05...huh?

10-19-2003, 11:41 AM
Okay, I installed Sam again in a different folder so I could play 1.05. But I couldn't find a server to play on. The ones that were up were either someone's private server (that were unplayable - couldn't move at all), or some Russian server that said it was full even though it showed like 5 players less than the limit on ASE. Where do you 1.05 players play?

And OMG they were all on normal mode. Spammer's paradise. Double shotty is almost useless because of all the rocket and grenade spam. You simply don't live long enough to shoot someone 5 times with the shotty (which is what it takes on normal mode unless you are right on top of them) before some camper kills you with a crap load of rockets. Or grenades. WTF?

1.05ers, please enlighten me here. Where do I go to get some of this great gameplay that you all have been talking about. :WTF:

10-19-2003, 11:46 AM
the russian server allows observers, so thats probably why it was full

I usually play on the spanish server though, fun server for me, although the no powerup rule doesnt excist in 1.05 :bandhead: its just enoying to see somebody grabbing ever single pup :( The spam isnt that bad though, if you arent really late in a server you just gotta find your control over the map, and just make sure you always have enough shotty ammo :D

10-19-2003, 12:03 PM
OMG just f@ckin forget it dude. Go back to 107 and ur serious pussy level where u just need to look at some1 to kill em.
I dont know who started this DB-Shotgun sh|t but it really sux me up. Why cant ppl use the weapons they want ? Eh u know what u dont use rockets cuz u always fire them up ur own ass. :rolleyes:
Guys like u f@ck up the entire game.

Cant hear that bullsh|t anymore.

10-19-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimateWarrior@Oct 19 2003, 07:46 AM
the russian server allows observers, so thats probably why it was full

I usually play on the spanish server though, fun server for me, although the no powerup rule doesnt excist in 1.05 :bandhead: its just enoying to see somebody grabbing ever single pup :( The spam isnt that bad though, if you arent really late in a server you just gotta find your control over the map, and just make sure you always have enough shotty ammo :D
Well ,the no pup rule doesn't really exist in 1.07 either. If people want it, they will take it.

But I wanted to experience the 1.05 gameplay. I didn't see any Spanish servers. What are they called?

10-19-2003, 12:05 PM
1.05 = skills
SIRC there s a server called SERIOUS SAM BATTELFIELD ( old figona server)
Go there , You wont get much lag

10-19-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Twin
)I2agon,Oct 19 2003, 08:03 AM] OMG just f@ckin forget it dude. Go back to 107 and ur serious pussy level where u just need to look at some1 to kill em.
I dont know who started this DB-Shotgun sh|t but it really sux me up. Why cant ppl use the weapons they want ? Eh u know what u dont use rockets cuz u always fire them up ur own ass.  :rolleyes:
Guys like u f@ck up the entire game.

Cant hear that bullsh|t anymore.
Erm, I'm a rocket whore. Come find me on LT some time. :P I was just talking about the shift in the power of weapons between serious and normal mode. I meant no disrespect to anyone.

10-19-2003, 12:25 PM
Normal mode is the best mode. In normal mode is hard to spam, because there ammo is ending 2x faster (example in Serious mode there is 10 grenades per greande pack, in normal is 5 greandes per grenade pack). Plus there is hard to kill with spa, it takes few shots, thats why after one shot you can regenerate your health.

Powerups is a part of Normal difficulty, It takes much more shots to kill without it, so they take it to kill faster.
Unfortunately there is alot 1.05 who is really not nice.

About Serious and normal. Serious diffuclty dont need skill, its a spammer paradise, and you kill people with one shot, which cant be fun, and you cant do a good shotty duel. In serious shotty duel takes only 2 seconds for goood players, on normal it takes about 10 seconds.
Plus on Serious difficulty your aiming dont need to be good, because there dhotty is more powerfull and of you will aim some left, it will take so much health. In normal difficulty, you really need to have aiming skills and good strafes. On serious strafes is like nothing, there you just need to hide and use rockets to avoid shotty.

So Normal rule the game. There is also good difficutly for this who love Normal and guys who love Serious - Hard. On hard is hard to spam, because there the ammo limit and ammo pickups are the same as in Normal difficulty, but the shot damage is more powerfull.

normal ownz, Hard is cool. Serious only for spam and no skills.

About 3rd person, on normal is very hard to use 3rd person. 1st is the best for Normal difficulty.

Do you know why i am rocket hoing everytime i enter Outlaws in 1.07?
Because there you can get killed fast with shotty. And i am spammiing there with rockets as hell, always rockets everywhere, then its really easy to kill people and it is going so fast. On normal, you can play some skillfull players, even without SD and other powerups. There are always good duels.

1.05 is good, but too much trashers.
No matter, 1.05 is for europeans, euro players will have pings like 120-200 there. so americans, come to 1.05 servers, we will have the ping advantage, and skill advantage.
I wonder who would win easly.

10-19-2003, 12:30 PM
Okay Chyl. Cool. Hook me up. I can't find the Spanish server. When do you guys usually play? Give me a time and time zone please. I don't mind the ping. And I will most likely get my butt kicked. But I want to give it a shot. :thumbs:

10-19-2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Oct 19 2003, 02:30 PM
Okay Chyl. Cool. Hook me up. I can't find the Spanish server. When do you guys usually play? Give me a time and time zone please. I don't mind the ping. And I will most likely get my butt kicked. But I want to give it a shot. :thumbs:
Me playing there mostly from 1AM to 5 AM your time.

There isn't any spanish servers. There is only Russian, Austrian and Italian. Plus theres alot more, Russia got 3 servers tho.

10-19-2003, 01:01 PM
Serious for no skill? :rofl:

i think the players on 1.05 arent that great, ofcourse you got good players there, but I think 1.07 has more competition, and IMO its too easy getting a perfect in 1.05, even if you dont use powerups, its just a joke, getting spammed like 3 times and still not death.
Hard is definitly the best mode IMO, not too much ammo to spam, but powerfull enough to kill pretty fast

10-19-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimateWarrior@Oct 19 2003, 03:01 PM
Serious for no skill? :rofl:

i think the players on 1.05 arent that great, ofcourse you got good players there, but I think 1.07 has more competition, and IMO its too easy getting a perfect in 1.05, even if you dont use powerups, its just a joke, getting spammed like 3 times and still not death.
Hard is definitly the best mode IMO, not too much ammo to spam, but powerfull enough to kill pretty fast
I told that in my post IMO.

10-19-2003, 01:23 PM
Heh, okay. Just played two games on the Russian server. Normal mode.

Grenades and rockets freaking everywhere in Fortress. Spam. I was able to actually get into one shotty battle and finish it before someone blew us both up with a rocket or grenade. It just takes too freakin long, and a stray grenade or rocket still ends up killing BOTH the shotty duellers most of the time. SD and smurfs everywhere. But I can accept that. Cannon whores! They rule because it makes no difference what difficulty you play on, a cannon hit kills you.

Sorry guys. I don't but into the normal mode = skill. Hard or serious seperates the men from the boys. In a shotty battle you have to be quick, and you have to be accurate. No margin for mistakes. And you can actually get a shotty kill and get away before the spammers find you and take advantage of the fact that you may have low health afterwards.

I played a game in Fortress and in Red Station. I saw no difference. The the players who scored the most were the ones that managed to take the pups more. Or used the cannon. Or camped. Hmmm, I guess those are skills. Sorta.

10-19-2003, 01:31 PM
There's one big problem about 1.05 server (not all servers though) And that is that some servers allow observers which can be fun but mostly u join (or try to join) a server where 5 of 14 players are on and u still can't join because of observers that have nothing better to do than trash the ppl who play on the server (at least it was that way about half a year ago when i last played on an 1.05 server)!

But i think especially the DWF players can tell ya storys about observers trashing them while playing! Also quite disturbing is that there are no many bindings on 1.05 server! I think some Clans on 1.05 don't think that the frag limit counts as the thing u need to reach to win! Instead they think the best binding wins :)

Especially sucking is the advertising the Campers Clan used to do with their bindings :P

10-19-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Sauron@Oct 19 2003, 09:31 AM
I think some Clans on 1.05 don't think that the frag limit counts as the thing u need to reach to win! Instead they think the best binding wins :)

10-19-2003, 01:38 PM
I should also point out that on serious (or even hard) mode the campers are easier to take out, as are the cannon whores. And when you spawn on serious mode you actually have a deadly weapon. The knife. A great comfort when there are lots of players and no other weapons to be found. This is another reason why perfects are harder to come by on serious mode. Everyone is deadly all the time if they learn to use the knife.

10-19-2003, 01:40 PM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you'll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

Edit: woah, 5 new posts while i was typing this.

10-19-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Fetzer@Oct 19 2003, 03:40 PM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you'll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

Edit: woah, 5 new posts while i was typing this.
Everything is right here :thumbs:

10-19-2003, 01:48 PM
anyway i wanna say, that some people likes 1.05 and some likes 1.07. It's their buisness what they like.

Topic Closed (i hope)

10-19-2003, 01:49 PM
Sirc: play some games on the servers 'Gaxi & Hi(gh)' or 'Serious Sam Battlefield', preferably on maps like LT or Lost Tomb, thats where most of the skilled 1.05 players play. Cant say it for sure though, i havent played there recently.

10-19-2003, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Fetzer@Oct 19 2003, 03:40 PM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you'll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

Edit: woah, 5 new posts while i was typing this.
Fetzer has some good points IMO! On normal mode it counts more how effective u use weapon combos not only one weapon all the time! Example: first u reduce someones health with the RL over distance then - as u get closer - u switch to DBS to get the final shot on him!
Since u can't have weapon stay in Sam it's nearly impossible to play on crowded maps after u died once or twice! But u also learn that way to avoid well armed players and it's a very good dodge training when u don't have a weapon and since one shot of a DBS doesn't kill ya u have more time to get a weapon! I think there should be at least one server with nortmal mode in 1-07 and u will see that some of the now as skilled titled players will have an amizingly hard time to get their frags together

10-19-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Oct 19 2003, 03:23 PM
Heh, okay. Just played two games on the Russian server. Normal mode.

Grenades and rockets freaking everywhere in Fortress. Spam. I was able to actually get into one shotty battle and finish it before someone blew us both up with a rocket or grenade. It just takes too freakin long, and a stray grenade or rocket still ends up killing BOTH the shotty duellers most of the time. SD and smurfs everywhere. But I can accept that. Cannon whores! They rule because it makes no difference what difficulty you play on, a cannon hit kills you.

Sorry guys. I don't but into the normal mode = skill. Hard or serious seperates the men from the boys. In a shotty battle you have to be quick, and you have to be accurate. No margin for mistakes. And you can actually get a shotty kill and get away before the spammers find you and take advantage of the fact that you may have low health afterwards.

I played a game in Fortress and in Red Station. I saw no difference. The the players who scored the most were the ones that managed to take the pups more. Or used the cannon. Or camped. Hmmm, I guess those are skills. Sorta.
Well as i said u have to change ur way to play on a normal mode server! U can't rely that muchj on shotty u do on serious mode! It requires a bit more tactical sense (not saying u don't have any) to get a frag in and to avoid spam! Normally i think it's easier to avoid spam in normal in normal mode even though the much higher ammount of Spam makes it somehow even on both modes :P ! And well u have to see that 1.05 is the first version u have installed when buying the game or trying it online the first time so much more new players who just try to get some frags done with spamming (since spamming works great in sp or coop thzey think it might work well in DM too)!

10-19-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Fetzer@Oct 19 2003, 01:40 PM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you'll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

Edit: woah, 5 new posts while i was typing this.

Yup well said.


I remember way back in the beginning. There were some mercs ( Sal, DL...later Hammer as well ) , some Gods ( Slice ) etc..... I remember we really had FUN playin. No alias, nobody complained about lag , we just had a good time togther. I dont think this is possible anymore. :WTF: Thats what i regret most.

10-19-2003, 02:02 PM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

I disagree. The players that own all do indeed use a variety of weapons, and movement in SS is everything! Especially on serious mode. Stand still for a moment and you're dead. Not knowing how to move around the map efficiently will get you killed quickly also. Anyone who cannot switch between the knife (for better movement) and the appropraite weapon is doomed against a good player.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

You are not going to frag anyone from across the map with a shotty in any mode unless they stand still or have almost no health left. The shotty and knife does much less damage in normal mode. So what are the alternatives? Cannon, rockets, grenades, minigun, green gun. All long range weapons. Camper/spammer fare.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you'll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Hmmm. I play Q3 and UT2K3. Lots of campers and snipers.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

IMHO, nope. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

10-19-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Twin])I2agon@Oct 19 2003, 04:02 PM
I remember way back in the beginning. There were some mercs ( Sal, DL...later Hammer as well ) , some Gods ( Slice ) etc..... I remember we really had FUN playin. No alias, nobody complained about lag , we just had a good time togther. I dont think this is possible anymore. :WTF: Thats what i regret most.
Well i started to play Sam when most of these were still around and i tottally agree with u Twin!

10-19-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Sauron+Oct 19 2003, 09:55 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sauron @ Oct 19 2003, 09:55 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Sirc@Oct 19 2003, 03:23 PM
Heh, okay.&nbsp; Just played two games on the Russian server.&nbsp; Normal mode.

Grenades and rockets freaking everywhere in Fortress.&nbsp; Spam.&nbsp; I was able to actually get into one shotty battle and finish it before someone blew us both up with a rocket or grenade.&nbsp; It just takes too freakin long, and a stray grenade or rocket still ends up killing BOTH the shotty duellers most of the time.&nbsp; SD and smurfs everywhere.&nbsp; But I can accept that.&nbsp; Cannon whores&#33;&nbsp; They rule because it makes no difference what difficulty you play on, a cannon hit kills you.

Sorry guys.&nbsp; I don&#39;t but into the normal mode = skill.&nbsp; Hard or serious seperates the men from the boys.&nbsp; In a shotty battle you have to be quick, and you have to be accurate.&nbsp; No margin for mistakes.&nbsp; And you can actually get a shotty kill and get away before the spammers find you and take advantage of the fact that you may have low health afterwards.

I played a game in Fortress and in Red Station.&nbsp; I saw no difference.&nbsp; The the players who scored the most were the ones that managed to take the pups more.&nbsp; Or used the cannon.&nbsp; Or camped.&nbsp; Hmmm, I guess those are skills.&nbsp; Sorta.
Well as i said u have to change ur way to play on a normal mode server&#33; U can&#39;t rely that muchj on shotty u do on serious mode&#33; It requires a bit more tactical sense (not saying u don&#39;t have any) to get a frag in and to avoid spam&#33; Normally i think it&#39;s easier to avoid spam in normal in normal mode even though the much higher ammount of Spam makes it somehow even on both modes :P &#33; And well u have to see that 1.05 is the first version u have installed when buying the game or trying it online the first time so much more new players who just try to get some frags done with spamming (since spamming works great in sp or coop thzey think it might work well in DM too)&#33; [/b][/quote]
Well, yes. I agree that you need to change tactics in normal mode. The most popular tactic is to find a rocket or grenade launcher and find a comfy spot to shoot them from. :P

And on a crowded server when you respawn, instead of flashing the knife and taking a weapon from someone, you just bend over and kiss you butt goodbye. I think that&#39;s why the "head up your butt" manuever is so popular in 1.05. :rofl:

10-19-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Sirc+Oct 19 2003, 03:10 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sirc @ Oct 19 2003, 03:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Sauron@Oct 19 2003, 09:55 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-Sirc@Oct 19 2003, 03:23 PM
Heh, okay.* Just played two games on the Russian server.* Normal mode.

Grenades and rockets freaking everywhere in Fortress.* Spam.* I was able to actually get into one shotty battle and finish it before someone blew us both up with a rocket or grenade.* It just takes too freakin long, and a stray grenade or rocket still ends up killing BOTH the shotty duellers most of the time.*&nbsp; SD and smurfs everywhere.* But I can accept that.* Cannon whores&#33;* They rule because it makes no difference what difficulty you play on, a cannon hit kills you.

Sorry guys.* I don&#39;t but into the normal mode = skill.* Hard or serious seperates the men from the boys.* In a shotty battle you have to be quick, and you have to be accurate.* No margin for mistakes.* And you can actually get a shotty kill and get away before the spammers find you and take advantage of the fact that you may have low health afterwards.

I played a game in Fortress and in Red Station.* I saw no difference.* The the players who scored the most were the ones that managed to take the pups more.* Or used the cannon.* Or camped.* Hmmm, I guess those are skills.* Sorta.
Well as i said u have to change ur way to play on a normal mode server&#33; U can&#39;t rely that muchj on shotty u do on serious mode&#33; It requires a bit more tactical sense (not saying u don&#39;t have any) to get a frag in and to avoid spam&#33; Normally i think it&#39;s easier to avoid spam in normal in normal mode even though the much higher ammount of Spam makes it somehow even on both modes :P &#33; And well u have to see that 1.05 is the first version u have installed when buying the game or trying it online the first time so much more new players who just try to get some frags done with spamming (since spamming works great in sp or coop thzey think it might work well in DM too)&#33;
Well, yes. I agree that you need to change tactics in normal mode. The most popular tactic is to find a rocket or grenade launcher and find a comfy spot to shoot them from. :P

And on a crowded server when you respawn, instead of flashing the knife and taking a weapon from someone, you just bend over and kiss you butt goodbye. I think that&#39;s why the "head up your butt" manuever is so popular in 1.05. :rofl: [/b][/quote]

10-19-2003, 02:17 PM
I still think both modes have their advantages and disadvantages :P

I play (if i ever play) sometimes here sometimes there depending if i want to have some fast action (like serious mode gives ya) or some more tactical playing ( like imo normal mode requires)

I like both modes because of their advantages and well i have to deal with boths modes disadvantages&#33; That&#39;s life (or computer gaming :P)

10-19-2003, 02:19 PM
Forgot to add : IMHO best would be to have a mode where u combine the power of shotty and knife of serious mode and the reduced splash dmg of grenades and rockets of normal mode :P

Oh well but i think that&#39;s just a very nice dream :(

10-19-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Sauron@Oct 19 2003, 10:17 AM
I still think both modes have their advantages and disadvantages :P

I play (if i ever play) sometimes here sometimes there depending if i want to have some fast action (like serious mode gives ya) or some more tactical playing ( like imo normal mode requires)

I like both modes because of their advantages and well i have to deal with boths modes disadvantages&#33; That&#39;s life (or computer gaming :P)
Agreed. I admit I enjoy playing on normal mode sometimes. It&#39;s a nice change and challenge. :thumbs:

10-19-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Sauron+Oct 19 2003, 03:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sauron @ Oct 19 2003, 03:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Fetzer@Oct 19 2003, 03:40 PM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you&#39;ll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

Edit: woah, 5 new posts while i was typing this.
Fetzer has some good points IMO&#33; On normal mode it counts more how effective u use weapon combos not only one weapon all the time&#33; Example: first u reduce someones health with the RL over distance then - as u get closer - u switch to DBS to get the final shot on him&#33;
Since u can&#39;t have weapon stay in Sam it&#39;s nearly impossible to play on crowded maps after u died once or twice&#33; But u also learn that way to avoid well armed players and it&#39;s a very good dodge training when u don&#39;t have a weapon and since one shot of a DBS doesn&#39;t kill ya u have more time to get a weapon&#33; I think there should be at least one server with nortmal mode in 1-07 and u will see that some of the now as skilled titled players will have an amizingly hard time to get their frags together [/b][/quote]
Correctly. Ditto :thumbs:

10-19-2003, 02:41 PM
Hmmm. I started a thread. It&#39;s going on 3 pages now, and it hasn&#39;t been locked, and I haven&#39;t been given a warning. Something has gone terribly awry&#33; :blink: :P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-19-2003, 02:48 PM
They&#39;re all playing DAOC&#33; :rofl:

BTW, I&#39;ve gone back to playing SSFE. It&#39;s nice for a change. Got some talented players there too. :)

10-19-2003, 03:02 PM
I disagree. The players that own all do indeed use a variety of weapons, and movement in SS is everything&#33; Especially on serious mode. Stand still for a moment and you&#39;re dead. Not knowing how to move around the map efficiently will get you killed quickly also. Anyone who cannot switch between the knife (for better movement) and the appropraite weapon is doomed against a good player.

Like i said, there are skilled players in 1.07, i cant deny that. I was just stating that it&#39;s possible to be on the top of the score list playing like a newbie. I&#39;ve seen it, believe me.

You are not going to frag anyone from across the map with a shotty in any mode unless they stand still or have almost no health left. The shotty and knife does much less damage in normal mode. So what are the alternatives? Cannon, rockets, grenades, minigun, green gun. All long range weapons. Camper/spammer fare.

In serious difficulty you can kill across the map. I remember observing DD standing at the shotty area in Hole looking town to the SD area and fragging the players down there with the shotgun. Of course it takes multiple shots and a certain amount of aiming skill, but given that its rather easy.

And i dont see how the minigun and the laser gun are low range weapons. Even the grenade launcher can be very effective in high range, just load it up enough and fire a well placed shot. Its all a matter of good aiming.

Hmmm. I play Q3 and UT2K3. Lots of campers and snipers.

Chances are youve never played a (semi-)professional quake or ut player. Those players never camp all the time because they know that it wont get them anywhere. Get out of the FFA servers and play TDM or 1v1, you&#39;ll notice a huge difference.

Oh and sniping is a part of those games. You wont find any good player who doesnt use the railgun / lightning gun.

IMHO, nope. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Well that&#39;s your opinion, cant do much about that.

10-19-2003, 03:49 PM
go go go fetzy :rolleyes:

10-19-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Oct 19 2003, 04:41 PM
Hmmm. I started a thread. It&#39;s going on 3 pages now, and it hasn&#39;t been locked, and I haven&#39;t been given a warning. Something has gone terribly awry&#33; :blink: :P
And even a mod was there most of the time :P

but as long as the thread stays as civil as it is right now i don&#39;t see any reason to lock it :)

Die Hard
10-19-2003, 08:04 PM
I prefer Serious mode because games don&#39;t get
boring. They&#39;re over relatively quickly.

I also agree with Sirc. The better players are
on 1.07 in serious mode.

10-20-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Die Hard@Oct 19 2003, 10:04 PM
I prefer Serious mode because games don&#39;t get
boring. They&#39;re over relatively quickly.

I also agree with Sirc. The better players are
on 1.07 in serious mode.
Because its damn easy to aim, and no strafing skills. Rocket splash damage so damn wide, every damage damn high.

10-20-2003, 06:06 PM
No strafing skills? I can&#39;t count how many times I&#39;ve taken on a good player who had the DBSG when I had only the knife. And won. I&#39;ve even gotten DD a few times that way.

I know how to dance. :P

Die Hard
10-20-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Sirc@Oct 20 2003, 07:06 PM
I know how to dance. :P
:wootrock: Dance baby, dance.

10-21-2003, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by Fetzer@Oct 19 2003, 06:40 AM

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you&#39;ll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

I don&#39;t agree with that.

UT2003 has double jumping/wall jumping and Quake has strafe jumping. Just because it is a different way of movement does not mean it requires more skill.

Plus all these games suffer from spamming. If I play Quake or UT it is instagib because I hate the spam/no skill weapons in regular deathmatch.

Dangerous Dan
10-21-2003, 02:46 AM
ok, it doesnt matter if you play serious or normal mode, you might just end up playing with more of one weapon, but essentially, if you continue to use the right weapon in the right situation on either normal or serious skills shine through. It doesnt matter if your shots do less with the shotty in normal because if you can aim and consistantly and make clean hits, the proportion of hitting and dodging rocket hits should be the same...

proof of this is when Marz went to normal mode (1.05) for a few weeks, did he suck? no. Did his aim get worse? no. He owned just the same as usual from what i understand.

10-21-2003, 04:15 AM
Originally posted by Chyliniak+Oct 20 2003, 06:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Chyliniak @ Oct 20 2003, 06:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Die Hard@Oct 19 2003, 10:04 PM
I prefer Serious mode because games don&#39;t get
boring. They&#39;re over relatively quickly.

I also agree with Sirc. The better players are
on 1.07 in serious mode.
Because its damn easy to aim, and no strafing skills. Rocket splash damage so damn wide, every damage damn high. [/b][/quote]
isnt the aim the same way on both versions :P
its just how much damage it does :rolleyes:

10-21-2003, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimateWarrior@Oct 20 2003, 09:15 PM
isnt the aim the same way on both versions :P
its just how much damage it does :rolleyes:
No &#33;@&#33;1&#33;&#33;&#33; Not the roll eyes. ph34r

10-21-2003, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by Twin])I2agon@Oct 19 2003, 12:03 PM
OMG just f@ckin forget it dude. Go back to 107 and ur serious pussy level where u just need to look at some1 to kill em.
I dont know who started this DB-Shotgun sh|t but it really sux me up. Why cant ppl use the weapons they want ? Eh u know what u dont use rockets cuz u always fire them up ur own ass. :rolleyes:
Guys like u f@ck up the entire game.

Cant hear that bullsh|t anymore.
:jammin: :thumbs:

10-21-2003, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by FASTway@Oct 21 2003, 01:51 AM
I don&#39;t agree with that.

UT2003 has double jumping/wall jumping and Quake has strafe jumping. Just because it is a different way of movement does not mean it requires more skill.
&nbsp; :rolleyes:

Plus all these games suffer from spamming. If I play Quake or UT it is instagib because I hate the spam/no skill weapons in regular deathmatch.

Of course it does. You gotta combine movement and weaponhandling > more complex > more skill required.

And if u dont play n00bs u dont have that much spam. Dunno about Quake tho ;)

10-21-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Twin])I2agon+Oct 21 2003, 07:49 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Twin])I2agon @ Oct 21 2003, 07:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-FASTway@Oct 21 2003, 01:51 AM
I don&#39;t agree with that.

UT2003 has double jumping/wall jumping and Quake has strafe jumping. Just because it is a different way of movement does not mean it requires more skill.
* :rolleyes:

Plus all these games suffer from spamming. If I play Quake or UT it is instagib because I hate the spam/no skill weapons in regular deathmatch.

Of course it does. You gotta combine movement and weaponhandling > more complex > more skill required.

And if u dont play n00bs u dont have that much spam. Dunno about Quake tho ;) [/b][/quote]
This is true.

First of all, the way of movement in those games does require more skill. Sure its easy to tap on a button two times in a row (ut2003) or press two buttons at the same time (q3), but when it comes to using those movements effectively it also comes to skill. In both games there are many tactical possibilities that you can only reach with coordinated movement. (just try the bridge to rail jump in q3dm6 for example)

And like Che said, handling the weapons in the right way while performing complex movement is one of the most important things there. Many Sammers only play instagib in ut or quake because they "dont like the spam" or something. No offense, but to me it looks like that they just cant handle the weapons.

10-22-2003, 02:50 AM
Can any of you do the trick jumps in Sam??

I mean go from the lava in Fortress to the top by jumping on the edge of the ramps. You can do these jumps on any map with a ramp. Or are these jumps considered no skill. :rolleyes:

I don&#39;t agree with your argument that UT or Quake takes more skill to play than Sam. Either you are good at these types of games or you are not. :rolleyes:
I am just speaking from my personal experience, having played all these games.

10-22-2003, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by FASTway@Oct 21 2003, 10:50 PM
Can any of you do the trick jumps in Sam??

I mean go from the lava in Fortress to the top by jumping on the edge of the ramps. You can do these jumps on any map with a ramp. Or are these jumps considered no skill. :rolleyes:

I don&#39;t agree with your argument that UT or Quake takes more skill to play than Sam. Either you are good at these types of games or you are not. :rolleyes:
I am just speaking from my personal experience, having played all these games.
hey fastway, how often can you do that, just curious, seems to me
like a very low probability jump, much easier is the jump to the cannon
or the grenade...

10-22-2003, 03:06 AM
I could do them 1 out of 3 at best. FS could do it more often than that. I would say those jumps are harder than tapping the stafe key twice like you have to do in UT. No??? :rolleyes:

10-22-2003, 03:22 AM
I think you should uninstall the game and go buy UT2003 and play a real game :D

10-22-2003, 03:38 AM
says the man that wears cement boots. I guess SS was my first fps, it
just has a smoothness and flow that cannot be matched in any other
game. sure, people gripe about lag, they gripe about updates. but the
netplay is likely something tacked on as a bonus to the game, and for
that purpose, it works tremendously well...

10-22-2003, 03:44 AM
I just play in hope that someday I might see Fastway playing. ;)

10-22-2003, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by Fetzer@Oct 19 2003, 06:40 AM
The reason why in 1.07 there are more skilled players is because the majority of the regulars has moved there. But that doesnt mean that Serious difficulty takes a big amount skill. Some players there are just walking around with the shotty all the time (no weapon switching, no coordinated movement) and still own all.

On normal difficulty movement and weapon combos are far more important. If youre just standing there with the shotgun and try to frag people across the level you wont have any success. Also, randomly shooting rockets at walls in order to kill someone doesnt work out because the rocket spash damage is much lower than in Serious diff.

If you compare Serious Sam with games like UT or Quake you&#39;ll notice that all the fancy spam tactics SS has to offer cant do sh1t there. Thats why many good Sam players are having such a hard time learning new games - they dont have a basis which allows them to rather easily adapt to games that require more skill.

Normal difficulty is at least one step nearer to skillful gaming, unlike Serious difficulty.

Edit: woah, 5 new posts while i was typing this.

10-22-2003, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by FASTway@Oct 20 2003, 06:51 PM
Plus all these games suffer from spamming. If I play Quake or UT it is instagib because I hate the spam/no skill weapons in regular deathmatch.
errr what? maybe grenades, but they dont fire fast at all and dont have much splash. if youre playing a giant ffa it comes in handy, but not with 5-8 people (unless bunched in a room). The only completely no skill weapon in Quake3 is the BFG. And thats actually takes a few hits if you have armor.

Quake II (Lithium) has spam, its annoying (especially on Tokay&#39;s Towers where EVERYONE goes for the rocket launcher which is in the middle), but at least i can survive a couple rockets to auto switch to it. Although the great thing is weapons stay.

10-22-2003, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by FASTway@Oct 21 2003, 07:50 PM
Can any of you do the trick jumps in Sam??

I mean go from the lava in Fortress to the top by jumping on the edge of the ramps. You can do these jumps on any map with a ramp. Or are these jumps considered no skill. :rolleyes:

I don&#39;t agree with your argument that UT or Quake takes more skill to play than Sam. Either you are good at these types of games or you are not.&nbsp; :rolleyes:
I am just speaking from my personal experience, having played all these games.
increased speed of knife = these jumps. They werent even intended. There "glitches" in the map and dont make sense (and not always helpful). Like running on the side in fortress, the hell?

And that stupid strafe to the left and right constantly (which looks like they gained The Flash&#39;s powers) which is easily taken care of at times, sometimes it isnt so easy.

btw strafe jumping isnt always useful. it TOTALLY gives away your position. I played two other guys ffa on LAN and they were better than me (i still was right behind them though), and i strafe jumped a lot more than they did, got my ass handed to me in duels. Always could hear my jumping sounds.

10-22-2003, 05:46 AM
it is interesting to note here that some people here, there first fps game was Serious Sam. Now i know fetzer and someothers including myself have been playing FPS long before sam, and multiplayer fps long before it as well. I started out playing multiplayer Quake and Duke3D, and then the rest of quakes, unreal and so on. We&#39;ve adapted to how those games have setup DM.

Sam was the first fps game i played where you could increase the damage level (and splash level) of guns so much in DM (which i think was originally intended for coop only) that one or two shots from anything killed someone, even with armor (from a large distance depending on weapon). The first game where if you had the knife out, you ran crazy fast messing up the physics at times. I adapated but i still preferred the old style, as that was the first i played. It&#39;s probably the same for people who have Sam as their first FPS. It&#39;s the first one, therefore it is the best to them, the first way they played it.

At a LAN we played Serious Sam FE DM for a little bit after we stopped playing the coop mode. Now this is automatically setup like serious damage mode, where everything does huge amounts of damage. My friend, who isnt even a person who plays many fps (he prefers rpgs) and is a total newb at them especially at deathmatch, was actually pretty close in score to me.

10-22-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by FASTway
I could do them 1 out of 3 at best. FS could do it more often than that. I would say those jumps are harder than tapping the stafe key twice like you have to do in UT. No???

Dodge jump &#33;= trick jump

If you say tapping the strafe key twice is a trick jump in UT then you also have to say tapping the jump key once is a trick jump in SS. This is both wrong. All the trick jumps in Sam are combined with coordinated movement, timing and whatnot - just like in UT or Quake.

However, i agree that SS has difficult trick jumps aswell and maybe even harder ones than in other games, but thats not what i was speaking of.
In SS those jumps arent entirely necessary for the player to be good/successful. But if you try playing for example q3 mods like ra3 or CPMa without using trick jumps all the time, you are in a fix.

I agree with what Slik said. The game you&#39;ve played first or for the longest time is the one that leaves its mark on you. Many Quakers dont like UT because of the movement or weapons, same with UTers and Quake, UTers/Quakers and SS, 1.07ers and 1.05 and so on. They all have different opinions on how a game is balanced, how it takes skill and how it is fun.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-22-2003, 12:31 PM
I agree with your "first love" theory. Sam is a great game for people who are just learning to play games on their PC.
In other words, a newb can get the hang of it pretty quickly, and if they improve...they improve.....and if they don&#39;t......well,.....they play like me. :)

10-22-2003, 01:20 PM
*lol* HPC :)

10-22-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by MR. SLiK+Oct 22 2003, 01:37 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MR. SLiK @ Oct 22 2003, 01:37 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-FASTway@Oct 21 2003, 07:50 PM
Can any of you do the trick jumps in Sam??

I mean go from the lava in Fortress to the top by jumping on the edge of the ramps. You can do these jumps on any map with a ramp. Or are these jumps considered no skill. :rolleyes:

I don&#39;t agree with your argument that UT or Quake takes more skill to play than Sam. Either you are good at these types of games or you are not.* :rolleyes:
I am just speaking from my personal experience, having played all these games.
increased speed of knife = these jumps. They werent even intended. There "glitches" in the map and dont make sense (and not always helpful). Like running on the side in fortress, the hell? [/b][/quote]
Isn&#39;t strafe jumping in Q3 also a glitch? An exploit that was never originally intended?

10-22-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Sirc+Oct 22 2003, 02:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sirc @ Oct 22 2003, 02:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by MR. SLiK@Oct 22 2003, 01:37 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-FASTway@Oct 21 2003, 07:50 PM
Can any of you do the trick jumps in Sam??

I mean go from the lava in Fortress to the top by jumping on the edge of the ramps. You can do these jumps on any map with a ramp. Or are these jumps considered no skill. :rolleyes:

I don&#39;t agree with your argument that UT or Quake takes more skill to play than Sam. Either you are good at these types of games or you are not.* :rolleyes:
I am just speaking from my personal experience, having played all these games.
increased speed of knife = these jumps. They werent even intended. There "glitches" in the map and dont make sense (and not always helpful). Like running on the side in fortress, the hell?
Isn&#39;t strafe jumping in Q3 also a glitch? An exploit that was never originally intended? [/b][/quote]
It was a bug in Q1, but they didnt remove it in Q2 and Q3 because the community thought it was cool. Nearly every map is designed according to it.

10-22-2003, 03:42 PM
damn fetzer, this thread really boosts your postcount ;)

10-22-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by ForrestFunk@Oct 22 2003, 03:42 PM

damn fetzer, this thread really boosts your postcount ;)

Hehe i know. Couldnt care less though :P

10-22-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Twin])I2agon@Oct 19 2003, 07:03 AM
OMG just f@ckin forget it dude. Go back to 107 and ur serious pussy level where u just need to look at some1 to kill em.
I dont know who started this DB-Shotgun sh|t but it really sux me up. Why cant ppl use the weapons they want ? Eh u know what u dont use rockets cuz u always fire them up ur own ass. :rolleyes:
Guys like u f@ck up the entire game.

Cant hear that bullsh|t anymore.
U really like to use the "OMG" don&#39;t you ? :P

10-22-2003, 06:01 PM
OMG yea now that u say it :rolleyes: