View Full Version : Quake III Runner

10-20-2003, 06:16 PM
Can someone please give me a few guide lines on the configuration settings ..regarding Quake III Runner...Many Many thanks in advance ... :jammin:

10-20-2003, 10:53 PM
What would you like to do? Its a nice app for running a server. I use q3asc and
really havent used q3runner all that much. what are you having trouble with.
Fragetti :wave:

10-20-2003, 11:24 PM
Buy the way. When you setup and name a server it will save the server config file in your baseq3 folder. ;) You can at that time goto the config file and open it with notepad and make changes there. :thumbs: Just read down the config file and make your changes. it is quite self explanitory :blink:

10-21-2003, 07:44 AM
Sorry Frag for not been more specific.. :bandhead: ..Basicly i just want to get the best from the server i run...With some fine tuned configurations im sure i can get it running smoothly....I got the server running no problems maps rotating e.t.c but i wasnt 100% happy with it..i just wonder now if theres any better ways of running a server you mention "q3asc "..What is this and can you point me in the right direction for this..i tried also running an o.s.p server ..that just connnected me to another server.. :blink: lol...I knew i should have kept on playing quake III all them years ago..i used to play it on 56k modem and after a while i disgarded my quake disc until recently..the game Rocks..My connection now is 1mb cable broadband a friend of mine runs a server in 1.31..he can hold 8 players n/p and he is on 512kbps cable broad band...but he's away for a few months ..anyways ive dribbled on enough here drifting slightly off topic .. :oooo: ..But i think youll get the general idea.sorry for been less specific in the opening post..and thanks in advance. :thumbs:

10-21-2003, 10:34 AM
No problem :thumbs: heres the linky for q3asc

q3asc (http://www.planetquake.com/q3asc/download.html)

It all comes down to bandwith. your upload speed more than download speed.
remeber the more bots the more memory you will need. set your sv_maxrate to
25000. other than that you get what you get. check the pinned threads in the Quake forums for more info and tips. any other questions just ask :wave:

More Info

game admims.com (http://gameadmins.com/)

10-21-2003, 06:13 PM
Fragetti thank you for your time and patience good sir ..im just about to check the linky out and ill get back to you if any problems occur...thanks again this is very much appreciated.. :jammin:

Sv max rate ...where is this.? ...lol.. :unsure:
Max & Min Player pings..should be.?.. :hmmm:
Also how do i set up the basic maps as the ones i have are all mods..? :rolleyes:

If im been a pain tell me lol...but thanks in advance again.. :thumbs:

10-21-2003, 10:54 PM
Those setting are all setup in your config file. if you like I will send you one of mine
and you can see for your self. What piont release are you running? you should be using 1.32 unless there a Mod you like that will only run on earlyer releases.

max&min ping I set to 0 or default
as far as maps go all players must have all your maps so keep that in mind when you add them. at the bottom of your config file you will see something like this:

set m1 "map q3dm2;set nextmap vstr m2"
set m2 "map q3dm4;set nextmap vstr m3"
set m3 "map q3dm6;set nextmap vstr m4"
set m4 "map q3dm7;set nextmap vstr m5"
set m5 "map q3dm8;set nextmap vstr m6"
set m6 "map q3dm9;set nextmap vstr m7"
set m7 "map q3tourney4;set nextmap vstr m8"
set m8 "map q3dm13;set nextmap vstr m9"
set m9 "map q3dm14;set nextmap vstr m10"
set m10 "map q3dm15;set nextmap vstr m11"
set m11 "g_gametype 4;map q3ctf2;set nextmap vstr m12"
set m12 "g_gametype 3;map q3dm16;set nextmap vstr m1"

// Wait a bit and start the first map
vstr m1

add or delete your maps here just remember to number them in seqence.


10-22-2003, 07:43 AM
Fragetti thank-you.. :thumbs: I ran a dedicated internet game ...which had the usual maps in..worked fine "server visable people could join"..Im on 1.31 point release..Because like i said a friend of mine carried on playing all those years ago when i stopped, he advised me to install the 1.31 P.R ..ive got the 1.32 P.R ..ill see how things go ..then make the leap i think ..So thanks so much for your help it was perfect.the server seemed to run better with this server configurator than the quake 3 runner...If its ok with you can i pm you if theres any problems..?...If so thanks again in advance .... :thumbs:

10-22-2003, 10:05 PM
Sure PM me any time :thumbs: Do you use a router? that may be why people can join. make sure you open your ports and put your IP out on the DMZ. I run 1.32 PR so I may not be able to join your server. what is your IP? :wave:

10-23-2003, 08:17 AM
I will P.M you the I.P and let you know when i have a quake server running..then you can check it out and see if theres any more things that can be done..No i dont use a router..people where joining fine and no one complained..Will i have to install the quake point release 1.32 for you if so i dont mind..And who knows you might be able to show me some good fragging techniques.. :thumbs:

10-23-2003, 10:11 PM
Thats not a problem. Just remember if you install the 1.32 point release your Buddy will not be able to join unless he updates too :(. you do know that I run several Q3 servers :oooo:

My (GM) Servers (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21772)

10-25-2003, 09:38 AM
Ahaa ..your the server admi for the outlaws servers in quake3 thats cool..Ok my friend im going to make the leap tonight ..and get my backside kicked ..lol..Ill pm you when ive made the leap..so my whooping can comence.. :thumbs:

10-25-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Pitbull@Oct 25 2003, 04:38 AM
Ahaa ..your the server admi for the outlaws servers in quake3 thats cool..Ok my friend im going to make the leap tonight ..and get my backside kicked ..lol..Ill pm you when ive made the leap..so my whooping can comence.. :thumbs:
Thats cool :thumbs: Tonight I am playing in a UT2k tourney @ 9 est.

So I will not be able to hook up with you unless its earlyer :(

Also do you have the Alliance Mod if not get everything you need here.

install the 1.32 piont release with punk buster first. then install all the Alliance stuff
Alliance 3.0 then the update then the map packs 1 & 2 go here for fast D/L

www.gamemeccamaps.net (http://www.gamemeccamaps.net)

any problem let me know just follow the instuctions they are all exe files :thumbs:

10-26-2003, 08:10 AM
Thanks again soooo much...Also Frag ..i keep having this problem..
My player controls are configured for the mouse wheel to switch weapons..now occasionaly when i change player model,i loose this capability ..but the control configuration is still showing as mouse wheel up switches to next weapon :bawling: ..This is so frustrating ..have you ever encountered this problem and is there a fix for it ..Thanks in advance .."I would be up the creek with no paddle without your help"..So a big THANKYOU!

11-05-2003, 12:41 AM
Hehe this isn't about the topic but how do I put an image on my signiture:D