View Full Version : Protect question

Death Engineer
10-27-2003, 04:14 PM
I have a lil question about the protect ability for tanks. I am wondering if 2 tanks put protect on a caster/healer, is that any better (ie. more chance to divert aggro) than just 1?

I have asked all kinds of people in the game and no one really seems to know for sure. I may have to forward this question on to Sanya.

This came up when I suggested making an ice wizzy group with 2 wizards, 4 tanks, a healer and pbt. 2 tanks protect one wiz and the other 2 tanks protect the other one. Healer and pbt could basically be bots. Anyone ever tried something like this? I can envision the diamond seals now... :angel:


OUTLAWS The Machine
10-27-2003, 04:31 PM
I believe having 2 tanks with protect on you would double the chance of them being able to draw the aggro away from you. When I have protect on a wizzy or a healer and I am attacking a mob and the wizzy is casting or the healer is healing i will see in my text box "you have successfully distracted . . . . " or something to that effect. So my guess would be that it would basically double the chance of holding aggro off you. Protect only works on the mob that the tank is attacking.

Death Engineer
10-27-2003, 04:57 PM
I'm doubting that it's double given the nature of most of the other complex formulas in the game. Thanks for the input tho. I didn't know about the tanks target thing.