View Full Version : teamspeak

10-28-2003, 12:19 PM
i am new to this software and wonder if anyone can explain how to use it and who is using it. i often miss the messages being sent to me and think it would be great if i can just hear people talk rather reading everything.

how does it work with daoc?
how do you connect with it during game play?
is the server open for everyone in outlaws of darkeness?
how do you know who you are talking to whn in a game?
who, what, when, where, why--thanks for the help

10-28-2003, 01:42 PM
You have to connect to it before you start the game.
The server is open for everyone in the OoD.
You have to ask whom you are talking to when you are in game. When you are not in game you see a list of who is on the ts server in the ts window.

To use it: Install the ts client, go to conneticon --> connect, right click on Servers --> add server. Call it whatever you want for example Outlaws of darkness. Click on the new added server. On the right side you will see following picture. Add the info like you can see in the pic (only write not BainSidhe but your name in ;)) press connect and you sould find you on the server.

10-28-2003, 01:42 PM
PS the Password is posted somewhere in the pinned thread I think

10-28-2003, 02:08 PM

You are not wrong about you missing message that I have send you so many times. :rofl:

Listen I setup DarkRellic already and need to show a few more things.

Also I can call you if you ever pickup the phone man. :rofl:

Anyway call me man and I will go through it step by step and it's easy trust me.