View Full Version : Gonna need a bit of help tonight

10-29-2003, 11:13 PM
Should be able to do this with a person lev 40+

I gotta do my 43 epic.
If you are interested please contact me.


Once again, your help is needed to gather information to help defend the Realm of Albion (sorta makes me feel like an infiltrator)… This quest was relatively simple in execution with a decent reward (for my class). It involves much travel time and the mobs you end up getting information from conned orange at level 43.

Once you are at level 43, visit your main class trainer and they will send you off on yet another adventurous romp up and down the length of Albion. You are given The Feast of the Decadent quest and your first stop is to visit Arly Camden in Sauvage Castle.

Arly tells you a story about BWCA’s attacking outposts and he requests that you gather information and take what you find to Caelin Finian who is also in Sauvage Castle.

Killing a regular BWCA, grey to a level 43, does not satisfy the quest. Angry BWCA’s spawn in a couple of camps in Snowdownia and possibly in other zones. The one that I went to was located in Snowdownia at 8k, 30k. Find an Angry BWCA, orange and red con then kill it. Once you do, you will find a Blood Marked BWCA Hide in your inventory and a text message that tells you that you sense you have learned all you can from the BWCA’s. Head back to Caelin in Sauvage Castle.

Give the hide to Caelin and he will examine it. After doing so, he will give it back and ask you to take it to Elvinia Dareal in Caer Witrin. Down to Avalon Marsh you go to visit Elvinia. Giving her the hide did not trigger a response from her. Say ‘Caelin’ and she will tell you that she needs you to find the Rangers of the Tylwyth Teg and get from them some Tylwyth Teg brew to assist her visions.

Tylwyth Teg Rangers are orange con and spawn along the northern zone wall of Snowdownia. I had difficulty finding a single ranger here and later found singles in Forest Sauvage. Kill one and you will find a bottle of elven brew in your inventory. Take this back to Elvinia. The
location is 53K,39K in Pennine Mountain. The location is not far from the
Forrest Sauvage/Pennine Mountain border so shouldnt be any problems finding

Give Elvinia the elven brew and she tells you that it will take a while for the spell to work. She gives you a reward and asks you to return at a later time. At 43 I got over 985,000,000 exp, about 1 bubble

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-30-2003, 12:27 AM
I'm signing back on around 8:00pm est.

10-30-2003, 01:02 AM
I'm not too far from having to do this quest myself, I would love to go along with you all and help out. Just send me a tell and i'll come running.

10-30-2003, 04:58 AM
Quest Complete.

Thanks to Laurelle and Shodin.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-30-2003, 06:04 AM
Glad to help another Outlaw. Sorry I had to leave before it was finished. I told you I was decorating a cake for Savanna's Halloween Party tomorrow at dance class. Here is the finished cake.

Congrats Whocares on your quest!

10-30-2003, 06:05 AM
:jammin: :jammin:

10-30-2003, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Dixie Chick@Oct 30 2003, 12:04 AM
Glad to help another Outlaw. Sorry I had to leave before it was finished. I told you I was decorating a cake for Savanna's Halloween Party tomorrow at dance class. Here is the finished cake.

Congrats Whocares on your quest!
:w00t: I want the piece with the most frosting!!! :shifty:

10-30-2003, 08:29 AM
Congrats Who, I had fun and was glad to help you! :wootrock:

I'm ready to do Dixie's next. It will much easier now that we know where to find that turkey. ;)

Pass the cake :D

10-30-2003, 12:11 PM

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-30-2003, 12:13 PM

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-30-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Oct 30 2003, 03:29 AM
Congrats Who, I had fun and was glad to help you! :wootrock:

I'm ready to do Dixie's next. It will much easier now that we know where to find that turkey. ;)

Pass the cake :D
I do the same quest as the paly, not the armsmen. :bandhead:

I volunteer someone else to drive. :rofl:

10-30-2003, 12:21 PM
Here is Dixie's Quest. Count me in.:

[Step #1] Speak to Sister Deane at Vetusta Abbey of the [new evil] that plagues Albion.

Go out from camelot north gate, then turn left, the church will in front of you.

[Step #2] Seek out those Templars that reside near the Hibernian portal keep within Hadrin's Wall, you can also attain these in the Barrows. Do what you must to learn what evil is strong enough to to lead them astray! (Approx. location of Templars is 21k,10k in Hadrian's Wall.)

They are neutral. Talk to one of the templar(right click), then they will attack you. Kill one of them, and you will get a "Templar focus gem". Templars are level 50+.

[Step #3] Meet with Bertie Dracon at Swanton Keep. Hand to him the Tempar focus gem.

[Step #4] Speak with Bertie Dracon at Swanton Keep. Ask him of the [path of purity].

[Step #5] Travel with haste to the Stonehenge barrows. Locate the Templars that seek to defile the tomb of Uther and slay them all! So long as you carry the Templar focus gem, you will know when they are near.

That Templar near Vigilant Souls. Kill him, and there will 2 more add.

Death Engineer
10-30-2003, 02:37 PM
Keep in mind that you don't really have to go up to HW (Hadrian's Wall) for Dixie's quest. You can just do it in the barrows.


10-30-2003, 05:46 PM
Whooooa those Templars are nasty, We'll beat them down! http://www.outlawsrulez.com/smile/fighttime/chuck.gif
Maybe :P

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-30-2003, 06:16 PM
Let me know what time. :thumbs:

Death Engineer
10-30-2003, 06:57 PM
I can bring my cleric if needed.


OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-30-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Death Engineer@Oct 30 2003, 01:57 PM
I can bring my cleric if needed.

Please do.

We have Savanna's dance class Halloween Party tonight. Maybe if we can't do it tonight we can quest tomorrow night or the weekend.

Hey Blaylock and anyone else interested, let me know what time is good for you. :thumbs: