View Full Version : Armswoman help please.

10-31-2003, 07:04 AM
I have read the link (LINK) (http://www.classesofcamelot.com/misc/ClassGuides/armsman2.asp) and have decided to follow it and spec the polearm for my new character AIDAH. It says to put points into slash and polearm at first. But isn't polearm a thrust weapon - or does this mean i will be carrying a sword and shield aswell and be swapping between the two - if so how do s you swap quickly?

Can anyone explain this for me please.

10-31-2003, 02:49 PM
That's a really cool site and I looked high and low trying to find a point chart for the scout like you found for the armsman with no luck :WTF: Where did you find that on that site?

Death Engineer
10-31-2003, 04:14 PM
Polearm is similar to 2H (2 handed) spec in that it raises your maximum damage with your weapon. There are 3 kinds of polearm weapons (just like most swords): Slash, Crush and Thrust. You should pick the weapon type that matches your secondary weapon specialization (ie. If your main spec is Polearm, secondary is Slash, get a slash polearm weapon).

Speccing in the weapon type (slash, crush or thrust) will raise your minimum damage and effectively even out your damage (make it more consistent).

All of these arguments apply to 2H weapons as well. Hope that helps.


10-31-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Death Engineer@Oct 31 2003, 11:14 AM
Polearm is similar to 2H (2 handed) spec in that it raises your maximum damage with your weapon.  There are 3 kinds of polearm weapons (just like most swords): Slash, Crush and Thrust.  You should pick the weapon type that matches your secondary weapon specialization (ie.  If your main spec is Polearm, secondary is Slash, get a slash polearm weapon).

Speccing in the weapon type (slash, crush or thrust) will raise your minimum damage and effectively even out your damage (make it more consistent).

All of these arguments apply to 2H weapons as well.  Hope that helps.

This is a bit confusing to me where I spec my points in bow but would that go for Jag's duel wield as well? He should evenly spec slash as well as duel wield to get maximum damage?

Note: He may be doing that already but not quite sure.

Death Engineer
10-31-2003, 04:24 PM
DW (Dual Wield) is actually much different. It is similar to the calculations used for shield in that each point put into the spec increases a chance to perform an activity (eg. hit with off-hand or block with shield).

The basic idea on 2H and Polearm specs is:

Polearm/2H spec raises Max damage (only!!)


Weapon spec (crush/slash/thrust) raises Min damage (only!!)

DW (and Longbow) is actually much more complicated.


10-31-2003, 04:27 PM
Thx DE. I think I'll be 60 before I completely figure out this game :blink: :lol:

Death Engineer
10-31-2003, 05:44 PM
BTW, that was a really good link. We should add that to the links page.


10-31-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Oct 31 2003, 09:49 AM
That's a really cool site and I looked high and low trying to find a point chart for the scout like you found for the armsman with no luck :WTF: Where did you find that on that site?
Forget it, I just saw the link where you got it. The scout doesn't have that link :bawling: