View Full Version : TOA for me :)

Death Engineer
11-01-2003, 06:36 AM
Well, I picked up my copy of TOA today and my goodness!! What the heck is up with that TOA skin? I promptly dumped that pastel crap for the SI skin that I've come to love.

I've yet to explore any of the new zones, but I did check out some of the scenery with the new trees. Neato burrito for the first time or two. Then it just sucks down the fps. Time to turn those suckas back to SI-type.

Any suggestions on how to get started on the MAs? Cleric or Wizard first?


11-02-2003, 04:58 PM
So far ToA has been OK.. i love the graphics and all, but i think i went through 100g restoring con the first few days :bandhead: i'd suggest to do the MA lvls with ur wizard first, but thats only bc i don't like playing a cleric ;) It's really up to u. Who do u play more? and who would be more useful with MORE power? It will probably end up being the cleric since a good percent of daoc players have clerics just for bots