View Full Version : Max Payne 2

Death Engineer
11-01-2003, 06:23 PM
I just got a chance to play Max Payne 2 on a brand spankin new Dell Machine, (3.2Ghz, 9800 Radeon, 512MB). And wow, let me tell you, the graphics are impressive. It ran without a glitch on 1024x768 at 6x AA.

The graphics aren't all that's good about this game either. Besides being a solid FPS (or third person shooter, actually), there are lots of other cool things. The physics engine is amazing. You can run into small objects and they will roll across the floor and stop where you'd expect them to in real life.

And the bullet time effects are sweet. Too bad Enter The Matrix was my first experience with this concept.

If you haven't had a chance, check this game out as the graphics will totally blow you away with the realism and detail. Be prepared for a good number of cut scenes though. :P


EDIT: I picked up this game and installed it and it runs fairly well on my machine (XP2000+, GF3 TI200, 512MB). I ran it at 1024x768 with no AA and it was very smooth.

11-01-2003, 10:00 PM
How did you get to use such a sweet system?

Death Engineer
11-02-2003, 02:15 AM
Cousins house. :)

11-02-2003, 12:32 PM
My friend has a P3 700MHz system 256 RAM GeForce 4 MX-420 and it runs pretty well!

11-05-2003, 12:33 AM
Ahhh man I WANNA PLAY MAX PAYNE 2 TOO!! Im gonna get that NOW! I heard its an AWSOME GAME. Can you play online? :hmmm:

11-05-2003, 02:07 AM
no. but it is still awesome.